Notices by Hans van Hörten (blots), page 2

  1. ubj qb v xabj zl qrpvfvba jnf n tbbq bar? V'yy unir gb jnvg hagvy V qvr...

    Sunday, 30-Sep-12 00:36:13 UTC from web
  2. i just want to eat cookies forever...

    Tuesday, 11-Sep-12 02:33:55 UTC from web in context
  3. killing time until my haircut

    Saturday, 08-Sep-12 19:25:10 UTC from web in context
  4. @pony I think the collective noun is "a frat of bros"

    Wednesday, 05-Sep-12 05:39:00 UTC from web in context
  5. so when you sign up for a website, and it tries to verify your identity by asking detailed questions about someone you've never met, is that just the system being buggy, or is my identity being stolen?

    Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:10:46 UTC from web
  6. remember Ross Perot?

    Friday, 31-Aug-12 05:33:46 UTC from web
  7. I deleted two Minecraft worlds after falling in lava in each of them with lots of stuff. ragequit ragequit ragequit.

    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 05:14:14 UTC from web in context
  8. "Hi, everyone, this is Never-Edits with another video on YouTube. Remember to subscribe and favorite my video. Anyway, sorry it's been so long since my last video, I've been out doing several different kinds of boring things. So, without further adieu.. ado? Is it adieu or ado? I think it's a French saying, but... no, adieu is "goodbye", or is it? Anyway, let's get started. Today I'm going to show you this thing I built in Minecraft, let me just start up Minecraft now...

    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 02:47:06 UTC from web
  9. I'm moving into a house with a shed. What am I going to do with it?

    Wednesday, 29-Aug-12 00:41:44 UTC from web in context
  10. FAMBLY!

    Monday, 27-Aug-12 04:07:39 UTC from web
  11. freedom!

    Sunday, 26-Aug-12 07:17:27 UTC from web
  12. i'm scared to death but life must advance

    Sunday, 26-Aug-12 01:58:40 UTC from web in context
  13. anyone else here in their 30s who picked up a Canadian accent from You Can't Do That On Television on Nickelodeon?

    Monday, 20-Aug-12 04:36:27 UTC from web in context
  14. -- this video makes me forgive dubstep for existing.

    Monday, 20-Aug-12 02:05:18 UTC from web
  15. I threw up last night. And tonight I ate the rest of the thai food I ordered last night. let's see what happens.

    Monday, 20-Aug-12 01:27:44 UTC from web in context
  16. i'm too old eh. better go do something with my life.

    Friday, 17-Aug-12 14:48:40 UTC from web in context
  17. up all night playing Portal 2.

    Monday, 13-Aug-12 08:30:47 UTC from web
  18. @thatonestocking I've heard of meshnet, and I'm subscribed to /r/darknetplan on reddit. I live in a spread-out city, though, so nodes aren't going to be very close together here for a while, unless maybe I move closer to the university. Has anyone perfected the process of making a directional WiFi signal that can transmit between two houses? If I could get a range of like a mile, I might be able to get a few friends on a mini-mesh, though it might not be worth the expense right away.

    Monday, 13-Aug-12 00:17:41 UTC from web in context
  19. I anticipate that someday, trading files over the open Internet will actually become difficult or dangerous. So trading them in person will become the thing to do. And they can't stop that, because you can already buy a 32GB microSD card and mail it anywhere.

    Sunday, 12-Aug-12 21:18:47 UTC from web in context
  20. I have a terabyte NAS drive that I'm filling up. I've been buying SD cards too, because I know it will fail someday, and a lot of this I'm just downloading for future trading.

    Sunday, 12-Aug-12 21:17:09 UTC from web
  21. Alice Cooper is my usual choice for karaoke.

    Friday, 10-Aug-12 06:38:20 UTC from web in context
  22. can't stop looking at music videos on youtube

    Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 07:59:37 UTC from web
  23. Don't talk to strangers; they are only there to do you harm. [scrambls}ceigBXetW ☎∜∓≥≋ ∵☁≗≿⊸ ⊕≯ ⋜⊚∡∪∺≚≔⋗☉⊹ ⊽⊉⊿∻∴⋓ ☄⊏⊅ ∏∪☍∬≭ ∀⊄≰ ∅−≃≨ ⋉∄⊄ ≠∔⊶∻∟{]

    Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 07:48:05 UTC from web in context
  24. [scrambls}cei2AXmd7 ∡∜⊏≈≦∫≰ ⊿ ∺☈≨≺⋢ ⊫∬⊴⊎∱⋥⊯≰ ⊼≎⊝⋙ ⊖⊕⊬⊽∸ ⊹⊞ ⋥∶∗ ≑☄⊕ ⋎⋌∐ ≮∷≷ ⊢≽∉⋁ ☍⊖∄ ∉≽≐⊶☂⊤ ⊊∅⋆ ≸∹⋪⊨≦ ∖≈⊹⊨⊄{]

    Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 00:36:55 UTC from web in context
  25. anyone have any of those pocket pico projectors? I have a few questions on their compatibility with 8-bit consoles. I have one, a SHOWMX, which hs a great picture, but it doesn't work with my NES. supposedly they have a SHOWMX+ but I can't get a straight answer over whether they fixed that problem.

    Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 00:10:50 UTC from web
  26. I'd like to see this scene from Office Space re-voiced with voices from MLP. Twi as Peter, AJ as Lumbergh, Rarity as Other Supervisor, Pinkie Pie as Corporate Accounts Payable Nina Speaking Just a Moment, and of course, Fluttershy as Milton. (and the minute before and after, too, but I couldn't find that.)

    Wednesday, 01-Aug-12 00:55:21 UTC from web
  27. [scrambls}ceegBXP2b ⊀⊯⊗☃ ≛≶ ⋕⊫⋜⋆ ∼∾ ∠⊦⊄ ∲≝∶⋙ ∧⋠≉∽⊨⊓≅≪⊎⋀⊾∃≗ ≦☇ ⋔≿☌∕∏⊤≭⋧⊪⊵⊆≦⊻ ⋫⊩⋤⊓⊩∞⊠⊛≛ ⊛⊑ ≶⋛⊖≊ ☍⋔⊿≙⊿∫∇∀ ⊕∔≾∑∧≗≱⋭∻ ⋦∦ ⊛⊲∢ ≨⊁⊄ ∷≮≐≊∬∢⋝ ∡≵≋≎☎≬⊲⊒☀≲ ≾⋇⊩⋝⋂∯∴∲≮ ⊗∡≗∤⋏ ∌ ⋟≆ ∯⊔⊉≅≶⊕☇ ⊘ ∄≤≠☁⋜ ⊆☃∛☋ ⊠≺ ⋡⊭☄⊓≣⊳☎⊪ ☄⊆⊶∝⊜⊨ ≗⊍ ⊙≥⋍⊕ ≇☎⋙⊲≪ ⋂∮∊☍⊠∖ ⊏∊∛≗≨⊨{]

    Tuesday, 31-Jul-12 01:43:36 UTC from web
  28. You should encrypt as much as possible. That way, when you have something you NEED to encrypt, it doesn't stand out. [scrambls}ceeMz0nJU ≳⊘ ⊃≫☊⋁ ≁≸ ∹≀∏⋁⊯ ∍∲≯⊒ ≌∾≑≱⋁⋨⋐∗⊌{]

    Monday, 30-Jul-12 06:47:01 UTC from web in context
  29. just tried four or five conversations on # two were clearly spambots that put out a time-delayed script that gave me one of those URL-shortener URLs. Couldn't find a "report" button so I just quit.

    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 07:08:31 UTC from web
  30. I did #, or some equivalent, for a while. I met an actress, but she was dating a race car driver. #

    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 06:59:27 UTC from web

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