Notices tagged with firefox, page 2

  1. Newest version of # broke HTTPS Everywhere... what is this I dont even

    Thursday, 23-Nov-17 00:57:40 UTC from
  2. Experimento de comparativa de consumo de RAM.
    Aprovechando que en Debian Testing todavía estamos en la versión 52.5.0 de Firefox ESR, y que ya tengo instalada, al mismo tiempo la 57 Quantum, me propuse hacer un ejercicio de comparativa de consumo de RAM entre ambas versiones.
    Las publicaciones en distintos sitios van encaminadas a comparar Firefox Quantum con Chrome, abriendo un determinado número de pestañas en ambas.
    Yo, al no tener en mi equipo Chrome, no puedo realizar esa comparativa, pero si mirar que diferencias hay entre la "antigua 52" y la "novedosa 57".

    Allá va. Primero vemos el consumo de RAM nada más iniciar el navegador en ambas versiones. Todo el trabajo va con el comando ps_mem:
    (primero siempre la versión 52 y luego la 57) !gnulinux # #

    Saturday, 18-Nov-17 15:50:53 UTC from Repeated by ghostdancer
  3. Experimento de comparativa de consumo de RAM.
    Aprovechando que en Debian Testing todavía estamos en la versión 52.5.0 de Firefox ESR, y que ya tengo instalada, al mismo tiempo la 57 Quantum, me propuse hacer un ejercicio de comparativa de consumo de RAM entre ambas versiones.
    Las publicaciones en distintos sitios van encaminadas a comparar Firefox Quantum con Chrome, abriendo un determinado número de pestañas en ambas.
    Yo, al no tener en mi equipo Chrome, no puedo realizar esa comparativa, pero si mirar que diferencias hay entre la "antigua 52" y la "novedosa 57".

    Allá va. Primero vemos el consumo de RAM nada más iniciar el navegador en ambas versiones. Todo el trabajo va con el comando ps_mem:
    (primero siempre la versión 52 y luego la 57) !gnulinux # #

    Saturday, 18-Nov-17 15:50:53 UTC from
  4. xkcd: Workflow - # #

    Thursday, 16-Nov-17 00:04:40 UTC from at 48°22'0"N 10°53'55"E Repeated by cyberkiller
  5. # 57, finally the performance is really good!

    Thursday, 16-Nov-17 08:06:05 UTC from
  6. xkcd: Workflow - # #

    Thursday, 16-Nov-17 00:04:40 UTC from at 48°22'0"N 10°53'55"E
  7. @davidross apparently I'm on # 56 (62-bit) on # No # Hmm

    Monday, 06-Nov-17 13:28:45 UTC from
  8. @zatnosk I'm using # on # # If it doesn't work on this, it's not very "open"

    Monday, 06-Nov-17 12:26:20 UTC from
  9. !TIL about privacy.firstparty.isolate and privacy.resistFingerprinting in #'s about:config.

    Friday, 27-Oct-17 19:02:12 UTC from at 45°25'15"N 75°41'24"W
  10. I noticed a reference to "" (external calendar service?) in #'s about:config. Wonder what this does.

    Sunday, 15-Oct-17 12:21:08 UTC from
  11. Had to manually force # in # 56 from # OBS repo in !opensuse strange that it wasn't default like normal release 

    Tuesday, 10-Oct-17 14:17:25 UTC from
  12. I'm using # on # 2.0. They tried both Firefox and # on # Maybe they need # for # to work properly?

    Sunday, 08-Oct-17 05:41:36 UTC from in context
  13. @dorsett @jitender @paramjot35 comments about # using lots of CPU/RAM make me sit up and take notice. I have had # issues...

    Thursday, 21-Sep-17 08:36:05 UTC from in context
  14. I just had a weird bug with #, it hung and when I checked ps ax it was running over 1000 processes at once. Best way to report that?

    Tuesday, 19-Sep-17 11:31:33 UTC from
  15. # has a "Export Bookmarks to HTML" function (you can reverse to import as well). Is there a similar feature on the Android version?

    Monday, 18-Sep-17 07:29:40 UTC from
  16. Does anyone know where # for Android stores the bookmarks file or database?

    Thursday, 24-Aug-17 07:23:17 UTC from
  17. @grmpyoldman That newspaper doesn't want me to read their news on this javascrippled computer that I'm using. Fortunately # has its "Reader view" that removes the big "YOU NEED TO WHITELIST US" blob.

    Thursday, 27-Jul-17 16:04:38 UTC from at 63°49'42"N 20°15'34"E

    Monday, 17-Jul-17 19:34:22 UTC from in context Repeated by tijagi

    Monday, 17-Jul-17 19:34:22 UTC from in context Repeated by hector

    Monday, 17-Jul-17 19:34:22 UTC from in context Repeated by moonman

    Monday, 17-Jul-17 19:34:22 UTC from in context
  22. I'm looking for something that can !self-host browser bookmarks for #, #, #, # Is there a server + extensions that does this? Years ago, I used #, but they were owned by the same company that owns #, so I'm not confident that my bookmarks would be private. (If I wanted public bookmarks, I'd use whomever bought #)

    Saturday, 01-Jul-17 17:42:42 UTC from Repeated by mcscx
  23. I'm looking for something that can !self-host browser bookmarks for #, #, #, # Is there a server + extensions that does this? Years ago, I used #, but they were owned by the same company that owns #, so I'm not confident that my bookmarks would be private. (If I wanted public bookmarks, I'd use whomever bought #)

    Saturday, 01-Jul-17 17:42:42 UTC from
  24. As change by theologians the idea of this world of politics has always been OR continues to be considered a sort of people have the power to run the pope still uses # os

    Monday, 10-Apr-17 17:51:13 UTC from
  25. @hannes2peer I think # has some # plug-ins installed by default. I use #+ and #

    Sunday, 09-Apr-17 11:00:46 UTC from in context
  26. kiwi i  have to install # audio to have sound in # . #

    Friday, 10-Mar-17 15:59:12 UTC from in context
  27. Related: This is #, and insanely insecure, but sometimes I just rely on # and # doesn't get a look in.

    Thursday, 02-Feb-17 07:26:04 UTC from in context
  28. If Mozilla doesn't go back on its WebExtensions-only future, I'll have to abandon # I rely on certain Firefox extensions that cannot be implemented in the WebExtensions model and others that don't work with multiprocess. At least for multiprocess, Mozilla still supplies dev builds that allow for single-process extensions to work. For now. But no such luck for when we enter the Brave New World of WebExtensions-only Firefox. Therefore I'll have to lock myself to FF 56 or quit FF entirely. Mozilla has completely forgotten that Firefox's greatest success came from giving users a thin browser that was entirely extensible. Locking things down as they've been doing only harms those of us who have been using it since the beginning. It's a knife in the back. And what Mozilla forgets is unlike back in the early days of Firefox, we have a hell of a lot more choices for when they papaya up like this. Fix this bullpapaya, Mozilla. Give us users the fr

    Saturday, 28-Jan-17 16:52:00 UTC from Repeated by dtluna
  29. If Mozilla doesn't go back on its WebExtensions-only future, I'll have to abandon # I rely on certain Firefox extensions that cannot be implemented in the WebExtensions model and others that don't work with multiprocess. At least for multiprocess, Mozilla still supplies dev builds that allow for single-process extensions to work. For now. But no such luck for when we enter the Brave New World of WebExtensions-only Firefox. Therefore I'll have to lock myself to FF 56 or quit FF entirely. Mozilla has completely forgotten that Firefox's greatest success came from giving users a thin browser that was entirely extensible. Locking things down as they've been doing only harms those of us who have been using it since the beginning. It's a knife in the back. And what Mozilla forgets is unlike back in the early days of Firefox, we have a hell of a lot more choices for when they papaya up like this. Fix this bullpapaya, Mozilla. Give us users the fr

    Saturday, 28-Jan-17 16:52:00 UTC from
  30. dear # , someone know this add-on for # , i'm looking for info but have not found many references.

    Sunday, 22-Jan-17 16:42:22 UTC from