Notices by Matt (zeldatra), page 3

  1. I sound like Dennis from Always Sunny in this cartoon. Not on purpose. It just sort of happened. But I think people are gonna like it. They have to. Because of the implication.

    about 4 months ago from web
  2. Had to get a new phone number due to many frustrating circumstances that caused me to lose access to the old one, but then I got the old one back, so now I have two phone numbers like some kind of drug dealer. My new number belonged to some old lady that gave her number out to literally everyone and everything so the new number’s gotta go. I’ve been getting spam calls and texts nonstop all day.

    about 4 months ago from web in context
  3. like you can go online right now and read the obituary of the person that made the realistic anatomy mods and she did not die young i can tell you that much

    about 4 months ago from web
  4. The Sims modding community is kinda nuts because 90% of the biggest custom content creators are women in their 70s so in all likelihood that’s somebody’s granny making the sex mods

    about 4 months ago from web
  5. Also lmao at Chitose being banished to the shadow realm before the credits even roll because her actress is actually famous and is probably never coming back to the series and they scanned her face in so they’d have to pay her to even use the character again

    about 4 months ago from web
  6. what REALLY shocked me was that half of the romance options in IW just straight-up rape Kasuga and it's completely played for laughs! he gets assaulted like three times, and is arguably coerced the other two times!

    about 4 months ago from web
  7. i did end up beating infinite wealth and am making my way through the postgame, was a bit shocked that Chitose never becomes one of the romance options (unlike Saeko, who becomes romanceable towards the end of the last game), but then again maybe I shouldn't be shocked that Kasuga maybe doesn't want to be sexually involved with the person whose introduction to the series was putting rohypnol in his drink

    about 4 months ago from web
  8. Every time somebody important dies in this game I go “holy papaya!!” but then I remember that none of them were decapitated so they might just be in a three-game coma

    about 4 months ago from web
  9. But yeah for the most part it’s pretty good. Kaiji Tang is the Ichiban I imagine in my head

    about 4 months ago from web
  10. @adiwan it’s mad unfortunate in some cases, they face scanned Daniel Dae Kim for the triad boss but when he talks it’s not Daniel Dae Kim’s voice and Daniel Dae Kim is Ebina instead???

    about 4 months ago from web in context
  11. @adiwan I dunno, maybe I’m just misremembering Nanba’s voice because I’m currently used to hearing him as Yagami’s, but Greg Chun constantly sounds like he’s about to lose his voice in Infinite Wealth. That and his audio mixing is like noticeably worse than everyone else’s, so he might actually just have done everything from home with no voice direction and the audio engineer didn’t fix anything. Mega jarring because the rest of the English voice dub is shockingly good.

    about 4 months ago from web in context
  12. @adiwan is that why Nanba sounds like COVID destroyed his throat

    about 4 months ago from web in context
  13. “Kiryu has contracted schizophrenia from repeated exposure to Kasuga” is not a tutorial I thought I would read in this game

    about 4 months ago from web in context
  14. Did Ichiban and Kiryu have an off-screen adventure together between Ryu 7 and Infinite Wealth or something? Ichiban keeps saying papaya like “everything Kiryu did for me” but to my knowledge all Kiryu did was show up, beat Ichiban up, exposit at him, then leave without even telling him his name.

    about 4 months ago from web in context
  15. @adiwan I do that too, but the cops in this county are mega slow. You call, they take 45 minutes to show up.

    about 4 months ago from web in context
  16. Only theft I stopped today was kids stealing White Claw. On the bright side, I really bullied them over their choice in drinks. Just completely laid into them. Told them my grandma drinks that grape & that it was embarrassing watching them grab it.

    about 4 months ago from web
  17. France hasn’t used Francs since the 90s!!!!! How did one end up in my store????????

    about 4 months ago from web
  18. somebody paid for a lottery ticket today by passing off a French Franc as a quarter, and now I’m just left wondering where tf it came from

    about 4 months ago from web
  19. At the moment, though, the store is emptier than a Dean Phillips rally.

    about 4 months ago from web
  20. @scribus my current plan is to stand around door and watch it so I can at least say I did something when they review cameras, ain’t getting close to these psychos though. My hero complex doesn’t run THAT strong.

    about 4 months ago from web in context
  21. A group of dudes stole $2000 in merchandise in a single night at my store, and my dumbass hothead of a cart pusher threw hands. They came in again last night and brought mace. Now I kind of wanna wear goggles tonight in case they come in again but at this rate if they discover I’m immune to mace they’ll bring a gun tomorrow.

    about 4 months ago from web in context
  22. Character designs for a new series

    about 4 months ago from web
  23. got to the part of the game with the animal crossing and I see now why Yokoyama-san was saying this was the biggest game in the universe, I was like 40 hours in when I finally got to it

    about 4 months ago from web in context
  24. In chapter 2, Kasuga is being arrested at gunpoint by American police who have no idea what he’s saying and vice versa, then later on he’s communicating with a different police officer perfectly fine with no language barrier.

    about 5 months ago from web in context
  25. I guess that doesn’t really solve the problem here, which is that Kasuga & co, who have never left Japan before, are able to communicate perfectly fine with the English-speaking population of Hawaii, except where convenient to preserve drama.

    about 5 months ago from web
  26. Yakuza 8 needs a hybrid sub/dub option. I get that there’s a lot of Japanese in Hawaii but it’s a bit eyebrow raising that Tony, an eight year old with blonde hair and blue eyes who lives with his drunken red neck uncle, can speak perfect Japanese.

    about 5 months ago from web
  27. Got drunk tonight instead of playing Like A Dragon in the hopes that I would get to fight a real Sujimon but it appears they only show up when I’m working and it would be inappropriate to hit them

    about 5 months ago from web
  28. These Instagram sex bots use literally the most unattractive profile pictures imaginable, I thought they were meant to entice

    about 5 months ago from web
  29. been working on something I’m really excited about that I can hopefully show in more detail very soon

    about 5 months ago from web
  30. @adiwan i bought the version that everyone online is really upset about because i have no self control

    about 5 months ago from web in context