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Public timeline, page 4


  1. Well I have learned some definite things about baking with honey

    about a month ago from web
    • You know, when I was a kid, I thought Mitt Romney was the bottom of the barrel.

      about a month ago from web
    • I'm on the verge of buying a Sony Xperia 10 V. I have more and more problems with my Blackberry's battery performance and Android 8 is not the newest anymore. Also whenever I wanted to look up something the browser performance got abysmal. I have modest requirements for my mobile device so I don't need a flagship phone. I want a 3.5mm audio jack, a decent browsing experience, a micro SD slot, and NO STUPID NOTCH on the display. I found one for 320€. It's in the ballpark of when I bought my Blackberry. I think about it a few more days before I'll bite the bullet.

      about a month ago from web
      • I miss the distinction between the different defense types in D&D 5e. In 4th edition there was other than AC also Reflex (DEX, INT), Will (WIS, CHA), and Fortitude (STR, CON). I have a slight distaste for the amount of spells and attacks that require saving throws in 5e. In 5e it's easy to resolve a simple attack as it has only one value to check against, however a spell caster might not wear strong armor but has to rely on luck. I'm aware that saving throws are kinda the inverse of attacks but I don't like the mechanic direction and implicit flavoring. I guess in 5e it's slightly easier for a DM to keep track of.

        about a month ago from web
        • Working in a retirement community should come with hazard pay

          about a month ago from web
          • I filled all my raised beds with gravel at the bottom for drainage and then composted earth from the store. 320 litres of stinky earth. I just finished putting in all the tomato plants that I could. A few pots were contaminated with my attempt to grow jalaños. I reused the earth and failed to remove the seeds. The jalapeños decided to take a lot longer and grew alongside the tomato. I wait a little bit until it's clear what's what.

            about a month ago from web
            • On the one hoof, messing up homemade tortillas was a bummer. On the other, I managed to accidentally make a very delicious pizza crust. Task failed successfully?

              about a month ago from web
              • Been playing FTL lately again. I play it on easy and the game still kicks my butt. I've unlocked all A-type and B-type ships (except Lanius Cruiser) and am two ships short of all C-type ones. Still missing the last unlockable ship as I didn't find the unknown sector with the rock ship but I'm on my way to do it with all successful B-type ship runs.

                about a month ago from web
                • It sucks that The Bad Batch is over. Great finale.

                  about a month ago from web
                • it is time to discuss the butt

                  about a month ago from web
                  • may the 1st be with ME, not you

                    about a month ago from web
                    • Happy May Day, go burn down a capitalist edifice! (in spirit. and/or minecraft)

                      about a month ago from web
                      • It took me 3 hours to dig out this 40-50 year old rhododendron bush stump https://i.imgur.com/AbYRYNI.jpeg The roots were super nasty. They were as thick as branches. I had to literally dig in with my hand saw and cut the roots under ground.

                        about a month ago from web
                        • There’s a Tesla in line in front of me at the emissions inspection place.

                          about a month ago from web
                        • I just learned there’s a law in DC preventing cops from apprehending people who skip train fares?? Does it apply in Virginia too??? What am I paying for?????????

                          about a month ago from web
                          • People say Trump was almost as bad a president as Richard Nixon, but Nixon created the EPA and Trump did everything else Nixon did besides that so surely Dick’s a couple of rungs above him. Aroo.

                            about a month ago from web
                            • Making your own cheese is time-consuming

                              about a month ago from web
                              • Driving the car in the afternoon is a nightmare with all the traffic jams. I wanted to haul some bigger things that I cannot do by bike. Coincidentally the store also had a cheap bike trailer on offer, however upon closer inspection it was CRAP. I mean that it was manufactured garbage. The trailer attaches to a coupler on the saddle stem. I'm not a fan of that but the final nails in the coffin were the flimsiness of the material of the coupler alongside the lack of any wheel dampening and the horrific assembly of tubes that make up the trailer frame.

                                about a month ago from web
                                • It's ludicrous that Windows update download of 5GB is still at 0% for over an hour. I have 250MBit downstream!

                                  about a month ago from web
                                  • Today I removed a damn big rhododendron bush the size of 4 fridges. There is only a stump left, which is the biggest hurdle right now. I need to dig it out or get a tool that shreds it while being in the ground. I need the space for my tomatoes.

                                    about 2 months ago from web
                                    • Adjusted for inflation, Phillip J. Fry’s debit card PIN number is 2019 in 2024

                                      about 2 months ago from web
                                      • @zapphire thats cool i havent been on this website in a while :3

                                        about 2 months ago from web
                                        • does anyone play roblox here?????

                                          about 2 months ago from web
                                        • Damn my computer cost way more to fix than I had hoped

                                          about 2 months ago from web
                                          • @scribus PC parts costs are really out of whack! I wanted to upgrade my PC 4 years ago and I'm still limping on with my 2017 old rust bucket. The same holds true with my deteriorating laptop. Even used prices aren't what they used to.

                                            about 2 months ago in context