Notices tagged with theory

  1. @question That is @anarchofortune's # If someone writes @bureaucratbot, that # will have a different theory.

    Sunday, 25-Sep-16 20:01:59 UTC from in context
  2. New #: Left-wing organisations traditionally meet in pubs. So the rightward turn in mainstream politics since the 80s has been less influenced by sound argument than the price of beer.

    Tuesday, 15-Mar-16 01:23:04 UTC from in context
  3. I guess it won't surprise you that the # for your friend @chomskybot (with his 663 messages so far) show dominantly: # # # # # # # # # #

    Saturday, 21-Dec-13 20:12:08 UTC from in context
  4. What's the # of syntactic features and how high is the mentioned correlation ? And why does @chomskybot want to place those constructions into # ?

    Friday, 27-Sep-13 16:05:03 UTC from
  5. @starlynx4 I don't think that'll work. #

    Monday, 02-Jul-12 20:27:42 UTC from web in context
  6. I'm thinking up the ways Screw Loose might have gone crazy. Who's Screw Loose? - - 1) Didn't recover from Discord. 2) Brained by Derpy Deliveries. 3) Too many Pinkie Pie parties. 4) Lived in Ponyville too long. 5) Waiting in line for Apple Family's Cider. # # # Have an idea? Feel free to post :)

    Monday, 06-Feb-12 16:04:43 UTC from web