Jb (xvinylscratchx)

  1. i bring you a new drawing cuz i was bored and had no work. not the best but i think im getting better http://ur1.ca/c6quf

    Thursday, 20-Dec-12 19:13:19 UTC from web
  2. anyyywaaaay... i wanted to tell yall that iv started my first fanfic lol big feat for me cuz well never wrote one in my life anyhow i posted on the rdn forums incase you all would like to take a look at it. its not completed yet but a nice preview http://forums.rainbowdash.com/index.php/topic,820.new.html#new

    Saturday, 08-Dec-12 05:24:30 UTC from web in context
  3. @nikkie2898 this was my costume at neko ^_^ I was surprised how well it turned out lol it looked was better than I had expected http://pbr1311.photobucket.com/albums/s679/gamerkuro/Nekocon/DJPon.jpg

    Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 03:38:34 UTC from web in context
  4. @xvinylscratchx http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=mhee&v=I4uLbyB_9CI

    Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 03:08:12 UTC from web in context
  5. hey everypony the con was awsome and i just found a pic already posted of me in cosplay online. i was asked left and right for a pic and a brohoof ^_^ http://ur1.ca/at1sa

    Sunday, 04-Nov-12 23:55:42 UTC from web in context
  6. @techdisk the vinyl scratch walpaper i have on my phone is this http://ur1.ca/ar8z7

    Friday, 02-Nov-12 04:40:41 UTC from web in context
  7. @techdisk i surpass you all yes i went there. nekocon here i come ^_^ http://ur1.ca/ar2lf

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 17:44:15 UTC from web in context
  8. @misterthebrony yeah its a phone but mine is a pure mp3 player ^_^ so i win by defult of a player that they dont make anymore nice try though http://ur1.ca/ar2ka

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 17:40:22 UTC from web in context
  9. @misterthebrony from zune hd i win http://ur1.ca/ar2j4

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 17:36:56 UTC from web in context
  10. @sonorouscadenza @colfax @redenchilada yes happy post halloween http://ur1.ca/ar2i1

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 17:33:28 UTC from web in context
  11. @mashuga31 here they are http://www.etsy.com/listing/110991262/plush-vinyl-scratch-mlp-pony

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 17:30:10 UTC from web in context
  12. @mashuga31 sadly iv never seen a mlp plushies (show accurate) sold less than $45. iv seen a 20" one for $150 and both are of vinyl and octavia. i so want them too http://ur1.ca/ar2fu

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 17:27:18 UTC from web in context
  13. @mashuga31 i got this one as my ps3 bg http://ur1.ca/ar26y

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 17:00:01 UTC from web in context
  14. @mashuga31 hey mine too this is my desktop bg right now http://ur1.ca/ar24h

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 16:52:45 UTC from web in context
  15. im sad my friend renouced his bronyness http://ur1.ca/aqqv1

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 02:21:39 UTC from web in context
  16. Happy halloween http://ur1.ca/aqj8i

    Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 14:46:42 UTC from web in context
  17. @thehighlander nice will do hey you should join the meetup its on the second floor of the convention center on the far end wall by the balcony heres the pic of the location http://ur1.ca/aqepj

    Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 05:10:49 UTC from web in context
  18. @insaneclownscribus lol this one is scarier lol http://ur1.ca/aqenc

    Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 05:03:11 UTC from web in context
  19. @insaneclownscribus ohh that looks scary get a rainbow wig to take away from the scariness http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=7eamaI1ZYy0

    Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 05:01:36 UTC from web in context
  20. @techdisk someone called me? http://ur1.ca/aqeiu

    Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 04:47:53 UTC from web in context
  21. yay time to up my new drawing ^_^ http://ur1.ca/aqdb1

    Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 02:35:38 UTC from web in context
  22. @sonorouscadenza lol i know but tavi has a place in my heart. she shared her sandwich with me. and it was delicious lol http://ur1.ca/aqcwv

    Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 01:54:49 UTC from web in context
  23. @sonorouscadenza http://ur1.ca/aqcu6

    Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 01:48:19 UTC from web in context
  24. @mushi im good i finished my badges and here they are http://ur1.ca/aqcp0

    Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 01:34:13 UTC from web in context
  25. heres my badges i made for the brony meetup inside nekocon http://ur1.ca/aqb85

    Tuesday, 30-Oct-12 23:11:32 UTC from web in context
  26. yay my rainbow dash badge is done well the template anyway http://ur1.ca/apshk

    Monday, 29-Oct-12 20:00:59 UTC from web
  27. @mushi sigh soon as i leave you return lol owell http://ur1.ca/aprlj

    Monday, 29-Oct-12 19:20:33 UTC from web in context
  28. i love this comic strip http://twentypercentcooler.net/post/show/20861

    Monday, 29-Oct-12 19:12:12 UTC from web
  29. @rainbowmaui joke about the ocean hmmm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAUSqCXVvwM

    Monday, 29-Oct-12 18:50:01 UTC from web in context
  30. @rainbowmaui darn you now have to think of something else to make a joke of T_T http://ur1.ca/apqxf

    Monday, 29-Oct-12 18:46:55 UTC from web in context