Notices by Roman (windoze), page 3

  1. @comradeconventrix well then it was my bad for not reading the post, dosent matter anyways shes not here and she thought my sorry was just a joke. I'm not even gona bother, again it sucks but stuff happens. YES the dog thing was a bit more depressing for me because idk i guess i care more about animals than i do humans? i dont know.

    Sunday, 27-May-12 12:11:34 UTC from web in context
  2. @thelastgherkin used to be my motto, and a motto i knew in this fandom. its not all happy and kind as others make it. when in reality its just another fandom with another thing to get excited about. still love it but idk..i miss the way it used to be?

    Sunday, 27-May-12 12:09:45 UTC from web in context
  3. @comradeconventrix what the living flip, SHOW me how in the world that i was being 'mean' or 'joking' jeez, again i just told her 'seatbelts' because for crying out loud they HELP, im NOT mocking D:

    Sunday, 27-May-12 12:07:50 UTC from web in context
  4. I only now realize i have SO much bucking work to do today..WELP i might become inactive again for a while, but idk my email should be visible. Drop me a line if you wanna talk or something, production IS down until my hiatus is over and i find a new crew and others who need jobs etc. Until then ill prolly come back ad goof off again and make small talk c:

    Sunday, 27-May-12 12:06:23 UTC from web in context
  5. @nerthos amazing

    Sunday, 27-May-12 12:03:43 UTC from web in context
  6. @nerthos she knows man, she'll find out one way or another. I'm thinking, couldent sleep ponies in my head again. should work.

    Sunday, 27-May-12 12:01:26 UTC from web in context
  7. @dariusponyperson wow really, REALLY this again. I said i was flippin sorry and you took my reply the wrong way...perhaps you are just looking for the reaction but people die everyday. just make sure you're ok and you'll be fine for the most part i guess...this is bad advise just um ignore this post..

    Sunday, 27-May-12 12:00:35 UTC from web in context
  8. @communistprime sweet luna, you+me game SOON, email me man! id love to play. I just broke my artifact deck because i didn't have the right cards to use its full potential. I have all the Myrs too D:

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:57:42 UTC from web in context
  9. @nerthos that reminds me, i has a question for EVERYbody here. My gf might just murder me if she finds out ive been up all night again and...not really working but goofing off >.> what do?

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:56:06 UTC from web in context
  10. @abigpony every episode gets me in deep, always wondering what's going to happen next and excited to see how it ends, etc.

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:54:43 UTC from web in context
  11. @dariusponyperson im not laughing about it, im just saying 'seatbelts' because they help..sorry if it came off as some other way :c

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:53:24 UTC from web in context
  12. @foxgopher do you play any TCGs? whyyyyy in the world are you up so late?

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:52:19 UTC from web in context
  13. @abigpony gah i love that show, i think the YT channel i watched it on was taken down a few times. I gotta catch up!

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:51:34 UTC from web in context
  14. @communistprime hay if you're a mod dosent that mean you could've done waht that dragon guy did this whole time o.o

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:50:36 UTC from web in context
  15. @dariusponyperson seatbelts

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:49:58 UTC from web in context
  16. @foxgopher yessup to them both. i assume you as well or just a stay up late teen...heheh why does that make me laugh, oh sweet luna thats creeeeeepy!~

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:49:26 UTC from web in context
  17. @abigpony now now Mr. Mumbles

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:47:18 UTC from web in context
  18. @foxgopher yuppers its almost 5am for me but ive been working

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:46:32 UTC from web in context
  19. @toksyuryel this dosent support any format of coding sadly.

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:44:26 UTC from web in context
  20. @foxgopher timezones i found a pony with the same as mine heheh

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:43:31 UTC from web in context
  21. @nerthos i just went off and did my own thing, its a silly fight over what? a few users having a bad day, nothing more.

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:42:09 UTC from web in context
  22. @delrotronic you're going to be amazing. Look at you talking to yourself ha how funny.

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:39:04 UTC from web in context
  23. @mrdragon now i remember those days!

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:27:14 UTC from web in context
  24. @abigpony heheh exactly buddy, i was just out of the hospital when i made that account AND i just logged into it to post from it, so dunno what more proof i can give ya. I'm still the same Pink Pony OC in the image on BOTH ends.

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:21:24 UTC from web in context
  25. @abigpony I'm the owner and founder of Delponies my good friend heheh, i've been around for a while now. here is my old account

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:16:06 UTC from web in context
  26. @greydragon412 oh boy, lemmie go grab my old account hold up.

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:14:44 UTC from web in context
  27. @greydragon412 oh boy, lemmie go grab my old account hold up.

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:13:37 UTC from web in context
  28. @abigpony i didn't mean it like that, you just came off as rude to me when you used to treat me like a best friend. again you're um chill now or at least you came off kinda mean but not anymore im sure we're still bros

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:12:34 UTC from web in context
  29. @comradeconventrix ive been here since last year pal, don't play this game with me. I left here because it just wasent what i was expecting but i had it bookmarked for later. that later is now. you can fight all you want but in the end you're only hurting youself, i aint even mad.

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:09:58 UTC from web in context
  30. @nerthos im on your side. WE are on your side.

    Sunday, 27-May-12 11:07:44 UTC from web in context

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