christian chris's home timeline


  1. !Calgary. I think we should make a band. a kazoo band! we can play all the best bring musics and be famed for being so awesome.

    Friday, 08-Jun-12 00:12:40 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  2. !calgary Guess who got a job?!! It's been SO long, it feels weird to say. And, 25% off art supplies. BOOYAH!!! Hope you are all having an amazing summer. *HUGS!*

    Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:30:52 UTC from web
  3. !calgary What do you guys think about trying for the 23ed, 24th weekend..? Those that need days off can try to get that weekend off and we'll aim for the nicer of the two days? We just can't wait until July because most people seem to like their vacations and stuff.

    Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 03:04:35 UTC from web
  4. !Calgary super fun meetup!

    Sunday, 03-Jun-12 17:59:37 UTC from web
    • !Calgary pizza, pop n cookies illest dinner for the illest stable in the mid west

      Saturday, 02-Jun-12 00:48:54 UTC from web
      • @noir !Calgary I'm up for that one.

        Friday, 01-Jun-12 04:13:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • !calgary Is there a meetup tonight or was the Otafest thing last weekend considered a meet and it isn't until next week?

          Saturday, 26-May-12 21:58:58 UTC from web
        • !calgary

          Saturday, 26-May-12 08:00:19 UTC from web
          • !calgary I'll have the pics for @darcyblue in a couple of days. was stupid sick Monday and Tuesday.

            Wednesday, 23-May-12 19:47:07 UTC from web
            • !calgary new info on things and stuff. please read it A.S.A.P.

              Wednesday, 23-May-12 08:35:33 UTC from web
              • !calgary today i learned the wheels i bought came from an Excalibur a car so pimp i had to change my name

                Wednesday, 23-May-12 01:22:15 UTC from web
              • !calgary Hope the cupcakes were ok. Noticed the last batch was a tad undercooked. This is why I dont bake

                Tuesday, 22-May-12 09:35:39 UTC from web
              • !Calgary yo i sang giggle at the ghost infront of a crowd. man was that fun. any idea where the picture is of all of us who went to the pannel?

                Monday, 21-May-12 19:47:30 UTC from web
              • !calgary i got my pony bak!! it was the best day ever!!!. all thanks to hope who brought her bak to me THANK YOU !!*brohoof*

                Sunday, 20-May-12 21:53:16 UTC from web
                • And this is why I went to wait for the Andrea Libman panel over an hour before it started. You could not possibly BUY a better seat than this. !calgary

                  Sunday, 20-May-12 21:46:33 UTC from web
                  • !calgary The best dayyyyyyy evvverrrrrrrrr! besst dayy everr~

                    Sunday, 20-May-12 18:10:28 UTC from web
                    • !calgary lost my .oc HIHOOF at ota fest black body with purple and green mane / tail im super distraught over this

                      Sunday, 20-May-12 07:21:21 UTC from web
                    • !calgary Are there any brony panels/events happening on Sunday at Otafest?

                      Sunday, 20-May-12 07:02:50 UTC from web
                      • hey !calgarybronies cant make it to Otafest this weekend as some of you know. I am currently in New York until Wednesday for a field trip with my school's Culinary and Fine Arts program. Hope you guys have fun over there. Ill catch you guys later.

                        Sunday, 20-May-12 02:55:41 UTC from web
                        • !calgary By the way, Ashleigh Ball's band, Hey Ocean! is coming to Edmonton for Open Sky Festival in three weeks. Who's up for another road trip?

                          Sunday, 20-May-12 01:13:49 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                          • For the two or three !calgarybronies I didn't get around to showing this two while I was there, and for anyone else who's interested, here are the pictures I drew for Andrea Libman for Otafest: || @darcyblue wanted me to ink the second one and send it to him, but the only ink I have is ballpoint pen.

                            Sunday, 20-May-12 01:12:35 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                            • !calgary I will die by the end of tonight. I woke up at 6 and working at 10-12pm doing my panel at otafest. I'm also so swag.

                              Saturday, 19-May-12 14:13:40 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                            • !calgarybronies Unfortunately, it looks like I won't be making it back for the summer, as I'll be paying my way to Cuba for a grad trip. Buuuuuuuuuut... I'm definitely going to come home for Christmas and/or New Years. So see you then dearies.

                              Saturday, 19-May-12 05:16:59 UTC from web
                            • @darcyblue I can almost guarantee that they'll be showing this in both the "AMVs that made us buy the show" and "AMVs that made us buy the music" screenings at Otafest. It should give you a rough idea of how awesome Princess Tutu is. || Now, I'm probably going to skip the Princess Tutu screening because dubs, but there's no way in hell I can justify missing out on Madoka, which means I have to skip the VA panel. Thankfully Andrea has her own panel on Sunday, so it's not a total loss. !calgary

                              Saturday, 19-May-12 03:40:38 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                              • !calgary I just got to UofC and I immediately see an applejack cosplayer, tomorrow will be a good day.

                                Saturday, 19-May-12 03:33:50 UTC from web
                              • !calgary aside from the panel on Saturday, where else can I find bronies on Saturday/Sunday at Otafest?

                                Friday, 18-May-12 23:11:38 UTC from web
                              • !calgary Hmmm... not sure I'm going to bother with Otafest, to be honest. There's no way I'm staying that late for the brony panel (and by the way, whoever scheduled that is a complete dick). And practically everything else I'm interested in is all taking place at the same time, so I'm going to have to miss basically all of it except one, maybe two events. I have no money left for swag, so that rules out the vendor hall, too. || In other words, if I went, I'd just be paying $50 to get Andrea Libman's autograph, and then spend the rest of the weekend sitting around in the gaming room. || Of course, NOT getting Andrea's autograph would be a huge disappointment in and of itself, and missing the opporunity to hang with all you guys for 3-4 minutes before we all get separated like at the expo would be a shame, too. || *sigh*, decisions, man.

                                Friday, 18-May-12 19:50:32 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                              • !calgary OTAFEST!!!

                                Friday, 18-May-12 05:38:16 UTC from web
                              • !calgary See, THIS is why I wanted to be there for those interviewers who kept never showing up.

                                Tuesday, 15-May-12 17:37:26 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                • !calgarybronies So excited for Otafest *squeeeee* <3

                                  Tuesday, 15-May-12 13:29:13 UTC from web