White Wing's home timeline


  1. !abqbronies http://youtu.be/ZVGwK72ol28

    Tuesday, 21-Aug-12 23:55:33 UTC from web
    • !abqbronies oh gosh darn wilys you shouldn’t have. now i cant concentrate on anything i was supposed to do today.

      Tuesday, 21-Aug-12 15:44:31 UTC from web
      • !abqbronies, This vid is for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_357796&feature=iv&src_vid=PcWhV-ECsEE&v=q8nYFMxExkU

        Tuesday, 21-Aug-12 06:46:40 UTC from web
      • !abqbronies, To whom it may intrest, (Andrew *cough* Cough*)

        Tuesday, 21-Aug-12 06:46:10 UTC from web
        • !abqbronies, http://theangelofrazgriz.deviantart.com/#/d57np5u

          Monday, 20-Aug-12 03:50:46 UTC from web
          • !abqbronies, Since you all were so kind as to show me your pony characters, I give my own in return, it's not much.

            Monday, 20-Aug-12 03:21:59 UTC from web
            • !abqbronies Settled on the course down by central for the # -> http://goo.gl/maps/QSljQ We have a place! We have a time! Now we just tshirts and more runners! (I'm working on medals now, I'll need cookies, and a couple more volunteers to work it)

              Sunday, 19-Aug-12 13:35:15 UTC from web
              • !abqbronies Jeff you've got mine i presume?

                Thursday, 16-Aug-12 22:27:25 UTC from web
              • !abqbronies, sweet, I'll see what fun I can have with them

                Thursday, 16-Aug-12 17:30:38 UTC from web
                • !abqbronies ah yeah forgot the image http://www.4freeimagehost.com/uploads/PUSH79d720b35a5f.jpg

                  Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 19:54:38 UTC from web
                  • !abqbronies here's a pony creator image of what my character would look like. insanity driven you bet!

                    Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 19:54:03 UTC from web
                    • !abqbronies Here's a map with two possible routes for the # that I've been playing with. Someone want to get try them out and tell me what you think? http://goo.gl/maps/kPU5U

                      Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 14:49:43 UTC from web
                    • !abqbronies spring rocket best ponify. http://ur1.ca/9y1jp

                      Monday, 13-Aug-12 22:30:49 UTC from web
                      • !abqbronies :: @theangelofrazgriz :: OC Pony! http://ur1.ca/9xvkw

                        Monday, 13-Aug-12 04:12:00 UTC from web
                      • !abqbronies, hey guys could you post or send me some links of descriptions of your pony OC's, pics would help best I think. I was thinking of doing some sketching and seeing what would come out

                        Sunday, 12-Aug-12 19:18:53 UTC from web
                      • !abqbronies ah yeah i love the design..... also i made sure to get that day off so nothing impedes me.....or the group.

                        Thursday, 09-Aug-12 04:53:28 UTC from web
                        • !abqbronies, @erfunden, hey ya, that's a sweet design!

                          Thursday, 09-Aug-12 04:06:17 UTC from web
                          • !abqbronies Also (sorry to double post) I just finished up the design for the # shirts -> http://tinyurl.com/9lg33bz . If we go a DIY route I'll simplify it a bit for the stencil. It'll also get used for signs marking the course and for the event notices on EQD.

                            Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 17:31:34 UTC from web
                            • !abqbronies Thanks all you pony runners! Here's some resources to help you prepare! I'm using the "Couch to 1 Mile in 6 weeks" program here ( http://tinyurl.com/9fyelxl ) and might try some SimpleFit bodyweight workouts on my off days ( http://tinyurl.com/9vepw3v ). And if you want some race experience to get you pumped, my mom would like to suggest the 9/11 Hero's Run ( http://tinyurl.com/9tf272h ).

                              Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 15:47:55 UTC from web
                            • !abqbronies *cough* *cough* oh yeah i remember this feeling.......of death. But i overexert. finally got around to doing the mile and clocking in my time.....i come in about 7 to 8 minutes........variation comes from hills and what not. phew maybe i need a little less pony and a little more working out again.

                              Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 04:02:03 UTC from web
                              • !abqbronies :: Awwwright, so I can run a half mile in 8 minutes. If I double that, my mile time should run in at over 16 minutes, definitely assuming I slow down the second half-mile. xD

                                Monday, 06-Aug-12 20:57:59 UTC from web
                                • !abqbronies @miscelinious Assuming you mean the # I was still planning on September 22nd because no one voiced opposition to that date.

                                  Saturday, 04-Aug-12 15:01:35 UTC from web
                                  • !abqbronies :: So, are we gonna do this in about a month or two, then?

                                    Saturday, 04-Aug-12 05:52:04 UTC from web
                                    • !abqbronies i also totally forgot i know someone that works at a shirt printing shop in town. i could talk to them and see whats deals we can get.

                                      Thursday, 02-Aug-12 19:39:20 UTC from web
                                    • !abqbronies I saw that design for a # shirt. It's fine if we want it (and want to pay for it). Alternately, I could make a stencil (Maybe with Zia on it?) and people could apply it to whatever white shirt they want. We could have a t-shirt making party!

                                      Thursday, 02-Aug-12 18:44:07 UTC from web
                                    • !abqbronies quick search turned up thy already have a shirt for # http://www.redbubble.com/people/dfragrance/works/7781857-running-of-the-leaves?p=t-shirt#zoom

                                      Thursday, 02-Aug-12 18:26:13 UTC from web
                                      • !abqbronies So, t-shirts for the # ?

                                        Thursday, 02-Aug-12 16:28:25 UTC from web
                                        • !abqbronies Ran for the first time in a long while. Got 11 min 30 sec. Not bad. #

                                          Thursday, 02-Aug-12 15:49:54 UTC from web
                                          • !abqbronies, so are we doin a hike sometime?

                                            Thursday, 02-Aug-12 05:42:58 UTC from web
                                            • !abqbronies ok so I got about 9-10mins. I really like this idea. we should send it in to eqd and see if other groups would do it.

                                              Wednesday, 01-Aug-12 17:33:25 UTC from web