Tiffy Thompson's home timeline


  1. !calgarybronies I'm new to Calgary, and I was wondering where and when these meet ups are on Saturday's exactly. I have yet to go to one and I'm interested in going to one. If I'm allowed that is.

    Friday, 12-Jul-13 07:58:10 UTC from web
  2. !calgarybronies Hey everyone! I have great news! My dog, Harley so far is doing fine. He went to a vet and he gave him some medication. We've decided to put him on some heavy resting first, then see again about sergery. We talked it over and thought it might be abit to much stress on him and cheaper. I thank everyone on here, I do feel bad about comming on here in such a rush. I feel like I raised a red flag before looking at the full picture. If it's ok, I would like to let everyone know how my dog is doing and if surgery is needed. Thanks everypony! [hug]

    Wednesday, 10-Jul-13 01:04:33 UTC from web
  3. !calgarybronies Hey guys, I need a bit of help here. My dog, Harley, is in need of surgery for his knee. We saddly don't have the money, so we've put it off to the point where we saddly can't anymore. I have a button making machine so I can make buttons for 1.25$. I don't have a printer so i'll draw everything by hand. Here's my DeviantArt site so you know what my art style is like; http://cheshire-wolfie.deviantart.com/gallery/ . I live in Airdrie so i'll most likely mail the button[s]. If you guys are interested, please email me at DoublerainbowWolfie@hotmail.com. I'm sorry to come suddenly out of the blue to ask this, but I figured it was worth a shot to ask. Thanks.

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 02:07:08 UTC from web
  4. !calgarybronies http://calgarybronies.blogspot.ca/2013/06/flood-news-meetup-cancelation.html

    Thursday, 27-Jun-13 19:22:56 UTC from web
    • !Calgary just a shootout to all them folk in Calgary and surrounding areas. Hope all is well and you are ok and didn't get flooded out.

      Monday, 24-Jun-13 23:33:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • !calgarybronies like to be signed up for movie as well!

        Monday, 03-Jun-13 01:04:31 UTC from web
        • !calgarybronies sign me up for the movie plox

          Sunday, 02-Jun-13 18:44:45 UTC from web
          • !calgarybronies btw when's the next meet up

            Monday, 20-May-13 14:43:41 UTC from web
          • ottafest was amazing but i'm sad it's already over. !calgarybronies

            Monday, 20-May-13 14:42:49 UTC from web
            • !calgarybronies

              Monday, 20-May-13 05:54:58 UTC from web
              • !calgarybronies Does anyone have the link to the spiderses video which is animated in Ms Paint?

                Monday, 20-May-13 05:54:52 UTC from web
                • !calgarybronies So I'm New, How Does The Whole Meet-up Thing Work?

                  Sunday, 19-May-13 04:34:26 UTC from web
                • !Calgary just a friendly reminder, there is no Meet up this Saturday. We will be at Otafest. . See you there!

                  Monday, 13-May-13 20:30:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • !calgarybronies here's my latest PMV Trailer - Check it out! :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmkC3YDJQ_c

                    Saturday, 11-May-13 07:39:49 UTC from web
                    • !calgary I'm going to be late to the meetup this week so the usual car peeps will need another car guy u feel.

                      Saturday, 04-May-13 08:34:26 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                      • Well !Calgary , I spent the majority of a paycheck and a bit at the comic expo. But I came home with so much cool swag and plenty of good pictures of some wonderfull cosplayers. Not to mention some time to hang out with friends all throughout my adventure. Overall great time was had. Can't wait to do it all over again for Otafest.

                        Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 05:33:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                        • !calgarybronies i'm saving all my money for ottafest

                          Friday, 26-Apr-13 02:02:55 UTC from web
                        • !calgarybronies Sorry for being so absent from everything! I hope to see most of you at the expo! I'll be female Beetlejuice (as crazy as that is) going Friday and Sunday. :)

                          Thursday, 25-Apr-13 01:57:54 UTC from web
                        • !Calgary I made a new post on the blog guys! Go check it out!

                          Wednesday, 24-Apr-13 22:50:25 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          • !calgary I'm not going to be at the meetup tomorrow so anyone who usually gets a ride will have to make other arrangements.

                            Saturday, 20-Apr-13 00:19:37 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                          • !calgarybronies This group is looking kinda dead!

                            Sunday, 07-Apr-13 21:38:31 UTC from web
                          • !calgary Just a head's up, I'm probably going to be late to the meetup on Saturday if I even show up at all. People who usually get rides can make other arrangements. My apologies.

                            Friday, 08-Mar-13 06:52:13 UTC from web
                            • !calgarybronies Anyone who knows when the meetups are, email me at ravenflightx@hotmail.com

                              Friday, 08-Feb-13 22:25:52 UTC from web
                            • hey guys, here is the article i wrote about bronies. hope you like it. http://www.torontostandard.com/the-sprawl/bronies-men-who-love-my-little-pony

                              Thursday, 07-Feb-13 15:53:23 UTC from web
                            • Hey everyone. I am a writer with The Grid and Toronto Standard and I am looking for Canadian bronies to interview for a feature article. I just finished watching the Bronies doc and was impressed with the movement which I feel has received a lot of unnecessary negative flack in the media. I would like to try and dispel some erroneous notions people may hold about bronies and tell YOUR stories. Please send me a message or email me at tiffythompson@gmail.com My deadline is later this week. Thank you. Tiffy. !calgarybronies

                              Monday, 04-Feb-13 22:41:33 UTC from web
                              • !ottawabronies Hey everyone. I am a writer with The Grid and Toronto Standard and I am looking for Canadian bronies to interview for a feature article. I just finished watching the Bronies doc and was impressed with the movement which I feel has received a lot of unnecessary negative flack in the media. I would like to try and dispel some erroneous notions people may hold about bronies and tell YOUR stories. Please send me a message or email me at tiffythompson@gmail.com My deadline is later this week. Thank you. Tiffy.

                                Monday, 04-Feb-13 22:36:28 UTC from web
                                • great thank you everyone! if you know of any Canadian bronies please have them email me: tiffythompson@gmail.com

                                  Monday, 04-Feb-13 22:34:26 UTC from web
                                • Hey everyone. I am a writer with Toronto Standard and I am looking for Canadian bronies to interview for a feature article. I just finished watching the Bronies doc and was impressed with the movement which I feel has received a lot of unnecessary negative flack in the media. I would like to try and dispel some erroneous notions people may hold about bronies and tell YOUR stories. Please send me a message. My deadline is later this week. Thank you. Tiffy.

                                  Monday, 04-Feb-13 22:26:54 UTC from web