Timeline for interestingthings list by baron, page 8

RainyMan! baron interestingthings Friday, 30-Nov-01 00:00:00 UTC
Listed 1 Subscribers 0
  1. @nerthos oh you are right i was trying to sound less mean, omitting that 'a' letter from the word actually...cool?

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-16 19:52:06 UTC from web in context
  2. @rainyman a REPLY hahaha

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-16 19:48:05 UTC from web in context
  3. I suppose there isnt an easy way to become connected this time, we need a checker around this place...rainbowdash ss.

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-16 19:47:14 UTC from web in context
  4. @awl youre new too?

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-16 19:45:27 UTC from web in context
  5. Chibi Examon http://rainbowdash.net/url/854799

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-16 19:42:43 UTC from web
  6. I almost forgot this account by the shift in @ name and this is why having some back-up is the right way to go.

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-16 19:30:50 UTC from web
  7. I'ma become @rainyman no doubt...stan leeeeh

    Sunday, 04-Dec-16 18:12:12 UTC from web
  8. wheres all....in or out?

    Sunday, 04-Dec-16 18:10:45 UTC from web in context
  9. I think the French language is an early attempt at human telepathy. I can't think of any other reason for them to pronounce so few of their letters.

    Monday, 28-Nov-16 18:16:50 UTC from web Repeated by baron
  10. why do so many youtube commenters put their age when they say they like something

    Thursday, 17-Nov-16 15:53:50 UTC from web Repeated by baron
  11. "i'm 13 and I love panic at the disco" "I'm 47 and I love racism and The Kinks"

    Thursday, 17-Nov-16 15:54:24 UTC from web in context Repeated by baron
  12. I dont know why i want a double-entendre' anymore, it is stupid if not narcissistic.

    Thursday, 17-Nov-16 16:08:16 UTC from web
  13. yesterday i became an anime protagonist, and today i found a mysteious key. I like where it is going http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/853714

    Tuesday, 15-Nov-16 15:06:27 UTC from web in context Repeated by baron
  14. i went from feeling like absolute FrankerZ to feeling good as hell thanks to a combination of cough syrup, women, and rap music

    and they say those things are evil

    Tuesday, 15-Nov-16 17:47:01 UTC from shitposter.club in context Repeated by baron
  15. I am not allowing the siren song to make the most of all opportunity and cause a rupture in the commiunity...no way...i gotta stay safe!

    Tuesday, 15-Nov-16 18:04:17 UTC from web
  16. It is a case of being secret first and found second, whatever this entails...correcto?

    Tuesday, 15-Nov-16 17:58:55 UTC from web
  17. I wanted to be a secret agent for a while and i partly will be, it's not a secret until it is...so way to become...goo!

    Tuesday, 15-Nov-16 17:58:06 UTC from web
  18. Why does it work in secret ways all the rages oh all the ways? http://rainbowdash.net/url/853715

    Tuesday, 15-Nov-16 15:32:07 UTC from web

    Tuesday, 15-Nov-16 11:59:01 UTC from shitposter.club in context Repeated by baron
  20. I am on now for while i linger.

    Tuesday, 15-Nov-16 14:58:30 UTC from web
  21. I aint scared to experiment on social~media it is what i can LEARN that counts tho.

    Monday, 14-Nov-16 07:55:32 UTC from web
  22. I am adapting to the times....hooray!

    Saturday, 12-Nov-16 18:36:08 UTC from web
  23. It is no secret that free speech is a PRIVILEGE but many act as if it is an ELITE thang...Hmmm beat that then hehehe!

    Friday, 11-Nov-16 21:00:34 UTC from web
  24. Not getting away with being ignored and fooled by elite...they are the outspoken guys, i mean we can be too hjahjahja!

    Friday, 11-Nov-16 20:59:18 UTC from web
  25. Not making a legacy am I? Well howzat, seems to be a self-fulfilling potential alright.

    Tuesday, 08-Nov-16 18:44:24 UTC from web
  26. Time to keep it real simple and dedicated, not wasting time being scattered all sorts of wrong ways anymore then.

    Tuesday, 08-Nov-16 18:39:57 UTC from web
  27. Me changeth avi noo

    Tuesday, 08-Nov-16 18:38:53 UTC from web
  28. IF RAINBOWDASH is a place to hang around WITH then so BE IT!

    Tuesday, 08-Nov-16 15:08:22 UTC from web

    Tuesday, 08-Nov-16 15:07:44 UTC from web in context
  30. I made a slight cock-up of my sign in and now i signed twicely, as it happens. HEHEHE

    Tuesday, 08-Nov-16 15:06:12 UTC from web


