Puzzlemint (puzzlemint)'s status on Friday, 18-May-12 19:50:32 UTC

  1. !calgary Hmmm... not sure I'm going to bother with Otafest, to be honest. There's no way I'm staying that late for the brony panel (and by the way, whoever scheduled that is a complete dick). And practically everything else I'm interested in is all taking place at the same time, so I'm going to have to miss basically all of it except one, maybe two events. I have no money left for swag, so that rules out the vendor hall, too. || In other words, if I went, I'd just be paying $50 to get Andrea Libman's autograph, and then spend the rest of the weekend sitting around in the gaming room. || Of course, NOT getting Andrea's autograph would be a huge disappointment in and of itself, and missing the opporunity to hang with all you guys for 3-4 minutes before we all get separated like at the expo would be a shame, too. || *sigh*, decisions, man.

    Friday, 18-May-12 19:50:32 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context