Replies to whatwhat

  1. @whatwhat Kids today with their TweetBook and FaceSpace+. In my days we had Usenet and e-mail, and they worked for us.

    Monday, 30-Jul-12 09:57:54 UTC from web in context
  2. @whatwhat I think the autofocus on my camera is broken :( Very few of the pictures from the !edinburghbronies meet are usable. The few that are can be found at with probably the best candidate for a group photo for EqD.

    Saturday, 14-Jul-12 21:15:22 UTC from web in context
  3. @whatwhat I'm sorry that I missed the meet up today :( I was coming back from my holliday today and had to miss it. I really wanted to go aswell :( When's the next meet up? Just wondering. I would guess around mid september?

    Saturday, 14-Jul-12 15:32:26 UTC from web
  4. @whatwhat What's the correct time for the !edinburghbronies meet this Saturday?,526.0.html says 10:30, says both 10:00 and 11:00.

    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 21:07:40 UTC from web in context
  5. @whatwhat This will be not only my first meetup but also it's the day before my birthday ^_^ hehe

    Friday, 15-Jun-12 22:52:11 UTC from web in context
  6. @whatwhat Yay! This will probably be my last !edinburghbronies meetup before I move back to Sweden, so I hope the fun will be at least doubled.

    Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 15:22:03 UTC from web in context
  7. @whatwhat I'd suggest taking the low-resolution version of this group photo and sending it to EQD, so they can feature our !edinburghbronies meetup in the nightly roundup:

    Saturday, 12-May-12 23:17:19 UTC from web in context
  8. @whatwhat Cool I can't wait :D

    Saturday, 12-May-12 22:38:27 UTC from web in context
  9. @whatwhat Thank you for organising the !edinburghbronies meet. I just got home and need to rest for a bit first, but I hope I can get my photos up later tonight.

    Saturday, 12-May-12 18:21:14 UTC from web in context
  10. @whatwhat What Date would it be? Sorry I did not make it today! :( I had guitar lessons but I'll make it next time! Will there be on in Glasgow?

    Saturday, 12-May-12 18:17:35 UTC from web in context
  11. @whatwhat Great. I intend to be there, exam revisioning permitting.

    Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 14:02:13 UTC from web in context
  12. @whatwhat Would you look at that, things happen on the forums which I don't read. Is the !edinburghbronies meet definitely on for May 5th?

    Saturday, 07-Apr-12 23:14:05 UTC from web in context
  13. @whatwhat Okay :D

    Sunday, 11-Mar-12 23:44:48 UTC from web in context
  14. @retrix @whatwhat !edinburghbronies My new Skype username is stereo_sounds. Please add me there if you can!

    Sunday, 11-Mar-12 16:46:47 UTC from web in context
  15. @whatwhat Replied, I think we can discuss for a couple of weeks before setting out a plan and then starting to advertise it?

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 23:05:05 UTC from web in context
  16. @whatwhat @creideiki @retrix !edinburghbronies !uk Sorry for pretty much vanishing for a bit. Should be back on Skype by tomorrow night, and will get posting on the forums too in the meet-up discussion. We can make this happen!

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 21:48:39 UTC from web in context
  17. @whatwhat !edinburghbronies !uk @stereosounds @creideiki Thanks. Sure something suitable can be found for April/May, I'll get back to you.

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 19:53:47 UTC from web in context
  18. @whatwhat @creideiki !edinburghbronies !uk Replied. Unfortunately can't make 17th. 24th is a maybe but I think still fairly short notice. I'll still try to think of ideas though.

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 19:51:00 UTC from web in context
  19. @whatwhat !edinburghbronies All my end-of-semester deadlines are that week, so I can't make it either on the 17th or the 24th. I hope you have fun, and that there will be another meetup (preferably in Glasgow) soon.

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 18:35:48 UTC from web in context
  20. @whatwhat Sure, my Skype username is syntheticaudio.

    Friday, 02-Mar-12 19:53:48 UTC from web in context
  21. @whatwhat As a group we could meet up, make sure everyone can get there, and then go to the Botanic Gardens or something and have a day out?

    Friday, 02-Mar-12 18:58:36 UTC from web in context
  22. @whatwhat I was thinking maybe meet somewhere central, like Waverley Station, before heading offnelsewhere. Would need to work out a date for everyone interested!

    Friday, 02-Mar-12 15:07:23 UTC from web in context
  23. !edinburghbronies !uk @whatwhat @stereosounds Edinburgh meet would be cool. UK of Equestria would be one other place to float the idea, or any other ideas?

    Friday, 02-Mar-12 00:16:41 UTC from web in context