

  1. So, what exactly is the point of this site?

    Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:09:08 UTC from web
    1. @masterbronie It's kinda like Twitter and Facebook mashed together.

      Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:10:06 UTC from web
    2. @masterbronie And mostly about MLP, or atleast lots of references. And Welcome to the cite newpony

      Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:12:58 UTC from web
    3. @masterbronie Ponies, that's what.

      Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:13:05 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    4. @abigpony that works too

      Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:13:58 UTC from web
    5. @rainbowflash same here

      Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:15:36 UTC from web
    6. @rainbowflash I'm on whenever I'm not sleeping or at school. I spend too much time at home.

      Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:15:46 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    7. @abigpony Almost 100 degrees? Over here, "almost" 100 degrees is cool and refreshing.

      Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:20:36 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @redenchilada It's 15c where I am right now. That's about 60f. It is awesome.

        Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:21:46 UTC from web
        1. @engelhardt That sounds absolutely freezing. Are you wearing a heavy coat?

          Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:22:31 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @redenchilada Went out in a t-shirt today. I'm from Westlock Alberta, where it hits -40 (or really close to it) every winter. So 60 is pretty awesome weather.

            Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:24:16 UTC from web
            1. @engelhardt Wow. Does the air, like, freeze during winter or something?

              Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:25:07 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    8. @abigpony I am in, quite literally, the only part of Hell right now that isn't affected by the fires. Plus it's windy and less than 100. Feels great outside, man.

      Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:24:22 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    9. @abigpony Everyone around me in school was complaining about the smoke odors. Personally, I couldn't smell it.

      Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:26:39 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    10. @abigpony I feel selfishly envious of what's going on around, though. Bastrop's schools got cut for the rest of the week, while I'm still trudging around pretending to learn stuff.

      Thursday, 08-Sep-11 02:32:19 UTC from StatusNet Desktop