Notices tagged with s02e20

  1. @eaglehooves Future Twilight causes Twilight unfounded panic. # # (missed that tag first time around, deleted now)

    Saturday, 14-Apr-12 07:06:02 UTC from IdentiCurse in context
  2. That was a great episode! # done, onto # :)

    Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 19:47:59 UTC from IdentiCurse
  3. How did they even get into those stealth suits? (For that matter, how did Dashie get into hers 4 episodes back?) #

    Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 19:39:08 UTC from IdentiCurse
  4. Pinkie, bolts do not tighten to the left. You are making that bridge _less_ safe. #

    Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 19:27:52 UTC from IdentiCurse
  5. ...why is there another Twi? # has already got intriguing.

    Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 19:23:58 UTC from IdentiCurse
  6. # go! (Only 5 more, this one included, until I'm caught up! *squee*)

    Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 19:20:50 UTC from IdentiCurse