Notices tagged with ubuntu

  1. Cosmic tuning. Running # # # inside # on # # within secure system perimeter, requiring using # # # # with # # and so on. But I got it done, oh joy.

    Saturday, 21-Nov-20 08:51:04 UTC from
  2. # # # # # # I had two overlapping screensavers. Maybe that was the reason why the # # field was # It was so annoying. You couldn't unlock X session after it got locked once. It was also # like trolling. Enter your password, and it can't be done. I'm sure someone was laughing somewhere. # #

    Sunday, 11-Oct-20 05:27:33 UTC from
  3. Finally I did # # to the # # # Everything went well, except # 3.8.6 gave me a bit of hard time. Had to downgrade it. Yet 3.9 is the version I'm actually using.

    Sunday, 04-Oct-20 15:09:18 UTC from
  4. I just # whole # # and use normal # # instead with # Much faster and I'm happier too.

    Monday, 07-Sep-20 15:17:19 UTC from
  5. I'm now finally using # to # # # instead of the good old networking / # and if command with parameters in # Different way, the same end result. # #

    Monday, 31-Aug-20 12:58:57 UTC from
  6. I'm now finally using # to # # # instead of the good old networking / # and if command with parameters in # Different way, the same end result. # #

    Tuesday, 25-Aug-20 16:50:36 UTC from
  7. Debían 10. Se dice pronto. Felicidades # . La distro universal que es como Federer o Nadal en el Tenis. Existen otras pero a nadie le importan demasiado. Todas terminan copiando a la madre de las diestros: Debian.

    No aceptes imitaciones ridículas y patéticas como # por ejemplo.

    Thursday, 11-Jul-19 06:45:22 UTC from
  8. #

    Friday, 15-Feb-19 07:26:24 UTC from in context
  9. #

    Thursday, 06-Dec-18 23:34:41 UTC from
  10. #

    Thursday, 06-Dec-18 23:32:20 UTC from

    This is very disappointing to see. The screenshot shows "You're ready to go!", followed by "You can use 'Software' to install apps like these:". The apps they list, in left-right top-down order, are: VLC (free), Skype (non-free), Spotify (non-free), Slack (non-free), Discord (non-free), Corebird (free), Mailspring (free), GIMP (free), Minecraft (non-free), Android Studio (non-free), Ora (non-free), Notepad-Plus-Plus (free), Tusk (free), Brave (free), and IDEA Community (free).

    That is 8 free and _7 non-free_. Also in the screenshot on the left is an Amazon icon.

    We've known # to do these things for a while now, but I grow increasingly disappointed with each release. Ubuntu also encourages the use of proprietary software through "snaps", and advertises non-free software by default through their package repositories unless you explicitly check a box (at least in previous version) during installation to use only free repositories.

    Friday, 11-May-18 00:54:29 UTC from Repeated by mmn

    This is very disappointing to see. The screenshot shows "You're ready to go!", followed by "You can use 'Software' to install apps like these:". The apps they list, in left-right top-down order, are: VLC (free), Skype (non-free), Spotify (non-free), Slack (non-free), Discord (non-free), Corebird (free), Mailspring (free), GIMP (free), Minecraft (non-free), Android Studio (non-free), Ora (non-free), Notepad-Plus-Plus (free), Tusk (free), Brave (free), and IDEA Community (free).

    That is 8 free and _7 non-free_. Also in the screenshot on the left is an Amazon icon.

    We've known # to do these things for a while now, but I grow increasingly disappointed with each release. Ubuntu also encourages the use of proprietary software through "snaps", and advertises non-free software by default through their package repositories unless you explicitly check a box (at least in previous version) during installation to use only free repositories.

    Friday, 11-May-18 00:54:29 UTC from
  13. I found out you can set up # w/o bloat & with the window manager you actually want using "console expert install"

    Tuesday, 03-Apr-18 16:04:26 UTC from
  14. @fanta yo soy muy cómodo llevo con desde la versión 7.04 aunque he instalado y probado otras distros, en el portátil donde trabajo siempre uso ubuntu. Tengo un notebook con y en una pi.

    Monday, 29-Jan-18 20:36:09 UTC from in context Repeated by fanta
  15. @fanta yo soy muy cómodo llevo con desde la versión 7.04 aunque he instalado y probado otras distros, en el portátil donde trabajo siempre uso ubuntu. Tengo un notebook con y en una pi.

    Monday, 29-Jan-18 20:36:09 UTC from in context
  16. I wonder what will become of Snappy and if they'll ditch that too #

    Wednesday, 24-Jan-18 13:40:13 UTC from
  17. Wow, # # is really polished.

    Wednesday, 10-Jan-18 17:40:12 UTC from
  18. 今週の #Ubuntu Weekly Recipeは「第502回 AMD Ryzen 5でパワフルPCを構築する」。執筆はいくやさんです。
    年末最後のRecipeである今回は、Ryzen 5 1600搭載PCの速さを、LibreOfficeのビルド時間から確認しています。思っていた以上に速くて驚いたという話です。

    Wednesday, 20-Dec-17 02:37:02 UTC from Repeated by akionux
  19. 今週の #Ubuntu Weekly Recipeは「第502回 AMD Ryzen 5でパワフルPCを構築する」。執筆はいくやさんです。
    年末最後のRecipeである今回は、Ryzen 5 1600搭載PCの速さを、LibreOfficeのビルド時間から確認しています。思っていた以上に速くて驚いたという話です。

    Wednesday, 20-Dec-17 02:37:02 UTC from
  20. @rysiek just like lots more organisations started using # on the desktop when # made it much easier to do

    Monday, 18-Sep-17 13:26:50 UTC from in context
  21. Haven't used # in years, but the upcoming # is getting me excited. !linux

    Saturday, 16-Sep-17 10:05:06 UTC from
  22. Oh come the fsck on Canonical:

    " I stumbled across this in the code -- While I applaud the creativity, I don't think it's right for Canonical to be collecting server information into the USER_AGENT and curl'ing it back to"

    Friday, 30-Jun-17 08:31:35 UTC from Repeated by cyberkiller
  23. Oh come the fsck on Canonical:

    " I stumbled across this in the code -- While I applaud the creativity, I don't think it's right for Canonical to be collecting server information into the USER_AGENT and curl'ing it back to"

    Friday, 30-Jun-17 08:31:35 UTC from
  24. @vegos @bob wow, # upgrades are almost as good as # upgrades circa 2007 ;P

    Sunday, 25-Jun-17 14:28:00 UTC from
  25. New guide on my blog: "Setup Huion Giano WH1409 on Linux Mint 18.1/Ubuntu 16.04." #HUION #Linux #Ubuntu #artwithopensource

    Friday, 16-Jun-17 07:24:24 UTC from in context Repeated by dolus
  26. New guide on my blog: "Setup Huion Giano WH1409 on Linux Mint 18.1/Ubuntu 16.04." #HUION #Linux #Ubuntu #artwithopensource

    Friday, 16-Jun-17 07:24:24 UTC from in context
  27. Jokes aside, the DPI settings for # need work if # is using it. As much as I dislike Unity, it displayed at the right resolution.

    Wednesday, 10-May-17 17:20:45 UTC from
  28. @d3jblog I think #'s plan at the end is: selling # (shares) to some mega corporation like !Microsoft.

    Tuesday, 09-May-17 00:28:04 UTC from
  29. @jookia I started with # / #, moved onto #, tried vanilla # then found # Natural evolution ;)

    Monday, 01-May-17 10:41:18 UTC from in context
  30. @luke Non-free drivers seemed an acceptable compromise to support old hardware; # seemed the last proprietary hold-out in a war we'd won… Then # launched their non-free app store, I went back to install # on recent hardware and… #! I thought we fixed this!

    Thursday, 20-Apr-17 10:13:45 UTC from in context