Notices tagged with scribus

  1. In need of a Free Software designer/layouter

    I am looking for a #FreeSoftware #designer or #layouter, who knows #Scribus and likes to help out @fsfe PR section for some € but a lot of Karma! If you are interested get in contact or if you know someone, please forward.

    Wednesday, 10-May-17 13:16:12 UTC from Repeated by ghostdancer
  2. In need of a Free Software designer/layouter

    I am looking for a #FreeSoftware #designer or #layouter, who knows #Scribus and likes to help out @fsfe PR section for some € but a lot of Karma! If you are interested get in contact or if you know someone, please forward.

    Wednesday, 10-May-17 13:16:12 UTC from Repeated by mmn
  3. In need of a Free Software designer/layouter

    I am looking for a #FreeSoftware #designer or #layouter, who knows #Scribus and likes to help out @fsfe PR section for some € but a lot of Karma! If you are interested get in contact or if you know someone, please forward.

    Wednesday, 10-May-17 13:16:12 UTC from Repeated by fsfe
  4. In need of a Free Software designer/layouter

    I am looking for a #FreeSoftware #designer or #layouter, who knows #Scribus and likes to help out @fsfe PR section for some € but a lot of Karma! If you are interested get in contact or if you know someone, please forward.

    Wednesday, 10-May-17 13:16:12 UTC from
  5. ♻ @3albers: Looking for a !FreeSoftware # or #, who knows # and likes to help out @FSFE PR section for some € and a lot of Karma? #

    Wednesday, 10-May-17 13:10:40 UTC from
  6. Tendencias por aqui > En estos momentos.


    Saturday, 24-Jan-15 06:49:41 UTC from at 34°51'59"S 61°31'48"W
  7. # # # # # # # # # # # #

    Friday, 14-Jun-13 00:43:41 UTC from web in context
  8. Da stellt man seinen # # export auf printer und ahnt nichts böses - und dann ist die Datei plötzlich 5x so groß :)

    Tuesday, 18-Dec-12 13:46:32 UTC from at 49°10'1"N 8°29'32"E
  9. # the name of it is duckreader. Its already weird.

    Tuesday, 24-Apr-12 15:25:41 UTC from web
  10. # I am using a proxy, whihc for some reason doesn't allow me to use the @ symbol. So I decided to use the # symbol.

    Tuesday, 24-Apr-12 15:22:58 UTC from web in context