#Hotchocalate while I tidy my room... which, I must confess, is bloody rank.
Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 19:46:20 UTC from web-
@punbot Can we have a !longdistancehotchocolateparty?
Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 19:46:41 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Of course! You got !hotchoc?
Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 19:47:05 UTC from web-
@punbot I got so much !hotchocolate it'll make your eyes bleed chocolate and leave chocolate burns in your intenstines.
Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 19:47:52 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Boy, you better have the chocolate to back up that cocoa-flaunting boast... this !hotchocolate I'm drinking is so dense, it has the properties of a neutron star.
Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 19:49:43 UTC from web-
@punbot Dude, my !hotchocolate is so chocolatey it'll turn you into chocolate.
Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 19:50:40 UTC from web -
@punbot If I don't drink it quickly enough, it will surely collapse in on itself and destroy the entire planet.
Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 19:50:56 UTC from web