

  1. But that's not all, I then get an e-mail from Amazon telling me that my Sonic Generations Collector's Edition won't be able to be delivered, as they seem to have lost it and I've been given a refund, and had to buy the cheapest alternative which is a PS3 one at £140 as others are 200 to 300 quid, I did have to pay double which sucks considering I played it safe and pre ordered it back in SEPTEMBER to avoid higher prices, but I should count my blessings that I was able to get one and can still rent it from Love Film to play it on 360. Talk about a bloody day! !sonic !vgp

    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:26:00 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @leonkfox what the hell man that sucks

      Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:26:46 UTC from web
      1. @metal Indeed...

        Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:36:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @leonkfox :/

          Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:37:08 UTC from web
    2. @leonkfox That sounds like an absolutely awful day; on the plus side: Sonic Generations is super good and you'll have loads of fun with it

      Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:27:19 UTC from web
      1. @pallettwist Yeah, hope Love Film are able to get the rental copy out to me soon :)

        Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:36:12 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @leonkfox (To be honest with you, I've beaten the main story and I'm about 60% fully complete after only playing one day)

          Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:37:38 UTC from web
          1. @pallettwist Well, it would have been a rent anyway (I rent a lot of games nowadays) but it had an EPIC collector's edition, which was why I pre-ordered it two months back. Fat lotta good that did though, eh?

            Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:40:58 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @leonkfox I really wanted it but I couldnt afford it :(

              Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:41:33 UTC from web
              1. @pallettwist Sorry to hear thay. :(

                Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:42:04 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                1. @leonkfox It's fine, really. I'm saving for a better PC anyway..

                  Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:42:33 UTC from web
    3. @leonkfox I got mine yesterday. o.o That sucks though :/

      Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:28:14 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @shori Eeyup, it does. But I could have it a lot worse and have been forced to pay £200 to £300 for it. Still, 80 quid would have been ideal...I'd had it pre ordered at that price for two bloody months as well. :/

        Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:34:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @leonkfox Here's hoping you do get it soon, though. :3

          Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:36:11 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        2. @leonkfox Make sure you give us an unboxing video, I've seen really grapesty made videos on things made by little kids but your assassins creed 2 one went straight to the point... And I know there's a LOT of stuff in the sonic generations collectors edition, one of, if not the best collectors edition of any game so far by the looks of it, anypony suggest otherwise? !sonic

          Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:37:16 UTC from web
          1. @purplephish20 Oh believe me, there WILL be an unboxing video. I've seen other people's and knew I was going to do one, I always do when I get new games (which isn't as often as it used to be thanks to Love Film ^^;) especially Collector's Editions.

            Saturday, 05-Nov-11 23:41:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid