Notices tagged with disturbed

  1. !todo - read all 13 replies from posting: 'A new "business" model' from the !twister dev mailinglist. The beginning mails # me some days ago, so I didn't read further. Giving the project the benefit of doubt, after my initial negative feeling after reading into it

    Sunday, 11-Jan-15 21:42:07 UTC from in context
  2. WTF is this doing in my recently viewed? #

    Monday, 30-Apr-12 10:40:28 UTC from IdentiCurse in context
  3. @getacutiemark NOOOO. NO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Not more # references!!!!!! D=< #

    Wednesday, 01-Feb-12 03:54:13 UTC from web in context