

  1. So, you guys, I just found out that reality is coded in a ternary version of Object Pascal. WHY. I can't do object based in there factors, that doesn't even make sense! Curse you reality!

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 14:51:54 UTC from web
    1. @theonepony At least it's not in colorForth. Why is that even a thing.

      Thursday, 03-Nov-11 14:55:42 UTC from web
      1. @theonepony @drewdle Pshaw dears, reality is pure machine code stored on a warehouse full of punchcards.

        Thursday, 03-Nov-11 14:59:31 UTC from web
        1. @jinny I'm sure if I knew the language it wouldn't be that bad/

          Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:00:30 UTC from web
          1. @theonepony It's not bad dear. ^^ Just a bit time consuming. xD

            Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:02:34 UTC from web
            1. @jinny I wonder how big the section storing info about dicks is?

              Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:03:31 UTC from web
              1. @theonepony Wait what? I would guess that it would only be few bits, since they're so simple a construct.

                Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:04:34 UTC from web
                1. @jinny But what kind of variation functions would you have to use? Imagine programing that.

                  Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:07:16 UTC from web
                  1. @theonepony Nooooo...if programmers made the universe, it would be 1 bit. 0 for male, 1 for female. xD Programmers are lazy dear. ^^

                    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:08:47 UTC from web
                    1. @jinny Well, to get the level of variation we do, it would have to be a fair bit more complicated.

                      Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:10:22 UTC from web
                      1. @theonepony Wait a moment dear, what are we talking about in terms of variation again? ^^ Forgive me, my mind is a bit scattered, but yes. If it's variation you want, we'll bump it up to a byte. hehe.

                        Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:12:26 UTC from web
                        1. @jinny That's what I mean. Also, how many warehouses are we talking?

                          Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:13:02 UTC from web
                          1. @theonepony Ok, well. We could still fit it all into one warehouse. ;)

                            Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:14:32 UTC from web
                            1. @jinny Are we talking about 3'x5.5' cards?

                              Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:15:32 UTC from web
                              1. @theonepony These babies. I dont think they're 3 feet by 5.5 feet. ^^

                                Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:18:15 UTC from web
                                1. @jinny You punch out so many holes in a three foot by five and a half foot punch card.......

                                  Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:22:15 UTC from web
    2. @theonepony It could be worse. Think if reality was programmed in QBASIC.

      Thursday, 03-Nov-11 14:58:08 UTC from web
      1. @drewdle No. Dear Gog no. Hehehe. It could, theoretically, be done in Braikiwi.

        Thursday, 03-Nov-11 14:59:11 UTC from web
        1. @theonepony *Braindole

          Thursday, 03-Nov-11 14:59:35 UTC from web
        2. @theonepony Although to be fair, I'm glad reality isn't programmed at all. Imagine waking up and the first thing you have to do is declare your variables.

          Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:00:29 UTC from web
          1. @drewdle It's got it's own reference database. I was scrolling through for a few hours and I only got to absinth before I had to stop.

            Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:01:55 UTC from web
    3. @theonepony Reality is programmed in Ath. It's even canon now.

      Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:00:10 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark That's a Troll language, though.

        Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:02:50 UTC from web
        1. @theonepony and they [REDACTED] our entire universe. In the most recent episode the [REDACTED] double reacharound even kicked in. Ours is the second universe it imports.

          Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:05:26 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark But ~ATH isn't available in on the web. I'd have to write in notepad or something until a functioning HTML plugin shows up.

            Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:09:27 UTC from web
            1. @theonepony Sollux codes it at a CLI. You just need to man up.

              Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:10:51 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @ceruleanspark Blugh. I hate chromatic languages. That's why I was complaining about colorForth.

                Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:12:02 UTC from web
                1. @theonepony I was under the impression that the coloration in ~ath was actually syntax highlighting, rather than any function of the language itself.

                  Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:12:55 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  1. @ceruleanspark No, it's not really, but you have to use color specification if you want to alter entropy in any meaningful way.

                    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:14:47 UTC from web
                2. @theonepony I don't think ~ath actually alters entropy. I think it just uses a measurement thereof for timing its loops.

                  Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:15:43 UTC from TTYtter
                  1. @ceruleanspark Normally it doesn't, but the coloring let's you do all sorts of neat stuff.

                    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:18:37 UTC from web
                    1. @theonepony /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ I know a more efficient way to reverse entropy.

                      Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:20:24 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                      1. @ceruleanspark Holy nuts, that's adorable.

                        Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:21:15 UTC from web
                        1. @theonepony Kyuubey is one of my favourite anime characters ever.

                          Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:22:34 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                          1. @ceruleanspark hi pony pal

                            Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:23:16 UTC from web
                            1. @theawesomepony Hey bro. Just got back to my desk. What's up?

                              Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:16:19 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                              1. @ceruleanspark not too much yourself ? what are you up to ?

                                Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:18:39 UTC from web
                                1. @theawesomepony At this moment in time I am: Correcting a document template someone typed over. Setting up a new laptop for a member of staff. Setting up user accounts for two new starters, debugging a blackberry server, overseeing the installation of a thinprint client on my company's main server, transferring clients between sections of our business database, extracting data from our client database for analysis, adding fields to some of our bordereau templates and uplift documents. And this, I guess.

                                  Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:21:52 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                  1. @ceruleanspark sounds intense what's your job

                                    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:25:32 UTC from web
                                    1. @theawesomepony I am the sole IT person for a 50 person company. Also, all 50 people know nothing about computers.

                                      Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:32:13 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                      1. @ceruleanspark Your job must be a lot of fun.

                                        Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:33:01 UTC from web
                                        1. @redenchilada I think about suicide on an almost daily basis.

                                          Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:33:30 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                          1. @ceruleanspark Oh no, don't do that. We'd all miss you. Like, seriously. I'd hold a candelight vigil if you did.

                                            Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:34:38 UTC from web
                                            1. @redenchilada I managed to score in the highest possible bracket for my depression diagnosis. It's the only time I've ever gotten first place at anything

                                              Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:36:10 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                              1. @ceruleanspark :(

                                                Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:36:31 UTC from web
                                          2. @ceruleanspark Yeah, the thought is never far from my mind either. But I'm always able to fight it off.

                                            Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:35:14 UTC from web
                                          3. @ceruleanspark Well stop it, if you top yourself you;ll miss future episodes of MLP.

                                            Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:35:45 UTC from web
                                      2. @ceruleanspark that stinks so you are basically having to educate them right

                                        Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:44:10 UTC from web
                                        1. @theawesomepony He has to fix their problems, because they don't want to learn themselves, and want to communicate to him with screams and grunts. @ceruleanspark

                                          Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:45:34 UTC from web
                          2. @ceruleanspark I never really liked the anime version. I much preferred the manga.

                            Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:25:38 UTC from web
                            1. @theonepony What, Jyuubey?

                              Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:19:03 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      2. @ceruleanspark @colfax Wait just a moment. Am I so much of a lady that Golden Harvest is a euphemism for something, and I don't know about it?

        Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:03:38 UTC from web
        1. @jinny Nope.

          Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:05:55 UTC from web
          1. @colfax Ok hehe, thank you for clarification. ^^

            Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:07:47 UTC from web
      3. @ceruleanspark ~Ath. As in "till death".

        Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:06:25 UTC from web