chemicalbrony subscribers

These are the people who listen to chemicalbrony's notices.

  • Robert whiterose Robert Michigan

    I love listening to Metalcore music. It is a subgenre of Heavy Metal, specifically hardcore punk style. I am kinda a mix of Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Two completely different ponies in one, Whiterose my character is about the same. I also love to do some weightlifting now and again.

  • Jasmine xxjasminefireshyxx Jasmine United States

    I'm a quiet person and I like Playing and Writing Music, Writing stories, making Drawings and artwork, and watching movies. I see the world differently than others and I like it that way. I'm shy and I feel connected to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. I play Guitar, Video Games, and Usually go for a jog or bicycle ride every now and then. I'm interested in learning a lot about computers and cars, and a lot of other cool stuff. I like fantasy/sci-fi, steampunk, Action/adventure, western, and Post-apocalyptic books and movies. I like asian food. I want to travel the world sometime.


User ID
Member since
25 Sep 2012
Daily average