Blazing Starshine (blazingstarshine)
@meloetta I am sorry for having misspelled your name. D:
Saturday, 22-Mar-14 05:48:39 UTC from web -
@xeleanorxrigbyx Oh yeah, do that thing moeletta said, I forgot about that.
@xeleanorxrigbyx Can't you log into his account and play them? :v
New computer's here! Just gotta back up a few things and then it's gaming with modern tech, mwahaha.
Friday, 21-Mar-14 18:39:27 UTC from web -
I'll take that as a no, no one wants Ingress invites? o_O
I just signed into Ingress for the first time since last summer. I apparently have 10 invites. Anyone interested?
Thursday, 20-Mar-14 18:56:45 UTC from web -
@mushi Are you talking to yourself? c_c
@rarity That's because my RL name is Blaze! Also; holy crap, hi. I wonder if I know you.
Thursday, 20-Mar-14 18:40:27 UTC from web -
User id 420 - first post, almost exactly 3 years since account creation. Pot heads hate me! I wonder if i'd be considered slack or reclusive.
@nerthos ya damn tootin'! I wonder if there's a way to make this auto refresh, notify of responces, or get a widget..
@nerthos I refuse!
I am mustard, now. I figured it out!
Help! I do not know how to mustard. :O
Thursday, 20-Mar-14 18:27:48 UTC from web -
@mastertdi Okay.. it's this one that looks like old-school "return" key. Yay! Thanks.
@mastertdi Hello! Am I doing this right? I don't know what I'm doing.. ._.
It occurs to me I've never even used this account. Hello!