Notices tagged with 912

  1. Nightly Roundup #: Sea Breeze is pretty badass for a Breezie I've got to say. Plus he's got this awesome bodysuit thing going on.Sorry for no Roundup last night guys, there just wasn't a whole lot going on. At any rate, we have news tonight so catch it after the break and vote for a new header in comments! >

    Wednesday, 05-Mar-14 05:01:34 UTC from Calpain
  2. Drawfriend Stuff #: I wonder if we are ever going to see anymore bison in the coming seasons? Onward to art! Over appleloosa >

    Sunday, 01-Sep-13 23:10:04 UTC from Sethisto
  3. It's Interesting that I post my 911th Notice today ... [ this is notice # if your wondering ]

    Sunday, 11-Sep-11 07:39:42 UTC from web in context