

  1. !midlandsponies Nottingham's always an option for somewhere more northerly than Brum, but still in the midlands. Pretty nice centre too.

    Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:19:29 UTC from web
    1. @pawnheart Nottingham is very convenient for me. I've got relatives there.

      Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:22:00 UTC from TTYtter
      1. @ceruleanspark !midlandsbronies, well, Nottingham seems like a slightly more accommodating option for northern ponies, while still being in the 'midlands' remit.

        Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:24:00 UTC from web
        1. @pawnheart and unlike london, I don't point-blank refuse to drive in nottingham.

          Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:25:42 UTC from TTYtter
          1. @ceruleanspark Well, its got a pretty sweet tram network.

            Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:29:08 UTC from web
            1. @pawnheart Yeah, but I've never had to get out of my car and make threatening remarks to a cab driver in Nottingham either.

              Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:29:57 UTC from TTYtter
      2. !midlandsbronies If ponies are interested in attending, it would be great if you could DM me. Note: This is not, at this stage, a confirmation: merely to get an idea of numbers and where ponies are coming from. Ta muchly!

        Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:27:31 UTC from web
        1. @pawnheart Do I need to DM you?

          Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:29:02 UTC from TTYtter
          1. @ceruleanspark Nah its cool, I gotcha!

            Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:29:33 UTC from web
            1. @pawnheart Well, if I go, @cptscoot will probably also be going.

              Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:30:38 UTC from TTYtter
              1. @ceruleanspark Cool... should I put him down or wait for feedback?

                Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:33:14 UTC from web
                1. @pawnheart Unless there's some clash with a family holiday or exam periods or whatever, it's probably a given.

                  Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:33:57 UTC from TTYtter
    2. @pawnheart We go. To Nottingham. </BBC's Robin Hood reference> Eh, I could probably get there.

      Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:25:36 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin Darling you could always get the train to my town and I'll drive you there.

        Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:27:00 UTC from TTYtter
        1. @ceruleanspark That's kind of you to offer, my lamb. We shall discuss this further when details become more concrete!

          Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:33:43 UTC from web
          1. @thelastgherkin Well, you can get a train to within 5 minutes of me whenever you wish darling

            Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:34:41 UTC from TTYtter
            1. @ceruleanspark You tempt me with your forbidden fruit.

              Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:37:07 UTC from web
              1. @thelastgherkin Any time you want me darling

                Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:41:54 UTC from TTYtter
      2. @thelastgherkin The location is still open to a bit of shunting... are you up for coming along?

        Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:30:15 UTC from web
        1. @pawnheart Sure thing. Provided I'm free.

          Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:33:55 UTC from web