Timeline for interestingthings list by baron, page 7

RainyMan! baron interestingthings Friday, 30-Nov-01 00:00:00 UTC
Listed 1 Subscribers 0
  1. @rainyman using the syntax !groupname

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 17:02:39 UTC from web in context
  2. How do we see the groups activities, are they active by the way?

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 17:01:46 UTC from web in context
  3. also it was funny as batcave

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 16:50:58 UTC from web Repeated by baron
  4. @nerthos animation is it

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 17:00:16 UTC from web in context
  5. @nerthos well sounds right there, a filter option must be right, moving instead of static, cool~ish~ness

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 16:57:46 UTC from web in context
  6. @nerthos so what is gonna be the right decision forthcoming?

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 16:52:36 UTC from web in context
  7. I guess the choices are infinite, the RDN is changing with the season, and may it never look back please.

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 16:51:29 UTC from web
  8. This has been the longest time i have spent on the RDN channel to date, what changed?

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 16:49:38 UTC from web
  9. @jla it's definitely the year wherein non-person accounts arose in an attempt to turn !gnusocial into another marketably-hip vehicle by which to advance the fourth estate above the meeple-ridden third & in process create the expressedly-unconstitutional - & respectively second and first - estates of nobility and royalty: the mysterious "verified" // the lords of waterdeep // the meowmeowbeenz fives // the sweet and elite # # !fediverse

    Tuesday, 22-Nov-16 12:43:17 UTC from gs.sdf.org in context Repeated by baron
  10. @nerthos i thought it was pointless on its own by the way...now i see new folks around../:-)

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 16:46:58 UTC from web in context
  11. @takecherryakenji It's just a bit pointless now that RDN has opened up to the fediverse as another node rather than a self-contained community, and we no longer have underage users.

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 15:52:13 UTC from web in context Repeated by baron
  12. @rainyman In MORTAL KOMBAT

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 16:39:38 UTC from web in context Repeated by baron
  13. @nerthos oh, what an original expectation on here...woops~

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 16:41:45 UTC from web in context
  14. @mrmattimation what drama?

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 16:39:48 UTC from web in context
  15. @takecherryakenji who is actin' the better, the people will decide right?

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 16:39:03 UTC from web in context
  16. @jla I just merged the fandom, cool huh?

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 16:38:11 UTC from web in context
  17. @rainyman @nerthos I lied for the sake of comedy. I'm a fraud

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 16:32:35 UTC from web in context Repeated by baron
  18. Is this The Year of !GNUSocial For People Who Are Not Into Free Software or My Little Pony? # !fediverse

    Tuesday, 22-Nov-16 12:19:45 UTC from web in context Repeated by baron
  19. @tiffany yer kidding right?

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 16:31:15 UTC from web in context
  20. Who would win, RDN or Mastodon?

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 04:50:54 UTC from gs.kawa-kun.com in context Repeated by baron
  21. Has the layout changed around here, its expanded somehow...?

    Saturday, 10-Dec-16 16:03:32 UTC from web
  22. @tiffany Id live in a tree house if i could too

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-16 20:21:08 UTC from web in context
  23. @tiffany oh so i am better off out of the sea

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-16 20:14:58 UTC from web in context
  24. @tiffany great, i always wanted the right limbs myself.

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-16 20:08:54 UTC from web in context
  25. "The Big Bang Theory except every instance of canned laughter is replaced with Tidus's laugh from Final Fantasy X."

    Monday, 05-Dec-16 18:45:53 UTC from web in context Repeated by baron
  26. I'm a neet trapped in a normie lifestyle and @delores is a normie trapped in a normie lifestyle surrounded by neets

    Monday, 05-Dec-16 20:46:09 UTC from shitposter.club in context Repeated by baron
  27. @rainyman Like the illuminati but they want to sleep with wolves rather than sell us out to lizardmen.

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-16 19:57:37 UTC from web in context Repeated by baron
  28. @nerthos ooohhh yeh

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-16 19:58:33 UTC from web in context
  29. @ceruleanspark what is furries if i might ask?

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-16 19:55:25 UTC from web in context
  30. @rainyman Despite what many furry authors try to portray, Rainbow Dash has no affiliation to the nazi party.

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-16 19:48:32 UTC from web in context Repeated by baron


