Notices tagged with 77

  1. AndStatus v.27.00 (180) "Automatic syncing of individual timelines. New custom search timelines" published to the Open Beta testing channel

    1. Individual timelines can now be managed separately in the "Manage Timelines" table (in a menu of a list of messages and also in Settings->Timeline). For each timeline you can define: if it's shown in a list of available timelines and if it's synced automatically.
    For each timeline sync statistics is shown:
    * Number of syncs and accumulated numbers of all downloaded and of new messages.
    * Time of last successful and of last failed syncs.
    * The last error encountered during syncing.
    The "Manage Timelines" table scrolls vertically and horizontally and its content can be sorted by different columns: just click a column header. #

    2. Now you can create custom syncable timelines, e.g. for scheduled searches. Thus you can effectively "subscribe" to groups/tags, creating automatically synced Search timelines e.g. for "#" or for "!gnusocial". #

    3. List of timelines for selection is now fully customizable. You can define, which timelines are shown always, which are shown "in a context" only (i.e. only when an account of this timeline selected), and which timelines are never shown in this list.
    In any case, any timeline may be opened from the "Manage timelines" list.

    4. Default timeline, which is shown on Application start, is selected in the "Manage Timelines" list.

    5. Additions to Account settings done to simplify management of Account syncing:
    * "Synced automatically" checkbox.
    * "Last synced" time.
    * An option to set Sync frequency of any individual account to a custom value or to a common default value set for all accounts in Settings->Syncing->Default Sync frequency. #

    6. Added "Sync over WiFi only" option to Settings->Syncing. Setting this option to "on" allows any syncing / downloading over WiFi only. #

    Full list of changes:

    Thursday, 07-Jul-16 05:51:10 UTC from
  2. My dear, hacking Content Delivery Network #

    Tuesday, 07-Jun-16 08:03:10 UTC from
  3. Francis is currently # years old, so a speculation about the 267th # may be indeed appropriate

    Saturday, 04-Jan-14 20:07:00 UTC from in context
  4. He's still alive with his # years, oh my interpretation bot, there's a certain passage in the lyrics "Yıllardır # bu soruyu kendime Allah’ım bu dünyaya ben # geldim?" which translates as: "I'm asking myself this question since years, my God, # did I come to this planet ?" how would you answer this ?

    Friday, 28-Jun-13 21:33:24 UTC from
  5. Wallpaper Compilation #: Your wallpaper rotator needs more content.  Have a bunch of stuff to fill it with, starting with a bit of Rarity.  I don't think I've headed anything with her in a while! >

    Saturday, 29-Dec-12 00:10:04 UTC from Sethisto
  6. [b]Plushie Compilation #[/b]: Cheerilee seems appropriate considering that school seems to be just around the corner. Man, where did the summer go? Oh well, at least it means ponies will return soon so it's not all bad. Check out our plush pony pals after the break! >

    Thursday, 16-Aug-12 22:21:05 UTC from Calpain
  7. [b]Custom Compilation #[/b]: I still have say, Luna gets some of the best customs! Just look at her in all her regal glory. Customs time guys, check them out after the break. Luna 3 >

    Wednesday, 25-Jul-12 03:21:06 UTC from Calpain in context