

  1. Wowsers. It's Bambi but with Rainbow Dash.

    Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:13:36 UTC from web

      Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:13:55 UTC from web
    2. @thelastgherkin I do believe this is the largest post RDN has seen.

      Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:15:37 UTC from web
      1. @scribus Thanks, Twibutt!

        Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:16:42 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin Even more baffling than the fact that I have this icon is the fact that I still have this icon.

          Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:17:33 UTC from web
          1. @scribus lol at your avatar

            Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:18:18 UTC from web
          2. @scribus A great time to change your name to Scriba? You, the viewer, decides!

            Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:18:33 UTC from web
            1. @thelastgherkin Is it October yet? I've got plans for October. Plans which will probably irritate me before a week is done...

              Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:22:03 UTC from web
              1. @scriba October's on SaturWAIT YOU DID IT

                Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:23:59 UTC from web
                1. @thelastgherkin Yes. Yes, I did.

                  Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:24:44 UTC from web
                  1. ATTENTION EVERYPONY @scriba IS NOW A WOMAN, TAKE HEED

                    Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:25:30 UTC from web
                    1. @thelastgherkin Oh goodness, not this again...

                      Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:25:55 UTC from web
                      1. @seanthesheep What do you mean, 'again'?

                        Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:27:06 UTC from web
                        1. @thelastgherkelda The community I... Migrated from did the whole "Everypony is gender swapped lololololololololol" thing. it was highly amusing #

                          Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:29:25 UTC from web
                          1. @seanthesheep It was only supposed to be me and Scriba. (I think it's a fetish thing. It's totally sick, but I play along just to pander to him. Uh, her.)

                            Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:31:15 UTC from web
                            1. @thelastgherkelda Yeah, that's how it started...

                              Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:31:38 UTC from web
                            2. @thelastgherkelda Hay! It's not a fetish! It's just a kink!

                              Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:35:19 UTC from web
                              1. @scriba Fetishes start out as kinks.

                                Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:39:48 UTC from web
                    2. @thelastgherkin Are you following suit, Gherkina?

                      Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:26:34 UTC from web
                      1. @scriba Hold on, I just need to remember the name we agreed on.

                        Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:27:32 UTC from web
    3. @thelastgherkin Holy kiwi, you're right.

      Thursday, 29-Sep-11 20:17:25 UTC from web