Notices tagged with omegle

  1. just tried four or five conversations on # two were clearly spambots that put out a time-delayed script that gave me one of those URL-shortener URLs. Couldn't find a "report" button so I just quit.

    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 07:08:31 UTC from web
  2. I did #, or some equivalent, for a while. I met an actress, but she was dating a race car driver. #

    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 06:59:27 UTC from web
  3. Blech !omegle is lame tonight. No awesomely cool discussions about epic video game creations or post-apocalyptic adventures. :(

    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 06:50:55 UTC from web in context
  4. !omegle Interesting...

    Tuesday, 26-Jun-12 05:47:34 UTC from web
  5. !Omegle... Nice site. You always can find some bronies here if you have patience ;) If someone is interested I can post more fun conversations that I've made here.

    Wednesday, 25-Jan-12 13:15:34 UTC from web
  6. !omegle EEP, was talking to someone on Omegle just now. Sudden disconnect. Probably unintentional. Hate it when that happens. However, I know the guy's girlfriend likes ponies and just got an account here, so it's not exactly a total loss, is it? :P

    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 21:15:58 UTC from web
  7. Getting people to join thru # !

    Saturday, 03-Sep-11 03:29:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  8. @theawesomepony !Omegle is quickly becoming my favorite time waster again, despite the users' gradual shift towards absolute idiocy over the last couple years. I started this the other day:

    Friday, 19-Aug-11 09:04:46 UTC from web in context
  9. @derpy @hoit21 !omegle

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 04:57:17 UTC from web in context
  10. I've been asking !omegle: "A plane crashes on the border between Canada and Mexico. Where do they bury the dead?" It took a good fifteen minutes before anyone even mentioned that Canada and Mexico don't share a border.

    Wednesday, 10-Aug-11 07:40:48 UTC from web in context
  11. !reddit !omegle Figures the one time I leave a simple method of contact out of my question a Stranger is a reddit brony. Oh well, looking completely insane before getting off was worth it.

    Monday, 08-Aug-11 12:59:26 UTC from web
  12. Been asking dozens and dozens of people on !omegle about their favorite ponies. Overwhelming number of Dash fans and very few agreements.

    Monday, 08-Aug-11 11:56:46 UTC from web in context
  13. Whoa... I just got connected to myself on !omegle, so I was spying on my own conversation. >mfw

    Monday, 08-Aug-11 04:20:32 UTC from web
  14. Apparently "ceiling cat" is the new nickname for the question-poser on !omegle.

    Sunday, 07-Aug-11 20:18:26 UTC from web in context
  15. !omegle if anyone just asked "EVERYPONY SAY YAY!" i was the brony :D

    Saturday, 06-Aug-11 23:05:42 UTC from web
  16. !omegle !aeiou

    Saturday, 06-Aug-11 21:06:44 UTC from web
  17. Huh... !omegle just added a new feature: you submit a question, and it'll connect two other people, ask both of them, and you can watch their conversation. I am totally going to ask a bunch of pony-related questions.

    Saturday, 06-Aug-11 19:26:04 UTC from web in context
  18. Someone just wrote out all the lyrics to Friday on !omegle. Hasn't that stupid song died a fiery death yet?

    Friday, 05-Aug-11 06:13:37 UTC from web in context
  19. Running into bronies on !omegle is fun. Back to spamming ponies~

    Wednesday, 03-Aug-11 05:23:27 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
  20. @derpy !omegle? Come find me.

    Wednesday, 03-Aug-11 04:53:38 UTC from web in context
  21. !omegle is so much fun.

    Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 20:48:06 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
  22. Right, synchtube died. I shall now go on !omegle for a while. Catch me if you can!

    Tuesday, 14-Jun-11 04:23:55 UTC from web
  23. !omegle Maybe it's good that I have so little faith in the intelligence of random strangers, because otherwise conversations like this would make me lose it. Stranger: ZALGOLOLOLOLOLO | Me: Your trolling attempts are weak. I am impervious. | Stranger: Do you own a horse? | Me: I have ponies on my desk. Does that count? | Stranger: LOLOLOLOL U HAZ PONEEZ ON UR DESK OLOLOLOLOL | Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Thursday, 02-Jun-11 00:49:43 UTC from web in context
  24. @starshine Haha that's awesome xD !omegle

    Wednesday, 25-May-11 12:45:08 UTC from web in context
  25. @rainbowdashismycopilot You should join the !omegle group ;3

    Tuesday, 24-May-11 18:51:47 UTC from web in context
  26. @rainbowdashismycopilot Seeya later! I'll probably join you on !omegle soon lmao

    Tuesday, 24-May-11 03:06:47 UTC from web in context
  27. @delc17 !omegle mostly

    Monday, 23-May-11 06:02:21 UTC from web in context
  28. Sometimes !omegle gives you this one really weird person whom, even though they upset you, you can't stop talking to. I was trying to roleplay Twilight Sparkle, but I feel like I was slipping out of character a few times. (I could have sworn I was successfully paraspriting him until the end.)

    Sunday, 08-May-11 07:20:56 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  29. Hey !omegle bronies, is it bad that I'm spamming Pinkie Pie's Singing Telegram all over the place?

    Friday, 06-May-11 03:52:00 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  30. Hey #, is there a Jake around here? Specifically, one who likes Twilight Sparkle and was recently on !omegle.

    Thursday, 05-May-11 20:04:29 UTC from web in context