Notices tagged with s02e15

  1. RD, I know you're excited to get some cider, but there's really no need to hump the air. #

    Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 00:07:25 UTC from IdentiCurse in context
  2. Music...? Is it a musical number? 'cause that would be pretty good, there hasn't been one for several episodes. #

    Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 00:02:26 UTC from IdentiCurse in context
  3. Well, that thing looks science-y. I wonder what it is? #

    Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 00:00:48 UTC from IdentiCurse in context
  4. # # From the first few minutes, it seems it might have something to do with cider? Not sure, though.

    Monday, 09-Apr-12 23:54:57 UTC from IdentiCurse