Thomas Warfield's home timeline


  1. !vancouverbronies !bccbronies !victoriabronies who showed up at my Pony Cosplay Panel at Cos & Effect: thank you! :D

    Monday, 27-Aug-12 23:22:05 UTC from web
    • !bcbronies We now have a Google+ page.

      Monday, 27-Aug-12 20:48:17 UTC from web
      • !bcbronies -,572.msg2056.html#msg2056

        Monday, 27-Aug-12 06:56:59 UTC from web
        • !vancouverbronies So y'all know the Everfree Radio crew is in town this weekend?

          Saturday, 25-Aug-12 18:04:03 UTC from web
          • !bcbronies A Picnic is planned for the Sunday of Cos & Effect. This was started by Amanda on Facebook. I'm cross-posting it to RDN and the Forums:,569.0.html

            Friday, 24-Aug-12 20:56:21 UTC from web
            • !bcbronies @tjdetweiler Yo Taylor, the HotDiggedyDemon panel from Everfree's up!

              Friday, 24-Aug-12 15:17:45 UTC from web
              • !bcbronies Anyone here see the Ponystock concerts? My hands are bruised and blistered like crazy from clapping for 14 hours of the weekend. I performed on stage on at least two people's sets on each of the three nights.

                Tuesday, 21-Aug-12 00:19:59 UTC from web
              • @bronymike !bcbronies Your Ponystock performance is now up! (give it time, 720p will come soon)

                Wednesday, 22-Aug-12 00:38:33 UTC from web
                • !bcbronies Yo, i have 5 left for sale.

                  Tuesday, 21-Aug-12 04:35:20 UTC from web
                  • !bcbronies So there is Vancouver Bronies page. I thank Everfree NW for bringing me here XD. Anyone else going?

                    Thursday, 16-Aug-12 17:58:14 UTC from web
                    • !bcbronies It's 4AM, I'm about to go to bed. Finally got all my songs and stuff set up, got caught up on all my videos, and I'm charging the last of my stuff I'm gonna pack. Everfree, here we come! All-a y'all who can't make it, have fun at Anime Revolution if you're going to that, and make sure to check out Ponystock!

                      Thursday, 16-Aug-12 11:03:49 UTC from web
                      • !bcbronies The forums have had a makeover. We now have more boards for whatever you may need.

                        Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 04:08:28 UTC from web
                        • !bcbronies Hey, for you guys going to Everfree (or just the US), the dollar's doing pretty good right now. I got $200 US from the currency exchange for $200.80, and they always bump the ratio a little for themselves.

                          Monday, 13-Aug-12 21:02:17 UTC from web
                        • !bcbronies FFFFFFFUUUUUU~~~~~~~~~~~~~, some guys from That Guy with the Glasses are gonna be at Anime Revolution and I'm gonna be kickin' kiwi at Everfree that weekend. Those of you who are going to AR, make sure to check out him (The Nostalgia Critic) and if I'm not mistaken, Noah Antwiler's also there (The Spoony One). Both awesome internet comedians I wish I could see. For those of you not going to either, then make sure to look out for any livestreams of Ponystock from Everfree going on Friday at 8, I'm gonna be opening that concert. It'll be ridiculous, lemme tell you.

                          Monday, 13-Aug-12 09:24:36 UTC from web
                        • !bcbronies We now have a Merchandise Scouting thread in the Lower Mainland Chat board on the Forums following @underdogbassist finding pencil cases in Surrey:,536.0.html

                          Monday, 13-Aug-12 03:12:28 UTC from web
                          • !bcbronies Better late than never. If you're just waking up, we're having the Metrotown Meetup start at Noon today. Picnic will still start at 3PM.

                            Saturday, 11-Aug-12 16:19:41 UTC from web
                            • !bcbronies We are nearing our soft limit of 20 people for the Picnic in the Park. A reminder that if we get multiple laptops for the Mare-a-thon, we can show multiple episodes at the same time.

                              Friday, 10-Aug-12 11:14:11 UTC from web
                              • !bcbronies Marcus, not funny.

                                Thursday, 09-Aug-12 03:12:20 UTC from web
                              • !bcbronies Whoever requested non-swag (aka not free stuff) from Everfree Northwest or one of the stores I may stop by on the way down (Target, Walmart, Toys R Us), get me the money by the Meeting on the 11th or at the Picnic after it if Im still attending it. I will be reposting this to the Forums too BTW.

                                Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 05:37:59 UTC from web
                              • !bcbronies @spectrumflash We've got a few new board ideas on the forums that are needed before some planned things can go ahead, more specifically a "Projects" board is needed for people to have a more organized place to execute ideas, rather than get lost in the general discussion or art or etc boards.

                                Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 17:10:08 UTC from web
                                • !bcbronies Okanagan Meetup planned for August 12th:,524.0.html

                                  Monday, 06-Aug-12 09:00:18 UTC from web
                                  • !vancouverbronies Who else was there at the parade? I know a few were there. :3

                                    Sunday, 05-Aug-12 22:06:03 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                  • !bcbronies accidently linked the wrong option. I found this just now, all four posters for 20 AM. Was posted literally less than 15 minutes ago, so who knows how long they'll last. Get yours while the deal is still fresh!

                                    Sunday, 05-Aug-12 20:40:11 UTC from web
                                    • !vancouverbronies Could have sworn I just spotted one of you guys on Robson Street during the Pride Parade. I know one of you wears a fedora.

                                      Sunday, 05-Aug-12 19:27:34 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                      • !bcbronies Reminder: Picnic in the Park in Central Park is coming up this Saturday:,477.0.html Our soft limit for attendees is 15. This is a potluck style thing so everyone has to bring something, getting something from the Food Court is OK.

                                        Sunday, 05-Aug-12 13:30:12 UTC from web
                                        • !bcbronies @Spectrumflash WOAH i saw the Vanhoover before reading this, but i didn't even notice the harbour centre and canada place, that's freaking awesome!

                                          Sunday, 05-Aug-12 09:52:07 UTC from web
                                          • !bcbronies THIS JUST IN, VANCOUVERBRONIES. LOOK AT THE TOP-LEFT. VANHOOVER. I'd never even THOUGHT of that pun, hot damn.

                                            Sunday, 05-Aug-12 02:01:00 UTC from web
                                          • Any !vancouverbronies !bcbronies or !victoriabeonies going to Cos & Effect? I'm running a MLP cosplay panel on Saturday :D

                                            Saturday, 04-Aug-12 23:52:52 UTC from web
                                          • !bcbronies @longchanpuy is asking that everyone who wants food at Games Night pitch in $5 to cover the costs because he is currently cash strapped. Anyone coming to the meetup should come prepared.

                                            Saturday, 04-Aug-12 08:07:10 UTC from web
                                            • !bcbronies Heck, I still don't visit the Facebook page and keep forgetting to check in on the forum, so we've got that going for us I guess. Also, speaking of which, I never plugged my album to this group specifically, I think. I made a general post about it, but not to the group. Come check out my album!

                                              Friday, 03-Aug-12 14:14:29 UTC from web