Notices tagged with ubuntu, page 3

  1. # Forums Get Breached, 2 Million Users/Emails/IPs

    Saturday, 16-Jul-16 02:30:27 UTC from
  2. ^ more microphone issues, this time with # #

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-16 00:53:02 UTC from
  3. ^ microphone issues: # and # Hangouts

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-16 00:51:37 UTC from
  4. #Ubuntu #M10 #tablet & Convergence - Getting groovy #canonical #gnu #linux

    Sunday, 12-Jun-16 13:12:56 UTC from Repeated by akionux
  5. #Ubuntu #M10 #tablet & Convergence - Getting groovy #canonical #gnu #linux

    Sunday, 12-Jun-16 13:12:56 UTC from
  6. Configured # # for testing environment using #, #, PostgreSQL (Postgres), guacd and guacamole itself.
    Guacamole provides remote desktop (#), which is pretty awesome.
    There's just one really strange thing, don't really get what takes so long when starting the guacamole container. Tomcat starts and fails. But after a long delay, something like 15 minutes, it starts to work. I've checked that the database is guaranteed to be available and correctly configured. I hope this gets fixed in coming releases. If required, I can provide additional information.

    Tuesday, 24-May-16 15:32:58 UTC from
  7. Spent this evening configuring new # # # with # # . Yaw. Many things to do, but so far all good.

    Thursday, 19-May-16 17:13:35 UTC from
  8. @clacke @quix0rquitter That was what I found # There was recently lots of buzz about # / # # non-compliance because of including # How is # going to stay compliant if it includes ZFS?

    Saturday, 14-May-16 16:02:09 UTC from
  9. Got one project which should be relocated to new service provider and server. Just barely making it with the current server. Yet there's just a bit of idle CPU time every now and then, so I haven't bothered yet. - Wondering if Ubuntu 15.10 -> 16.04 LTS distribution upgrade is a good idea, or if it would be a better idea to get clean 16.04 install. # # #

    Saturday, 14-May-16 10:48:04 UTC from
  10. @mushmouth @sim @taknamay @koz @dtluna @zeptar What did # specifically do to receive this dishonourary # title?

    Sunday, 01-May-16 16:47:41 UTC from in context
  11. Wow, # # is really polished.

    Sunday, 24-Apr-16 12:03:39 UTC from
  12. #Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) Launches Today, Here's How to Prepare Yourself #gnu #linux

    Thursday, 21-Apr-16 08:21:38 UTC from Repeated by akionux
  13. #Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) Launches Today, Here's How to Prepare Yourself #gnu #linux

    Thursday, 21-Apr-16 08:21:38 UTC from
  14. Apparently # is interested in making a Kurdish language #

    Sunday, 03-Apr-16 02:28:53 UTC from
  15. Meet The World’s First # Tablet (That Is Also a Desktop PC) #

    Thursday, 04-Feb-16 17:09:35 UTC from
  16. The upcoming # tablet will be based on the Bq Aquaris M10

    Thursday, 28-Jan-16 20:50:47 UTC from
  17. TIL there is a "vrms" (virtual Richard M Stallman) package on # / # to find installed non-free packages on your computer

    Sunday, 17-Jan-16 13:48:01 UTC from Repeated by mrrobot
  18. TIL there is a "vrms" (virtual Richard M Stallman) package on # / # to find installed non-free packages on your computer

    Sunday, 17-Jan-16 13:48:01 UTC from Repeated by mcscx
  19. TIL there is a "vrms" (virtual Richard M Stallman) package on # / # to find installed non-free packages on your computer

    Sunday, 17-Jan-16 13:48:01 UTC from
  20. If you have an # and the data keeps dropping, please report it # #

    Sunday, 20-Dec-15 10:02:46 UTC from
  21. Ich glaube, die # VM weiß, dass sie zu einer # migriert werden soll. Sie ist heute morgen gegen 6 einen mal abgestürzt

    Tuesday, 01-Dec-15 07:29:55 UTC from
  22. Mal schauen, wie einfach die migration von # von einen # 14.04.3 # auf ein CentOS 7 wird

    Monday, 30-Nov-15 15:21:35 UTC from
  23. Empiezo a ver algún móvil # alguna experiencia al respecto??

    Monday, 23-Nov-15 03:40:09 UTC from
  24. The first malicious app is found in the # Touch store and is quickly removed # #

    Tuesday, 20-Oct-15 17:18:33 UTC from
  25. @dragnucs O_o... erm.. well.. that's so gross, I wonder if that's a story made up by # in order to scare people away from #

    Saturday, 26-Sep-15 14:35:08 UTC from
  26. twister available via package manager on these OS: # # # # #

    Thursday, 13-Aug-15 13:01:19 UTC from in context
  27. ich habe für euch das # # von bq getestet. nach ja, eher für mich ;-) leider kann dieses Ubunt

    Saturday, 11-Jul-15 22:22:02 UTC from at 48°12'30"N 16°22'19"E Repeated by mcscx
  28. ich habe für euch das # # von bq getestet. nach ja, eher für mich ;-) leider kann dieses Ubunt

    Saturday, 11-Jul-15 22:22:02 UTC from at 48°12'30"N 16°22'19"E
  29. Aquaris 5HD #, early thoughts: I like the UI, gestures take a bit to get used to.Twitter is painfully slow,browser is nice but has some issues with zoom on certain websites.No XMPP or samba access (that I've found). Some really nice apps like uradio (needs a bit of setup) and Dekko (multi account email client). Some apps like uTorch and full calendar app should be included from the start IMHO, not need to be found in the app store. The lack of apps is clear if you have to use certain apps,but I'm happy with the range of functions on offer. Some scopes are buggy but they show good potential. A good 1st experience. It has limits ATM, but it is a young OS. Currently using it as primary phone so I will give an update in about a week :)

    Friday, 26-Jun-15 10:12:30 UTC from
  30. Preordered the # Aquaris E5 HD # phone today....... and now we play the waiting game. /me checks calendar

    Wednesday, 10-Jun-15 21:54:18 UTC from