

  1. Episode 4 # image

    Thursday, 20-Oct-11 17:14:51 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @colfax Posting spoilers causes impotence.

      Thursday, 20-Oct-11 17:15:42 UTC from web
      1. @jinny Not when you add the # tag.

        Thursday, 20-Oct-11 17:20:53 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @colfax Doesn't matter. :3 Still does. God knows it. ;)

          Thursday, 20-Oct-11 17:22:31 UTC from web
      2. @jinny Posting spoilers during or after an episode should have the death penalty. Posting before, and # tagged, is A-OK.

        Thursday, 20-Oct-11 17:23:33 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin Not according to the ideology of Nonpostingspoilertarianism. Which states that, "The common man, though sensible is very curious and my out his own curiosity click on spoilers, thus spoiling himself. This will cause a breakdown in the new-ness of an episode, and if done enough times, bring a breakdown of the natural order, resulting in President Ronald Raegan being resurrected from the dead to lead us back to a new Golden Age."

          Thursday, 20-Oct-11 17:26:07 UTC from web
    2. @colfax yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!! :D

      Thursday, 20-Oct-11 17:17:25 UTC from web
    3. @colfax #: That's actually Celestia in costume.

      Thursday, 20-Oct-11 17:19:49 UTC from web
    4. @colfax Hee! Saw that on their Facebook page a little while ago, and was all like (Warning: Potential #), "YES! All ya'll who said that other leaked shot showed Luna was going to go bad! In your FACE!" *preens, thrn blushes* Er, I mean . . . Yay. :)

      Thursday, 20-Oct-11 17:26:33 UTC from web