Notices by awlxaĺan (awl), page 2

  1. @darkw00d I forgot that was even a thing.

    Monday, 15-Jul-19 19:12:06 UTC from web in context
  2. It keeps asking “remember me” at login but let’s be honest, no one remembers.

    Monday, 15-Jul-19 17:44:37 UTC from web in context
  3. Shoutouts to the time I shot my rifle in the air to celebrate this nation

    Friday, 05-Jul-19 00:28:23 UTC from web
  4. @darkw00d no way.

    Friday, 05-Jul-19 00:10:08 UTC from web in context
  5. @nerthos all it takes is being a kind of weirdo.

    Friday, 28-Jun-19 16:58:32 UTC from web in context
  6. @tiff it’s time we all stop posting

    Monday, 01-Apr-19 21:39:41 UTC from web in context
  7. Aprawl Fools

    Monday, 01-Apr-19 16:39:44 UTC from web
  8. I miss this layout more than I realised.

    Sunday, 10-Mar-19 19:04:51 UTC from web in context
  9. "Here comes more crying"

    cc: @awl

    Sunday, 10-Mar-19 02:57:27 UTC from web Repeat of nerthos

    Monday, 11-Feb-19 00:39:57 UTC from web
  11. Don’t cross memes gents.

    Friday, 18-Jan-19 06:46:47 UTC from web
  12. @scribus it’s likely less than 6 degrees nowadays. Probably was before too

    Friday, 18-Jan-19 06:46:22 UTC from web in context
  13. I smelled memes

    Sunday, 30-Dec-18 00:39:22 UTC from web in context
  14. Happy Christmas RDN.

    Monday, 24-Dec-18 17:21:41 UTC from web
  15. If the one mod you can afford to hire does find the time to ban me please don't just ban me erase my account as well its funny because being banned here is probably the equivalent of being a mod on a real site not really I'm sure its easy to get banned here I'm sure whoever runs this site takes this all very seriously funny because I don't hate bronys but you, you who made a useless site(well if filling up the internet with garbage is a use then its not useless) you hate bronys there is no need for this site no demand no market and no reason the only reason someone would waste their time on this is if they where a depressed asshole who wanted to find meaning in their life by making something whether it be good or not(not that you could tell).

    Tuesday, 09-Sep-14 11:01:10 UTC from web in context Repeat of deletemyaccount
  16. Hey rdn how’s that re-branding coming along. Looks like the Nazis were your life support after all eh?

    Monday, 10-Dec-18 01:13:52 UTC from web in context
  17. The Life of Brian is on US Netflix. My favourite Minty Python film.

    Saturday, 01-Dec-18 01:17:38 UTC from web
  18. @vt3c ugly but like a top. So far we’ve taken it to Taylors Falls and Itasca with no breakdowns.

    Thursday, 29-Nov-18 15:15:22 UTC from web in context
  19. @vt3c glad to see you’re doing OK.

    Thursday, 29-Nov-18 04:24:32 UTC from web in context
  20. Holy grape I can’t believe Agent Dale Cooper is in the Flintstones

    Tuesday, 02-Oct-18 02:34:00 UTC from web in context
  21. @scribus what do you get when you have her, Bowser and all his kids in a room? A Bow Set.

    Saturday, 29-Sep-18 01:49:16 UTC from web in context
  22. @whomst one day they may not be here.

    Friday, 28-Sep-18 06:53:27 UTC from web in context
  23. What a break down of what’s happening in the Hollywoo(d) scene. Well done Bojack Horseman.

    Thursday, 20-Sep-18 14:27:03 UTC from web in context
  24. @dekken we live in a society

    Tuesday, 18-Sep-18 20:56:15 UTC from Repeat of delores
  25. @tiff hmm

    Tuesday, 18-Sep-18 21:00:29 UTC from web in context
  26. @tiff what was it before

    Tuesday, 18-Sep-18 20:10:26 UTC from web in context
  27. @tiff well there area few things that transcend the pond I guess. Like being a teen-aged jackass

    Wednesday, 12-Sep-18 19:01:54 UTC from web in context
  28. @tiff coïncidentally Inbetweeners is on Netflix US. The series that is.

    Wednesday, 12-Sep-18 18:45:08 UTC from web in context
  29. @tiff bananassake I didn’t know about this til now. Great stuff

    Wednesday, 12-Sep-18 18:14:42 UTC from web in context
  30. @tiff this seems like something Jay said

    Wednesday, 12-Sep-18 17:53:47 UTC from web in context