

  1. D'aww

    Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:42:33 UTC from web
    1. @macpony55 Noogies!

      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:44:32 UTC from web
      1. @tenmihara

        Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:46:25 UTC from web
        1. @macpony55 I approve of this

          Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:48:01 UTC from web
        2. @macpony55 Moar Spitfire!

          Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:50:40 UTC from web
          1. @eaglehooves @tenmihara This one's a little odd

            Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:51:56 UTC from web
            1. @macpony55 PinkieDashFire Threesome? All kinds of yes

              Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:55:08 UTC from web
              1. @tenmihara >Goes on RDN. >Sees this. >Not sure if reason to go on RDN or reason to stay away.

                Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:56:14 UTC from web
                1. @flaxx I don't blame you. :p

                  Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:57:00 UTC from web
                  1. @pinhooves D= Now I feel bad u.u

                    Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:57:28 UTC from web
                    1. @tenmihara Wait, why do you feel bad?

                      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:02:57 UTC from web
                      1. @pinhooves Because it seemed like I made things awkward for you again D=

                        Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:03:54 UTC from web
                        1. @tenmihara I don't find it awkward at all. :3

                          Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:06:12 UTC from web
                          1. @pinhooves That just means someone needs to take it to the next level. . . ;-p

                            Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:07:01 UTC from web
                          2. @pinhooves @flaxx Oh, okay. I don't feel bad then ^^ How're you guys doing this boxing day then?

                            Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:07:17 UTC from web
                            1. @tenmihara Alright. Enjoying some Dead Island. Ready for MK7 yet?

                              Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:08:03 UTC from web
                            2. @tenmihara Pretty good. Clock's 4 am right now, and I'm just checking EqD. Might go play something for a while. You?

                              Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:08:54 UTC from web
                              1. @flaxx Gonna play some MK7 with @pinhooves shortly =D Just wanted to fiddle with some of the kart customizations

                                Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:12:18 UTC from web
                                1. @tenmihara Ah, nice! Hope you have fun! :D

                                  Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:14:18 UTC from web
                  2. @pinhooves I think it leans towards 'reason to go on RDN', though. >.>

                    Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:59:38 UTC from web
                    1. @flaxx That changes everything then. :p

                      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:01:06 UTC from web
                      1. @pinhooves Well, I can't say I have anything aginst shipping... :P

                        Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:04:26 UTC from web
                        1. @flaxx I have nothing against it. :p

                          Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:07:41 UTC from web
                          1. @pinhooves Yay! Accept ALL the shippings! :D

                            Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:09:12 UTC from web
                            1. @flaxx I accept all, but I'm more into the colt and colt shipping. :3

                              Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:09:59 UTC from web
                              1. @pinhooves Well, I accept that kind of shipping too! :D

                                Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:11:41 UTC from web
                    2. @flaxx That makes me feel slightly better, but I didn't mean to put off @pinhooves D= I was just joking around ><

                      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:01:28 UTC from web
                      1. @tenmihara Oh, don't worry, it takes waaaaaaaaaay more than /that/ to scare me away! No worries!

                        Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:04:53 UTC from web
              2. @tenmihara Pinkie just seems random here

                Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:57:56 UTC from web
                1. @macpony55 When is Pinkie not random? XD

                  Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:00:50 UTC from web
                  1. @tenmihara good point

                    Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:21:50 UTC from web
                    1. @macpony55 I'm full of them ^^

                      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:25:44 UTC from web
            2. @macpony55 Just Dashie getting shipped with everypony like usual, just in parallel instead of series.

              Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:55:14 UTC from web
              1. @eaglehooves eeyup

                Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:57:41 UTC from web
    2. @thesinistergreydragon412 *googles*

      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 02:55:59 UTC from web
    3. @thesinistergreydragon412 Eventually. Why?

      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:11:07 UTC from web
    4. @ponydude2143 @yodelerty More people! More fun! =D

      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:18:51 UTC from web
      1. @tenmihara Yeah! Party!

        Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:21:34 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @yodelerty Gotta add !3ds friend codes. make sure you all have mine added too

          Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:23:38 UTC from web
          1. @tenmihara I'll add you when I get home, don't worry. And then I'll whup yer flank. >:3

            Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:25:08 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @yodelerty It. Is. ON!

              Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:25:51 UTC from web
    5. @thesinistergreydragon412 Well, I'm on vacation. So there's not really any reason for me to go to sleep, is there?

      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:23:55 UTC from web
      1. @flaxx Sleep is for the weak :D

        Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:24:43 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos No, sleep is for the tired. And I'm not tired. Not yet. :P

          Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:26:35 UTC from web
          1. @flaxx You can interpret it that way too, I suppose.

            Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:28:43 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos And for once it's not a misinterpretation.

              Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:32:38 UTC from web
              1. @flaxx It's a late christmas miracle!

                Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:32:59 UTC from web
                1. @nerthos And it's the bestest Christmas miracle ever!

                  Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:36:25 UTC from web
                  1. @flaxx Let's make it last!

                    Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:37:24 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos Yes! We can't misinterpret anything for the rest of the day!

                      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:38:13 UTC from web
    6. @ponydude2143 I see the registry; this is gonna be great

      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:31:07 UTC from web
    7. @thesinistergreydragon412 Ah. I shall be sleeping in a while, but not right now. Still got stuff on EqD to check up and whatnot. What're you up to tonight?

      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:32:17 UTC from web
    8. @ponydude2143 I'll be the one who hosts it I guess. :p

      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:34:37 UTC from web
    9. @thesinistergreydragon412 You'd better not be having strange butt fun with @hoit21!

      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:36:45 UTC from web
    10. @ponydude2143 Joined a group. Join if you can.

      Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 03:37:08 UTC from web