DG's home timeline


  1. !abqbronies I don't have a clue to where to park, not being a UNM student, but here's a map with the Dominici Center marked. See you in it's auditorium tomorrow at noon! http://goo.gl/maps/HO0dy

    Friday, 09-Nov-12 23:44:09 UTC from web
    • !abqbronies Oh, to specify, I have a computer and projector and such all ready to go, but I do not have snacks/drinks/food to do anything with. Please bring stuff! STUFF!

      Friday, 09-Nov-12 18:59:43 UTC from web
    • !abqbronies Okay, so I got us the Dominici auditorium at the Dominici Center, at noon, tomorrow. I'll see you all there, hopefully!

      Friday, 09-Nov-12 18:58:42 UTC from web
      • !abqbronies Okay, so what's the big plan for tomorrow? We do have one, right?

        Friday, 09-Nov-12 16:31:22 UTC from web
        • !abqbronies, hey guys the 7th was Matt's {Erfunden's} birthday! Be sure to congradulate him!

          Thursday, 08-Nov-12 07:57:15 UTC from web
          • !abqbronies Board Game Night this friday at 5:00: http://abqbronies.forumotion.com/t49-board-game-night-11-9-12#158

            Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 02:07:48 UTC from web
            • !abqbronies, oh and That last game, "So un-rainbow!"

              Sunday, 04-Nov-12 08:13:47 UTC from web
              • !abqbronies, dude, tucker, I showed this vid to some friends of mine, and a few of em were like "dude that guy in the Viking hat is awesome!" http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=plcp&v=_UJ43LWOFj0. Also here's a vid for all the people who missed the LAN party! It was a blast! Hope more can show up next time!

                Sunday, 04-Nov-12 08:13:00 UTC from web
                • !abqbronies Just in case you were thinking about participating in movember, but don't know how to start, here's some tips from a professional: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=8w1p5UI7Siw

                  Friday, 02-Nov-12 22:11:57 UTC from web
                  • !abqbronies just shaved for movember! everything is super cold

                    Friday, 02-Nov-12 00:03:33 UTC from web
                    • !abqbronies alright! Let Movemeber begin!!!

                      Thursday, 01-Nov-12 06:37:34 UTC from web
                      • !abqbronies Season 3 Premier Party! UNM's Dominici Center auditorium beginning at 12:00 on Saturday November 10th. Bringing snack and drinks would be great! http://abqbronies.forumotion.com/t41-s3-premiere-viewing-party#154

                        Thursday, 01-Nov-12 02:24:53 UTC from web
                      • !abqbronies Game Night again this Friday. 5:00 at east Kaboom http://abqbronies.forumotion.com/t48-game-night-11-2-12#149

                        Monday, 29-Oct-12 19:09:27 UTC from web
                        • !abqbronies I should be there for the artemis party and the RPG!

                          Friday, 26-Oct-12 12:29:17 UTC from web
                          • !abqbronies, Hey guys, I plan on doin some parkour training tomorrow, sometime, if you're interested in joining me, feel free to hit me up. Just be sure to lemme know who you are if we haven't met before. Phone #: 505 250-9981

                            Friday, 26-Oct-12 07:32:43 UTC from web
                            • !abqbronies Cool, well if anybody needs a ride, from anywhere, my tank is full

                              Friday, 26-Oct-12 03:53:34 UTC from web
                            • !abqbronies ill be at the rpg for sure.....im hoping to make it to Artemis, but not entirely sure.

                              Friday, 26-Oct-12 03:48:54 UTC from web
                              • !abqbronies, who all is planning on going to the Artemis session and the RPG? I cant wait!

                                Friday, 26-Oct-12 03:06:58 UTC from web
                                • !abqbronies Hey all! So the New Mexico Tech Bronies and Pegasisters are having a Pony Premier Party to watch the first episodes of the new season (Hat tip to Khaosnmt and his GF for actually organizing it!). Anyways it's from 12-3 pm at the skeen library (the library on the New Mexico Tech campus) in Socorro NM. I know for some of you it might be a bit of a drive, but it should be fun! All we ask is that you bring something to share with everypony. If you are interested, please RSVP to the Facebook Event (so we know how much food to bring) here: http://www.facebook.com/events/341883029241591/. Hope some of you can make it!

                                  Thursday, 25-Oct-12 06:07:44 UTC from web
                                • !abqbronies guess who got his GED?!!!

                                  Thursday, 25-Oct-12 00:32:16 UTC from web
                                • @erfunden thanks matt!

                                  Thursday, 25-Oct-12 02:51:11 UTC from web
                                  • !abqbronies @supnix yep im sure you saw were meeting at kaboom on Wyoming.

                                    Wednesday, 24-Oct-12 02:20:05 UTC from web
                                    • !abqbronies So I went to the forum, and according to it there is a meetup this friday at 5:00, is this accurate?

                                      Tuesday, 23-Oct-12 19:28:08 UTC from web
                                      • !abqbronies And here is the second! http://ur1.ca/amgar

                                        Tuesday, 23-Oct-12 18:28:42 UTC from web
                                        • !abqbronies Hey all. I took some pictures at the Nerf War meetup! Here's the first one http://ur1.ca/amg9z

                                          Tuesday, 23-Oct-12 18:26:32 UTC from web
                                        • !abqbronies yes look up Artemis the game and if it looks fun to you and you have a computer you should go for it. for the NLR ya!

                                          Tuesday, 23-Oct-12 16:20:19 UTC from web
                                          • !abqbronies Hey everyone! I was looking for bronies/pegasisters (Call yourself what you like (: ) that attend CNM Westside campus. I know of at least one (Kinda chased her down today lol) Anyway, I would love to meet more of my kind of people so send me a message please! (Just found this website also)

                                            Tuesday, 23-Oct-12 03:42:01 UTC from web
                                          • !abqbronies @supnix na the chat comes in burst

                                            Tuesday, 23-Oct-12 11:26:07 UTC from web
                                            • !abqbronies Why did the whole conversation die as soon as I showed up? Weird 0.o

                                              Tuesday, 23-Oct-12 04:14:44 UTC from web
                                              • !abqbronies, ARTEMIS PARTY!!!!!]

                                                Tuesday, 23-Oct-12 03:40:41 UTC from web