Daniel Alejandro Perez Chaparro's home timeline


  1. !bcbronies Hey guys, I'll be reposting my episodes on DailyMotion, here's a video with the link in the description & hopefully it will give you some giggles (at the ghosties)

    Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 04:14:52 UTC from web
  2. !bcbronies Sign-ups for 42 night for March 2nd are now open. What's new is that we now have a permanent link for signing up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jrT11zIF8XjegP5d_esXKogHLyPHulyZnpEwLWExAsE/viewform This link will not change, but you will have to re-confirm for each new night.

    Monday, 11-Feb-13 06:35:41 UTC from web
    • !bcbronies !everfreeradio New Speedy and Stretch is out with my work on the Dead or Alive cover's music video! Like to thank the Crebers for allowing me to work with them on this over the past week! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZI2d6-ZACs

      Monday, 11-Feb-13 04:01:24 UTC from web
      • !bcbronies 42 night for this week is almost filled up with 1-2 spots left! Remember, it's Games Ponies Play screening, then Canucks vs Flames!

        Friday, 08-Feb-13 10:14:06 UTC from web
        • !vancouverbronies hey guys it's been a wile, just been busy with life the universe and everything so i'm a bit out of the loop. So as i've noticed the season finale is cancelled due to it being one episode, but i was wondering if we could do like a smaller thing where we just have a small group of people joining up at someones place and just watching the episode on like a tv or something like a mini movie night cause i really enjoy just hanging out with my brony bros and just chilling. Just a suggestion (i would offer my place but i live on the island :( ,) but if anyone likes it maybe we can set up something just between a small group of us. TLDR GO READ IT, ya lazy bums :P

          Thursday, 07-Feb-13 19:39:54 UTC from web
        • !bcbronies Be aware, next week's 42 night (Feb 9th) happens to fall on a Hockey night. We will start the new episode screening early at a hard time of 6PM and watch the game at 7PM.

          Friday, 01-Feb-13 18:50:15 UTC from web
          • !bcbronies Speedy and Stretch # is now out. Prepare for more cowb-ahem! I mean, more Triangle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBXgjw4f8hQ

            Thursday, 31-Jan-13 14:44:07 UTC from web
            • !bcbronies 42 Night has moved up to February 9th. The 16th is too busy to hold a 42 night. Same link to sign-up: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGhVYU9DV21WZkprVTVzS2ZNQ0JqLVE6MQ

              Tuesday, 29-Jan-13 01:21:45 UTC from web
              • !bcbronies February 3rd Bowling time is now officially moved to 5:30PM.

                Monday, 28-Jan-13 16:55:58 UTC from web
                • !bcbronies 42 night signup for February 16th is now open! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGhVYU9DV21WZkprVTVzS2ZNQ0JqLVE6MQ (as always, you can check the info doc for any rule changes or special changes specific to that night: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UI89zg5qPoaCzCchwYGde9fQ6ITu9ZsdLcouHbm1Hs8/edit

                  Sunday, 27-Jan-13 13:20:37 UTC from web
                  • !vancouverbronies http://www.facebook.com/groups/bcbronies/

                    Thursday, 24-Jan-13 20:13:52 UTC from web
                    • !bcbronies Just realized this: Regarding the Hearts and Hooves event and 42 night, for those going to the Hearts and Hooves event, 42 Night is immediately after the Hearts and Hooves event. If you are not going to the Hearts and Hooves event, please contact David on the day of to ensure the pack from Metrotown does not arrive to an empty house.

                      Wednesday, 23-Jan-13 09:20:19 UTC from web
                      • !bcbronies 42 night has filled up for the 2nd time in a row! Thanks to all that signed up! Any extra are now up to David's discretion.

                        Wednesday, 23-Jan-13 09:09:01 UTC from web
                        • !bcbronies Remember to vote in the poll about the time people wish to have Bowling for on the 3rd on the bowling's FB event. Votes will be counted on Saturday and a time will be decided.

                          Tuesday, 22-Jan-13 04:26:32 UTC from web
                          • !bcbronies We are almost full up on 42 night for this upcoming Saturday. There's only 2 slots left!

                            Tuesday, 22-Jan-13 04:21:40 UTC from web
                            • !bcbronies May be a long shot, but who's up for watching the Canucks game after the meetup on Saturday? (Not at David's please. He needs to work on stuff.)

                              Thursday, 17-Jan-13 01:48:42 UTC from web
                              • !bcbronies If you haven't known yet, Speedy and Stretch is out by Michelle Creber (Includes the official Spies in the Night video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZyPni-PfFs

                                Tuesday, 15-Jan-13 05:24:37 UTC from web
                                • !bcbronies UPDATE to the Bowling event: Jessica Perry and David Kronstein have graciously offered to cover the cost (shoes and 1 game) for up to 4 people if anyone really wants to come but has no money. Note that this is ONLY if you have absolutely no money and couldn't come any other way. NOT if you have money but just don't want to spend it.

                                  Sunday, 13-Jan-13 05:46:45 UTC from web
                                  • !vancouverbronies FB Event now created for the Bowling event.

                                    Sunday, 13-Jan-13 05:21:33 UTC from web
                                    • !bcbronies Please wish @batt well, he dislocated his knee today.

                                      Sunday, 13-Jan-13 01:43:13 UTC from web
                                      • !bcbronies Small update to the bowling event: Shoe rentals are $4, so the total cost per person would be at least $6.

                                        Saturday, 12-Jan-13 08:20:08 UTC from web
                                        • !bcbronies To anyone still here, who would be up for some CMC inspired bowling sometime next month?

                                          Thursday, 10-Jan-13 20:24:14 UTC from web
                                        • !bcbronies 42 night has been re-scheduled to January 26th. Confirmations preferably by the 19th.

                                          Thursday, 10-Jan-13 03:26:27 UTC from web
                                          • !vancouverbronies So I'm curious... Does anyone locally have any active involvement with this BronyCan that is meant to be "in BC" this year? As someone who has run 2500+ person conventions in the past, something just seems 'off' about this. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I would love to find out more.

                                            Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 02:03:44 UTC from web
                                            • Show all 5 replies
                                            • @spectrumflash !bcbronies Not to mention they went to Indiegogo just to get their funding... proving they have no money in the first place. They also already received a C&D from Hasbro for using copyrighted characters on their site. To make things worse, only 1 out of their staff actually has a source of income and most of the staff are very young. (teenage young)

                                              Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 17:02:18 UTC in context
                                            • @jackzhang !bcbronies That's the other thing. I have never seen a convention financed that way. Money comes from organizers taking a risk and putting their own in (often protected by a legal organization such as a LLC - at least in the US), registration fees, dealer table fees, and potentially anything the convention can produce to sell. The idea is that what you make in fees and sales should be enough to a) pay for this year's costs, b) support you for the next year and c) give you base to start on for the next year. With the way this BronyCan looks like it's going, being so secretive about where and when it is, considering it's meant to be 'in BC in 2013', I am skeptical that they will get enough memberships to keep themselves afloat for next year. Canada has a much lower population than the US, and to come into Canada from, say, mid-west to east coast, people need to organize travel plans fairly early on to get decent fares.

                                              Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 17:16:35 UTC in context
                                            • @spectrumflash !bcbronies It probably won't even fly this year. Their Indiegogo is the yay or nay for going ahead with the con. If they don't get to their goal, they're pretty much not doing it. They're secretive because they're figuring out as they go. Instead of pre-planning, they're doing stuff then planning. Case in point, they made the announcements about the con before they even had a solid venue or revenue source.

                                              Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 17:24:48 UTC in context
                                          • !bcbronies 42 night sign-ups for January 19th are now open! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEl4WnhRcExHV3FkNmZRaG1VUWNvX0E6MQ (Confirmations by the 12th if you can, please)

                                            Sunday, 06-Jan-13 18:32:51 UTC from web
                                            • !bcbronies 42 night is now full for this week. Any extra is up to David's discretion. We already have people on the waitlist, so we are pretty much filled up now.

                                              Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 09:29:18 UTC from web
                                              • !vancouverbronies EVERYONE! BronyCan indiegogo. so GOGOGOGO! Let's make this a reality. I hope iam not a slowpoke on this. http://www.indiegogo.com/BronyCAN/x/330766

                                                Monday, 24-Dec-12 23:31:26 UTC from web
                                              • !bcbronies January 5th 2013's 42 Night signups are now open: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEx4Vk5vRXVxUWlNcHBIS3NkbGd4U1E6MQ (This is a sleepover night, so plan in advance accordingly.) Confirmations I'd preferably want by the 29th.

                                                Sunday, 16-Dec-12 12:52:45 UTC from web
                                                • !bcbronies Important copy-paste I've been told to share: "Michelle Creber (speaking/singing voice of Apple Bloom & singing voice of Sweetie Belle) will be doing a MEET & GREET outside the Toy Jungle at Park Royal Shopping Mall (2nd floor, south side across from Future Shop) in West Vancouver this Sunday from 1-3pm. Michelle will be performing some Christmas songs, taking photos, giving Christmas hugs, selling & signing CDs, digital download cards, buttons, etc AND handing out home-baked cookies with CD purchases!"

                                                  Saturday, 15-Dec-12 08:08:09 UTC from web
                                                • !vancouverbronies hello people. check out our facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/groups/bcbronies/

                                                  Wednesday, 12-Dec-12 13:15:53 UTC from web