William (nakedpops)'s status on Sunday, 18-Sep-11 21:52:14 UTC

  1. !atlantabronies @nakedpops On second thought I'm just sorta thinking of saying "Let's meet up in the atrium area of the Waverly under the elevators @ noon on Friday." If I set that time/place would that be cool with everypony? I'm not really good with this sort of thing tho, so all I have the ability to set up is a meet/greet. If anypony has the skills/know-how/crowd control abilities to set up something more elaborate, please feel free to step in anytime ^_^. Also, I will most likely not have a video/photo camera, so if this does get set up can anypony document it for history? lol.

    Sunday, 18-Sep-11 21:52:14 UTC from web in context