White Wing's home timeline


  1. !abqbronies My mile... I'll just say around 13 min.

    Tuesday, 31-Jul-12 03:29:52 UTC from web
    • !abqbronies it was me and thank you. do you need to drop off a resume as well?

      Tuesday, 31-Jul-12 00:58:24 UTC from web
    • !abqbronies, also I can't remember who it was exactly, but my job is indeed still hiring, quickrete, if youre interested, just gotta come down there and apply in person

      Tuesday, 31-Jul-12 00:33:23 UTC from web
      • !abqbronies, I know I can do a mile in about 9 min it so

        Tuesday, 31-Jul-12 00:19:34 UTC from web
        • !abqbronies Sounds like a mile is doable for most people? Here's what I'm proposing-> Everyone tell me the time they think they'd get on a 1 mile run (Not your best time. Go try a practice run and time yourself). Then I'll generate staring times such that, if everyone runs the speed they reported, we'll all cross the finish at the same time (i.e. Miscelinous would start first and Bobmortis would start 8 minutes later so they both end at 14 minutes). The more accurate the time you report to me, the more fun the race will be. Then we'll plot out a course down in the bosque and have a t-shirt making party before the race.

          Monday, 30-Jul-12 12:08:25 UTC from web
          • !abqbronies i think my best mile run was 6 min about that. i don't know.

            Monday, 30-Jul-12 03:40:11 UTC from web
          • !abqbronies I am a terrible runner...

            Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:09:24 UTC from web
            • !abqbronies used to run a lot for rugby. sounds great!

              Sunday, 29-Jul-12 23:30:49 UTC from web
              • !abqbronies not digging the marathon but i'm down for a race, we need to find a good woody area......this sounds like fun!

                Sunday, 29-Jul-12 22:51:56 UTC from web
                • !abqbronies :: Running? My best mile time is 14 minutes. (Yes, I tried. No, I didn't walk the whole thing....)

                  Sunday, 29-Jul-12 22:51:10 UTC from web
                  • !abqbronies This is still a ways away, but the autumnal equinox (Saturday, September 22nd) would be an excellent day to have a Running of the Leaves Celebration. Any ideas?

                    Sunday, 29-Jul-12 02:54:59 UTC from web
                  • !abqbronies, hey I know it's sudden, but I've got Friday off this week, so I'm able to hang out if anyone's interested, I was thinking of doing some training downtown too.

                    Friday, 27-Jul-12 06:05:15 UTC from web
                    • !abqbronies :: Sorry guys, it turns out I have to travel Thursday, too. Thanks for changing the date from Friday to Thursday to accommodate though. Have fun!

                      Thursday, 26-Jul-12 04:41:38 UTC from web
                      • !abqbronies Looking forward to seeing you all for poker tomorrow! I hope we have a "full house" (see what I did there?)

                        Thursday, 26-Jul-12 02:40:16 UTC from web
                        • !abqbronies ok so poker night is this Thursday at 430, at erfunden(matt's) house, with the permission of his wife, so seeing as i think only matt know's where his house is will meet somewhere.....@erfunden where is a good place to meet to head to your place?

                          Monday, 23-Jul-12 06:50:31 UTC from web
                        • !abqbronies do we have a confirmed location for the poker night

                          Monday, 23-Jul-12 04:38:44 UTC from web
                        • !abqbronies :: @erfunden :: The conquistador looks fabulous!

                          Friday, 20-Jul-12 05:04:42 UTC from web
                          • !abqbronies Been playing around a bit more with the zia pony. Pretty easy to tweak cause it's a vector image. Here he is meeting himself as a conquistador. Do you like him with a moustache? http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e57/Bohnhoff/ziaponies.png

                            Friday, 20-Jul-12 03:45:55 UTC from web
                            • !abqbronies, There is some healthy kids Santa Fe fair thing. It's like 5 bucks, plus whatever the train/trip there would cost.

                              Friday, 20-Jul-12 02:05:39 UTC from web
                            • !abqbronies not really. :/ do to a sudden change in my financial situation, i cant just drop 90 bucks on gas to drive across the state. we could still try something on the east or west side of town.

                              Friday, 20-Jul-12 01:58:52 UTC from web
                              • !abqbronies Any time on Thursday is good for me. Did a time and meetup place ever get set for the next hike?

                                Thursday, 19-Jul-12 19:01:44 UTC from web
                                • !abqbronies @erfunden that could work any one else have other ideas.......or basically any one uncomfortable with that? also how does around 4:30 work for everyone?

                                  Thursday, 19-Jul-12 05:44:54 UTC from web
                                  • !abqbronies @bobmortis We might be able to use my house. I'd have to check with the wife. Any time works for me though.

                                    Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 05:09:44 UTC from web
                                    • !abqbronies I rather like using an OC too, though I'm not 100% set on the zia (I thought about making him a conquistador). Having a distinct OC pony would allow us to make a wide variety of design and still have them all be recognizably ours. For instance, applejack could be subbed out for our OC in antiemuforce's logo.

                                      Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 05:08:45 UTC from web
                                      • !abqbronies alright Thursday seems to work more for more people so the poker game night will be held on Thursday the 26th. now we need to figure out where and at what time?

                                        Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 03:20:51 UTC from web
                                        • !abqbronies :: I really like the idea of an OC pony, just so it can have a Zia cutie mark. It's terribly appropriate.

                                          Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 03:18:43 UTC from web
                                          • !abqbronies We really need some sort of calander to keep all these meetup dates straight...

                                            Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 02:52:50 UTC from web
                                            • !abqbronies @antiemuforce nice logo! Applejack is very appropriate.

                                              Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 02:51:08 UTC from web
                                              • !abqbronies I can make it on Thursday. Here is my drawing for the logo for anyone interested -> http://i1049.photobucket.com/albums/s400/antiemuforce/logo1.png

                                                Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 00:23:57 UTC from web
                                                • !abqbronies, what time is the Rp

                                                  Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 21:18:21 UTC from web