Notices tagged with 117

  1. Plushie Compilation #: Well that was fast! Didn't expect such a high quality plush of Sunset Shimmer so quickly! She has a really neat design I've got to say. Love that mane and tail! Anyhow, time for some plushies! Check them all after the break. Sunset Shimmer >

    Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 23:10:04 UTC from Calpain
  2. Music of the Day #: Twilight Sparkle flies away from some music, but not all.  Have the ones she tolerates! We have 13 this time around.  All below the break. >

    Wednesday, 29-May-13 04:20:05 UTC from Sethisto in context
  3. @fluttershyismywaifu there is one in draw friend # (i think)

    Saturday, 02-Jul-11 01:25:48 UTC from web in context