christian chris's home timeline


  1. !Calgary Typos. Fun stuff. "on" Friday rather.

    Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 18:52:55 UTC from web
    • !Calgary Oh, and sure y'all know already, but anyone hitting the Stampede of Friday? Some manner of Pony musical happening.

      Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 18:52:26 UTC from web
      • !calgarybronies who is going to Anime Thon in Edmonton and wants to see us there, Cause we are gonna be there with hopefully fresh swag for you all!

        Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 02:31:12 UTC from web
        • !calgary Since 3 of us are already going to Stampede on the 13th.. why not make a thing of it? Plus ponies are playing at 12:30 and 3:30, how could you go wrong?

          Saturday, 07-Jul-12 04:04:07 UTC from web
        • !Calgary I was told I should make a twitter for the meetup for easy quick blurbs for news. I will get right on that when I ha e a spare moment.

          Friday, 06-Jul-12 21:00:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • Well, that was quite the hailstorm. Golf ball sized maybe? !calgary

          Friday, 06-Jul-12 01:03:37 UTC from web
        • !calgary so I'm investing money into getting us a projector this weekend so I can stop being on loan. I hope I find a good one l. I'm going to check out the bestbuy near my place. in the meantime I will also be tossing money into a portable screen. I found one I like online that's perfect for transporting it around town. but I'm hoping there is a similar one at bestbuy also. only time will tell. in the meantime, do we want tto have a gamenight this coming meetup? I can haul a few choice games in the bag for us to play.

          Friday, 06-Jul-12 20:58:35 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • !Calgary wow. look at that lightning storm that seemed to have rolled in. its near constant. with the ammount of flashes I'm seeing

            Friday, 06-Jul-12 06:00:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • !calgary Happy Canada Day y'all!

              Monday, 02-Jul-12 01:08:22 UTC from web
              • "I'm one quarter Polish" - Lauren Faust. HOLY mangoes MY DAY IS MADE. !calgary

                Sunday, 01-Jul-12 20:06:13 UTC from web
                • @noir !Calgary I've been thinking of that also. I just wanted to know what others thought on it and was going to bring that up next meetup

                  Friday, 29-Jun-12 00:42:38 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • !calgary anyone else feel really horrible and flu-ish after the trip? No? Just me? T_T my constitution makes me sad.

                    Sunday, 24-Jun-12 07:49:38 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • !calgary Pics i took at the zooo0o0o0o0o0

                    Sunday, 24-Jun-12 04:08:11 UTC from web
                  • !calgary hey guys. Darcy and I are already here, so if you haven't started heading down, now's a good time to start.

                    Saturday, 23-Jun-12 15:22:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • !calgary guess what guys! we are going to the zoo! hope to see everypony there

                      Saturday, 23-Jun-12 14:41:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      • !calgary Hey guys, just wanted to let you know my commission queue is empty. I know some of you wanted a drawing last meetup.. but I didnt take down names or anything. You can check this: for a bit more info.

                        Friday, 22-Jun-12 21:49:52 UTC from web
                        • !calgary I finally did it! I made an OC pony. Will post link to pic once I colour it. *is pleased* Also, Mayhap & I will be in Calgary Thursday night to see the Benedict Cumberbatch 'Frankenstein' play at the Chinook theater. Anypony interested in joining us? We miss you guys. T-T

                          Thursday, 21-Jun-12 00:02:00 UTC from web
                        • !calgary It looks like the Zoo trip is the exact same day as a big annual Reddit meetup, so I won't be able to go afterall (I had a zoo pass anyway so I wasn't on the list, but just letting y'all know)

                          Wednesday, 20-Jun-12 04:05:38 UTC from web
                        • !calgary Sorry, one last thing. Those of you that are going, remember to bring sunscreen, water, an umbrella, lunch, and possibly a hat and pocket change (if you want to get stuff at the vendors or gift shops). The weather calls for rain.. but.. we live in Calgary. Prepare for anything.

                          Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 22:01:11 UTC from web
                          • !calgary as for a date and time, we are going 10am on saturday 23ed, we will meet at the zoo c train enterance (downstairs) and will probably only wait a half hour to an hour (if people give us warning). I know Darcy does not like his number on here, so I will leave mine. 403 465 4884

                            Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 21:55:36 UTC from web
                            • !calgary Tomorrow is the last day for people humming and hawing over going to the zoo. We -may- go till thursday if people give us warning, but otherwise the list (seen here: will be who we are expecting to pay entry for. Please PLEASE check the list if you are wanting to go and if you do not see your name there, TELL US.

                              Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 21:53:14 UTC from web
                            • Despite the setback yesterday, the meetup wasnt too bad. Though I have decided on my own accord to step away form the group for a little while to sort out some personal issues. !calgary

                              Sunday, 17-Jun-12 19:39:27 UTC from web
                            • I won't be at the meet-up today. Sorry guys :( !calgary

                              Saturday, 16-Jun-12 20:38:06 UTC from web
                            • !calgary Anypony interested in working on a dance skit for next years Otafest? Is set to "Equestria Girls" and I ideally would like a (girl) Applejack, (girl)Rarity, (guy)Vinyl scratch. Any more would be awesome tho! :)

                              Friday, 15-Jun-12 11:47:33 UTC from web
                            • !Calgary ill be there for zee zoo

                              Thursday, 14-Jun-12 17:03:59 UTC from web
                              • Hey Calgary Bronies, I do intend to go to the zoo with you guys (those penguins are AMAZING), but I already got me a zoo pass so you don't need to worry about admission cost for me. !Calgary

                                Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 22:42:50 UTC from web
                                • !Calgary !vgp so I got lollipop chainsaw. my girlfriend can't stop saying how twilight is so vulgar when she chops off a zombie head with her chainsaw. I think its a great game and reminds me of games like bayonetta or Afro samuri. still looking for pony references in hopes there is some.

                                  Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 19:47:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                  • !calgary If you want to go to the zoo, you NEED to tell Darcy or leave a comment on the blog on one of the notices about said place. OTHERWISE YOU ARE NOT GETTING A TICKET AND YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR YOURSELF.

                                    Tuesday, 12-Jun-12 21:01:16 UTC from web
                                  • !calgary @darcyblue at what entrance to the zoo are we meeting at?

                                    Tuesday, 12-Jun-12 16:38:15 UTC from web
                                  • !Calgary its 3:30 and i got my sponsored badge so much win

                                    Saturday, 09-Jun-12 09:33:12 UTC from web