Angel's home timeline


  1. !atlantabronies Hey Guys! I'm here for a Momocon Update. If any of you would like to host a panel at Momocon for MLP, please look at this site to find out more info on how to submit a panel request for the convention.

    Monday, 24-Oct-11 01:31:19 UTC from web
  2. @lemonite !atlantabronies Ok here it goes...*applebloomdeepbreath*... Momocon is an anime convention held every spring that has been running in Atlanta since 2005. It started in Georgia Tech's club Anime O-Tekku, And was usually held on Georgia Tech's Student Center since last year. We have been growing on such a massive scale that we relocated to the GT Hotel and Conference Center, but even that couldn't contain the growth (We had almost 12K warm bodies in attendance). So now it has moved to the Marriot Marquis in downtown Atlanta (yes one of the dragon-con buildings), and a new pay model has been implemented in order to bring in more space, more guests, another day of con, and overall make the con better. It starts of at $20 for preorder before Oct 15, then $25 after that, and $30 at the door. As for planning, I suggested a meetup similar to AWA and D*Con at the D*Con meetup, but since the con is in the spring nothing is set yet.

    Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 12:48:16 UTC from web
  3. !atlantabronies Am I the only one who thinks it is kinda awesome that Neil Nadelman is a brony?

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 01:25:48 UTC from web
  4. !atlantabronies So what's this MomoCon dealio and what brony things are planned for it? I've gathered that they are charging a fee for the first time this year.

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:24:41 UTC from web
    • !atlantabronies Well the con was indeed fun, met alot of bronies in passing. Even more through the meetups. Sorry to anypony who got bored at mine, was the first time I have ever set anything like that up, but the experience has taught me a good bit so hopefully the one I set up for next year's AWA will be better. ^_^

      Monday, 03-Oct-11 03:13:04 UTC from web
    • !atlantabronies There are two Pony-related events at AWA on Saturday: Ponies are Magic!/2PM @ Habersham/Waverly room. And "My Little Pony: How did it come to this?" in the Williams ballroom @ 5 (or 5:30PM).

      Friday, 30-Sep-11 17:22:48 UTC from web
      • !atlantabronies I will be at AWA! cant wait for the meetup

        Friday, 30-Sep-11 04:56:47 UTC from web
        • !atlantabronies IMPORTANT UPDATE!!! After reviewing the schedule for the con i have decided to move the meeting time to 1PM INSTEAD OF 12PM. The DAY and PLACE remain the SAME, only the time has changed. Thank you, I hope to see you all there! ^_^

          Thursday, 29-Sep-11 01:24:59 UTC from web
          • !atlantabronies Don't exactly live in Atlanta, I live in Columbus, but I'm coming to Atlanta for AWA next weekend and was wondering if there was gonna be a meetup there. If so when, where?

            Sunday, 25-Sep-11 20:47:11 UTC from web
            • !atlantabronies Hey guys! Had a fun time again tonight with the GT Bronies group. We watched both episodes, and generally had a good time! We are beginning to channel our Twilight, trying to get more organized by setting up a structure and form for the meetings. We plan on getting food at the meetups in the future. Also, we are now on Facebook, under the name GaTechBronies! You can also get on our mailing list at We will not be meeting next weekend, due to AWA and the episode hiatus. Thanks everyone!

              Sunday, 25-Sep-11 04:42:03 UTC from web
              • !atlantabronies Thanks for the great time, however short it seemed. Maybe next time a get-to-know eachpony should be in order?

                Sunday, 25-Sep-11 02:33:54 UTC from web
                • !atlantabronies Well being that tsukisama87 will have his camera at the con: ATTENTION ALL ATLANTA AREA BRONIES ATTENDING "ANIME WEEKEND ATLANTA", There will be a meet/greet FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30th(the first day of the con) in the atrium area of the "Renaissance Waverly Hotel" @ Approx. 12:00 Noon, under the elevators. Assuming there are not a crap-ton of folks already gathered there. In the event that the spot is already taken or the time changes I will update with the pertinent information here on the group. Just for sanity's sake lest get an unofficial headcount thingy, reply to this post if you think you'll make it.

                  Friday, 23-Sep-11 21:45:53 UTC from web
                • !atlantabronies Holy Crap I totally forgot to rebookmark RD after I reinstalled windows on my comp! Anyway, I will definitely try to make the next GT meetup if possible since it is in 2 days. I will definitely have my camera for AWA and would be glad to document!

                  Friday, 23-Sep-11 01:05:38 UTC from web
                  • !atlantabronies Hey ATL bronies, anyone able to come over to mableton to pick me up for this meeting on saturday? because i has no car.. but i do have money, for gas!

                    Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 22:42:53 UTC from web
                  • !atlantabronies So it is getting to be about that time so I'm wondering, is anypony gonna try to set up a meeting time/place at Anime Weekend Atlanta? I know tsukisama87 was talking about trying to get a table at the "Super Happy Fun Sale", but is anypony else going/planning anything? If possible I'd at least like to try to do a simple meet & greet. I can try to set it up, but everything would be up in the air really 'till I got my program pook Thursday night and planned out my weekend >.<.

                    Saturday, 17-Sep-11 01:38:20 UTC from web
                  • !atlantabronies Loved the meet up at the Klaus building cant wait till the next one!

                    Sunday, 18-Sep-11 19:57:23 UTC from web
                    • @zaelyx !atlantabronies Damn. If I didn't already have plans to be out of town that evening, I'd totally be there like Soarin on an apple pie. Hope you do something like that again soon!

                      Friday, 16-Sep-11 20:55:48 UTC from web
                      • !atlantabronies The reply I received: "We plan on meeting outside of Klaus between 8 and 8:30, and the number of bronies that show up will determine what happens next. Since we aren't an "official" group, we are not allowed to reserve a room using the standard method. But that's okay, so long as nobody has reserved the room, we can just take it. We basically just plan on meeting up, hanging out and watching the first episode of season 2 (I know it isn't live, but I thought we could get a better turnout at night). If all goes well, it'd be wonderful to meet up again the next week; we could watch the season as a community, which would be really fun. If you have any idea of some other ponies who will come, let me know! I don't expect an RSVP but just a rough estimate will be nice." I will definitely be there, but now I have to make the agonizing choice of whether or not to watch it live online. You can find the poster here:

                        Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 19:30:05 UTC in context
                      • @zaelyx !atlantabronies Glad to see you made it to the network! See you saturday!

                        Wednesday, 14-Sep-11 03:06:04 UTC in context
                      • @floofyhoof !atlantabronies Don't worry, brony! We are planning on getting together EVERY week on Saturday so we can watch the new episodes. We got around 40 people attending actually! We watched the Anthology and the new episode and hung out afterwards (Still need to do a write-up though). Me and Zaelyx will probably be running them from now on. The next meeting will be next Saturday at 6:30 PM at the Klaus Building on Georgia Tech's campus. Big thanks again to Zaelyx for helping to bring us together! Your awesome! /)^3^(\

                        Sunday, 18-Sep-11 17:28:20 UTC in context
                    • Hey !atlantabronies, I know it's sorta last minute, but some friends of mine are throwing a season 2 pony party Sunday evening at 7:30 up at their house off of Wade Green road in Kennesaw, and they wanted me to invite you guys too! Send me a PM here, or a text to 678-664-4256 for the address and to let me know if you can make it. Gotta make sure there'll be enough cupcakes (so sweet and tasty) for everyone. Hope you can make it!

                      Friday, 16-Sep-11 20:52:48 UTC from web
                    • @zaelyx !atlantabronies I'm definitely going to try and make it to that meeting.

                      Friday, 16-Sep-11 02:27:24 UTC from web
                      • @mistabrony !atlantabronies Wow, I was really expecting it to be by you! I saw the poster while I was leaving a lecture and was blocking the path of other students, so I quickly tore off an info slip and left. I sent an e-mail saying I was interested and wanted more information and directed them here.

                        Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 17:14:15 UTC from web
                        • @qwerty !atlantabronies I know it wasn't me! Is the person who posted this planning on a showing of Season 2? And when is the Klaus Meetup?

                          Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 17:06:56 UTC from web
                        • !atlantabronies I saw a poster of the attached file today in the Howey Physics Building at Georgia Tech with tear-away contact info: and 404-981-8639. The poster also announced a meet-up at the Klaus Computing Building. It definitely made my heart soar when I saw it, but did one of you do this or is it someone new?

                          Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 15:57:31 UTC from web
                        • !atlantabronies There's no way I could make it to AWA. I have too many other expenditures coming up.

                          Sunday, 11-Sep-11 22:36:53 UTC from web
                          • !atlantabronies 0.0 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF...... I just realized that I have a WEDDING I have to attend on AWA weekend, so there is no way for me to make it this year T^T. I want to see awesome pics!

                            Sunday, 11-Sep-11 07:03:33 UTC from web
                            • @lemonite !atlantabronies I believe Mutki is trying to get a meetup at AWA (Anime Weekend Atlanta) in about 3 weeks. I know I will be attending the con, so worst case scenario we will do an unofficial meetup. Weekend passes for AWA are like 50 bucks so its a lot cheaper than D*Con. Hopefully, we will here from Mutki soon. @mutki I am willing to help in anyway I can!

                              Saturday, 10-Sep-11 17:00:06 UTC from web
                              • !atlantabronies I'm going to do Braeburn, Soarin, and RBD next year. Those are the three I think I can really work best with and make them interesting. I don't want to wear a costume if it doesn't attract anypony's attention. On a separate note, do we have any other meetups planned? Anything else coming up?

                                Saturday, 10-Sep-11 05:22:18 UTC from web
                                • Hypothetical question time! I know we've got a bunch of non-furries here (or at least furries who don't attend cons), this one's for you. Would you be more inclined to attend a furry convention if it ran an FiM track of panels? I'm curious to know. Also throwin this out there for my !atlantabronies, too.

                                  Friday, 09-Sep-11 23:42:16 UTC from web
                                • @lemonite !atlantabronies I would consult the other cosplayers in the group. Really it doesn't matter in my eyes which group shows up. The Mane 6 makes more sense as a GROUP, but on an individual basis it doesn't matter. Again it really depends on what your fellow cosplayers want, whether you want to be individual (giving you the freedom to go off on your own) or part of a set (having to stay with the group for pics of the set)

                                  Friday, 09-Sep-11 12:25:00 UTC from web
                                  • @qwerty @lemonite !atlantabronies I'm glad that people liked my idea with the Pocket Ponies for the badges XD. I was underestimating how many people would be there (or even more so wanting one) so I ended up having way to few, but never fear! I will bring ALOT more to the AWA meetup, pre-cut and ready for badging!

                                    Friday, 09-Sep-11 12:18:44 UTC from web
                                    • !atlantabronies @lemonite Yeah. Especially extra space! Hope everyone emailed the con about that. Also, I think your first set of ideas sounds good. I was going to try and be Braeburn this year but lost too much time and money :\

                                      Wednesday, 07-Sep-11 19:23:20 UTC from web