Notices tagged with firefox, page 3

  1. I try to whenever I can. I feel that the best way to fight the stereotype produced by the media of # being this shady, crime-related thing is for everyone to use it as much as they can for everything they need. And in the face of the just legalized US mass hacking act, legitimizing Tor is more important than ever.

    Some sites like my bank and some other accounts I have online won't work with it, so I fall back to # there. I also "whitelist" a few sites like Diaspora, Quitter and that I use with Firefox to save a little on the Tor bandwidth (streaming, etc).

    Sunday, 11-Dec-16 13:29:19 UTC from in context Repeated by kzimmermann
  2. I try to whenever I can. I feel that the best way to fight the stereotype produced by the media of # being this shady, crime-related thing is for everyone to use it as much as they can for everything they need. And in the face of the just legalized US mass hacking act, legitimizing Tor is more important than ever.

    Some sites like my bank and some other accounts I have online won't work with it, so I fall back to # there. I also "whitelist" a few sites like Diaspora, Quitter and that I use with Firefox to save a little on the Tor bandwidth (streaming, etc).

    Sunday, 11-Dec-16 13:29:19 UTC from in context
  3. Latest # in # identifies searching through # in address bar an # attempt. Can we disable this?

    Friday, 02-Dec-16 17:18:37 UTC from
  4. ???????? # 50 with native # support has been released!
    You can see them on #! ????

    Sunday, 20-Nov-16 22:46:13 UTC from Repeated by lambadalambda
  5. ???????? # 50 with native # support has been released!
    You can see them on #! ????

    Sunday, 20-Nov-16 22:46:13 UTC from
  6. @gargron I get that on desktop (Windows or Linux) # and # Also # on Linux. But site works in Opera and Chromium.

    Thursday, 17-Nov-16 12:15:33 UTC from
  7. U know ppl using # (Web of Trust) for #, #, #? Tell them to uninstall it #

    Thursday, 03-Nov-16 13:46:57 UTC from Repeated by ghostdancer
  8. U know ppl using # (Web of Trust) for #, #, #? Tell them to uninstall it #

    Thursday, 03-Nov-16 13:46:57 UTC from
  9. Die Browser-Erweiterung »Web of Trust« späht den Nutzer beim Surfen regelrecht aus: 

    # # # # # # # # # #

    Tuesday, 01-Nov-16 17:03:42 UTC from at 49°0'50"N 8°24'15"E Repeated by mcscx
  10. Die Browser-Erweiterung »Web of Trust« späht den Nutzer beim Surfen regelrecht aus: 

    # # # # # # # # # #

    Tuesday, 01-Nov-16 17:03:42 UTC from at 49°0'50"N 8°24'15"E
  11. I need a # extension that automatically appends -foucault to # Scholar searches.

    Monday, 31-Oct-16 04:07:24 UTC from
  12. # or floss for hipsters.

    Saturday, 15-Oct-16 16:18:14 UTC from
  13. @hfaust Do you talk about # ? Did you read about Mortar project?

    Tuesday, 11-Oct-16 17:20:43 UTC from in context
  14. @lnxw48 @strypey # (and presumably #) has a setting to disallow that behaviour: "Edit, Preferences, Content, Enable Javascript Advanced, Disable or replace context menus" (uncheck to prevent sites from disabling copy'n'paste). But # is a better solution.

    Wednesday, 28-Sep-16 17:48:02 UTC from at 43°36'0"N 80°32'58"W in context Repeated by lnxw48
  15. @lnxw48 @strypey # (and presumably #) has a setting to disallow that behaviour: "Edit, Preferences, Content, Enable Javascript Advanced, Disable or replace context menus" (uncheck to prevent sites from disabling copy'n'paste). But # is a better solution.

    Wednesday, 28-Sep-16 17:48:02 UTC from at 43°36'0"N 80°32'58"W in context
  16. Working to reorganise my # a bit. The bookmark manager in # is actually very nice, but has one *major* flaw: if you do a search, there is no way to highlight a result and from there go to its parent folder. So there is no way to find out where - in the folder tree - something is stored. Which means you have to work hard to keep that tree well-organised otherwise you'll likely "lose" things that you know are there - but not where (and it's that much harder to gather things together that have become distributed over several trees) --- I've been reorganising for an hour or more, but *still* haven't found where those firewall-related bookmarks are that I need to put all in one place!

    Thursday, 18-Aug-16 23:37:30 UTC from in context
  17. In Firefox this setting is called (was set to default boolean true). I set it to FALSE but that doesn't seem to change the test result :( # # # #

    Monday, 15-Aug-16 11:57:21 UTC from in context
  18. After correcting that, and testing again, I get: "Your browser has real working IPv6 address - but is avoiding using it. We're concerned about this." Seems to be related to another setting, for "fast fallback" (Chrome/Chromium has this mechanism, too): test both connections, if IPv4 is faster, comntinue with that... # IPv6 # # # #

    Monday, 15-Aug-16 11:50:12 UTC from in context
  19. In case you're wondering why some things IPv6 don't work, here's a useful service: . Guess what: I found out that my Firefox was set to (default!) disable IPv6 DNS lookups - only direct-to-IP connections would work. I had no idea (and why on earth would that be the default - still)?? # # #

    Monday, 15-Aug-16 11:42:54 UTC from in context
  20. Very young virus embedded in # 31

    Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 09:52:11 UTC from
  21. The # spellchecker redlines "performative". I approve. (Also "spellchecker" and "redline", BTW.)

    Monday, 25-Jul-16 08:59:49 UTC from
  22. # set in about:config media.autoplay.enabled to false it stops autoplaying # videos but affects some webs in strange ways

    Monday, 18-Jul-16 14:09:41 UTC from
  23. @drymer a vanilla install of # Origin on # seems to block everything I've (n)ever encountered without customization

    Tuesday, 05-Jul-16 16:33:28 UTC from
  24. Interesting to see that # has made its way back into !debian stable. Perhaps this means that an old branding quarrel has settled?

    Tuesday, 28-Jun-16 23:15:41 UTC from
  25. I suddenly and unexpectedly find myself using # rather than # this morning. Feel slightly soiled. #

    Monday, 27-Jun-16 01:36:55 UTC from
  26. Very young virus embedded in # #

    Friday, 17-Jun-16 00:01:14 UTC from
  27. @maiyannah The people search is available by an OpenSearch definition, so # at least lets you automagically add it to your search toolbar.

    Friday, 03-Jun-16 20:22:54 UTC from at 63°49'42"N 20°15'34"E in context
  28. # just disabled # because it isn't signed by # The Web is going to be unbearable on that computer for a while.

    Thursday, 02-Jun-16 04:14:15 UTC from
  29. @tregeagle I remember that! Wasn't silly enough to try it. # with way too many extensions should be the end-of-level boss monster. Or less anachronistically, #

    Sunday, 24-Apr-16 13:09:32 UTC from
  30. !TIL Ctrl+M (un)mutes a tab in #

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-16 15:35:19 UTC from at 45°25'15"N 75°41'24"W