Notices tagged with warhammer40k, page 3

  1. Just when I got done painting, look what just so happened to find its way into my posession :P #

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 15:59:55 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  2. Finished my 2nd beginner's game, it was so much fun. Just a few more of these and then I'll start attending "Rules Workshop" Still a shame they're only held weekly though. #

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 12:18:27 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  3. Headed to Games Workshop for the beginner's session again, really wish they did these more than once a week. #

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 09:45:31 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  4. It was quite a slow process, but I've finally managed to finish painting my first. # army, the starter Space Marine set from the "Assault on Black Reach" starter set. I painted them all as Imperial Fists (but took quite a lot of liberties with the colour schemes of my Captain and Dreadnaught) how do they look? #

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 03:06:01 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  5. So annoying when you make a mistake whilst painting a # miniature and have to wait for it to dry to fix it. #

    Saturday, 25-Feb-12 22:51:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  6. God what I wouldn't give to be able to get rid of my tinnitus. Having to sit next to a fan as I paint my # figures to mask it. Happens a lot when I'm in completley silent rooms.

    Saturday, 25-Feb-12 21:36:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  7. Games Workshop just closed, and I'm happy to say that I am more or less done painting my initial army. ^^ (that being Space Marines, Imperial Fists chapter) I've just got to add some finishing touches to the Captain and the Dreadnaught. Will take a picture of them all once it's done. :) Looking forward to my second beginner's game tomorrow as well! #

    Saturday, 25-Feb-12 20:17:57 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  8. Going to Games Workshop for the painting and hobby session from 4 to 8pm. Still coughing a bit but I am a lot better than I was yesterday. #

    Saturday, 25-Feb-12 15:01:59 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  9. Back home from nan's now, feel like doing some # painting, see if I can get my Space Marines done before Saturday. ^^

    Wednesday, 22-Feb-12 14:50:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  10. Had an hour long beginner's game of #, though I still need to learn a lot/most of the rules off by heart it was a lot of fun!

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 12:18:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  11. # Games Workshop just closed, only got a bit more painting to do on my Imperial Fist Space Marine army, also bought the first book in the Horus Heracy series. Won't be reading it tonight though, I am shattered and will probably go to bed when I get home. ^^; Plus I do kind of have to be up early anyway, to attend the beginners session/s.

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 20:05:44 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  12. In Ganes Workshop, almost done painting my first Imperial Fist Space Marine army...I think. ^^; #

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 18:05:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  13. Going to be going to the Games Workshop in Cribbs Causeway, mostly to get a day out and attend the painting session again :) #

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 14:00:32 UTC from MuSTArDroid