scribus's favorite notices, page 2

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  1. @scribus (straight male boomer comedian voice) Sounds like my wife!!!!

    Tuesday, 31-May-22 08:12:18 UTC from web in context
  2. Today we celebrate a day with towels because a funny author died on a treadmill.

    Wednesday, 25-May-22 06:01:44 UTC from web in context
  3. @scribus Other people's tastes is always trash.

    Tuesday, 10-May-22 06:24:18 UTC from web in context
  4. Recommend drinking a mix of passion fruit juice with cola. Maybe not a 50:50 mix I just made. Probably a 33 passion fruit : 66 cola mix is better.

    Monday, 18-Apr-22 16:00:51 UTC from web
  5. if you showed me lines this clean when i was 14 and making my little brony i would have banana myself

    Thursday, 03-Mar-22 05:13:04 UTC from web
  6. Escort service in Goa? The only "escort service" I need is to "escort" you off the premises! And the only "Goa" I need is for you to "goa-way"!!

    Sunday, 20-Feb-22 11:10:14 UTC from web in context
  7. To paraphrase South Park, Lin Manuel-Miranda is not the emperor of hispanic people

    Thursday, 30-Dec-21 04:30:17 UTC from web
  8. just gonna go ahead and add “Latino” to my twitter bio before this gets out of hand

    Wednesday, 29-Dec-21 21:29:24 UTC from web
  9. Here’s what they don’t tell you about recording a sex scene where you’re both of the participants - you’re gonna have to do several takes because it’s really, really funny.

    Friday, 12-Nov-21 22:55:17 UTC from web
  10. RIP the Golgo artist. He did James Bond better than James Bond.

    Wednesday, 29-Sep-21 08:19:06 UTC from web in context
  11. I'm only going top give this tip once. Put a single frozen otter pop in a mug before beginning a single serve coffee brew. When it's done you can also use it to stir, rinse it off, put it back in the freezer. Your coffee is now at a perfect temperature for consumption.

    Tuesday, 14-Sep-21 16:24:40 UTC from web
  12. @clarity Everypony is best! (but secretly Twilight Sparkle is better)

    Monday, 07-May-12 06:09:36 UTC from web in context
  13. right now i'm watching what i initially thought was That's So Raven but is actually a spinoff called Raven's Home and I'm not sure who it's for because they stopped airing That's So Raven when I was ten and I don't think (normal) adults are turning on Disney Channel at one in the morning.

    Wednesday, 14-Jul-21 04:42:48 UTC from web
  14. disney when they write a gay character: this is gonna get our movie so much publicity
    me when i write a gay character: heh... the gay guy is the straight man

    Friday, 25-Jun-21 06:47:53 UTC from web
  15. I just took the shot.

    Friday, 18-Jun-21 15:55:44 UTC from web in context
  16. Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the best looking games I think I have ever played. What makes that slightly difficult to appreciate is the memory leak that causes any play session longer than a couple of hours to slowly dip further and further in framerate until you're eventually experiencing the game the same way that I experience one of my cartoons while I'm making it.

    Tuesday, 15-Jun-21 05:19:54 UTC from web
  17. That's how I remember it

    Saturday, 15-May-21 11:54:36 UTC from web in context

    Saturday, 10-Apr-21 17:21:42 UTC from web in context
  19. When I was a kid we called John Boehner “John Boner” and in retrospect this was very problematic because boners are fun and cool and John Boehner is not

    Friday, 09-Apr-21 00:16:50 UTC from web
  20. Ten years ago today on Monday, 04-Apr-11 22:37:22 UTC, the rainbowdash domain was registered. The first post was published an hour later on Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC.

    Congratulations RDN on ten years of operations! /)

    Sunday, 04-Apr-21 22:37:37 UTC from web in context
  21. I started binge-watching "My Name is Earl". Wholesome dumb stuff.

    Thursday, 01-Apr-21 10:09:44 UTC from web in context
  22. glad to see this is still around

    Tuesday, 16-Mar-21 01:50:47 UTC from web in context
  23. Been vaccinated for a whole week, this time next week I’ll finally, for the first time in over a year, be able to fantasize about having a social life.

    Sunday, 14-Mar-21 03:09:12 UTC from web
  24. I know this is a “just me” thing, but I love being able to differentiate episodes of a cartoon that had their animation produced by different studios.

    Saturday, 06-Mar-21 01:05:53 UTC from web
  25. Just found a Doctor Who continuity error, last time I watched he was played by Peter Capaldi but I watched an episode today and they seem to have forgotten this because for some reason a totally different actor was in the role, very embarrassing for whoever made that mistake

    Sunday, 14-Feb-21 04:20:14 UTC from web
  26. First four seconds were animated a whiiiiile ago. Then I took a hiatus, made a video about Skyrim and another one about a very talented pedophile, and finally a couple of days ago picked this cartoon back up. Animated the last thirteen seconds of this clip today and yesterday.

    Sunday, 07-Feb-21 10:37:16 UTC from web
  27. And all this talk about animation is making me wanna work but I’m supposed to be sleeping, I work in six hours

    Thursday, 28-Jan-21 06:33:34 UTC from web
  28. Man I kinda thought Trump’s post-presidency would be louder than this. Not being on Twitter does that, I suppose.

    Thursday, 21-Jan-21 19:47:33 UTC from web
  29. Day 1 of Biden’s America: that vending machine probably still doesn’t work but I haven’t been to that school in four years so it’s anyone’s guess really.

    Thursday, 21-Jan-21 13:11:06 UTC from web
  30. Did you know that the federal government cooperated with filmmakers doing research about the operation of federal agencies, but only if you’re really really nice to them in your film? Anyway the FBI doesn’t exist in Swole Foods. Totally unrelated. Instead we have the “Investigation Bureau of America”, which is so very corrupt, unlike the swell fellows at the real DOJ.

    Saturday, 16-Jan-21 02:28:49 UTC from web