

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @abigpony grapes please

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:45:21 UTC from web
    2. @abigpony And she has a unique perspective, considering her relationship with the fourth wall.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:46:42 UTC from web
    3. @abigpony Scootaloo's a pony. >_>

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:47:34 UTC from web
      1. @yodelerty Jack Harkness: Anything that moves

        Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:50:55 UTC from web
        1. @tenmihara "Excellent bottom." And then I laughed so hard I nearly died. :D

          Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:53:41 UTC from web
          1. @yodelerty Always; Love Cap'n Jack

            Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:54:34 UTC from web
            1. @tenmihara He is definitely best captain. :D

              Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:55:25 UTC from web
            2. @tenmihara

              Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:55:52 UTC from web
              1. @scribus Nope; Captain Jack harkness

                Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:56:57 UTC from web
                1. @tenmihara Yeah, I know. But Captain Jack (not-Harkness) did make some of my favorite DDR songs!

                  Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:57:31 UTC from web
    4. @abigpony Alright, considering the toys I suddenly question her intellect. Further.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:49:08 UTC from web
    5. @abigpony >:| <-Angry Canadian.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:50:24 UTC from web
    6. @abigpony We should get a compilation of dancing ponies.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:50:45 UTC from web
    7. @abigpony Oh, yeah. Well, now I think she may have something against our little community.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:51:43 UTC from web
    8. @princesstwilight I like where this thread is going.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:53:00 UTC from web
    9. @abigpony And... I have no more pictures of Scootaloo, but SHE'S A PONY, DAMMIT!

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:54:46 UTC from web
      1. @yodelerty Are you guys talking about that chicken scootaloo? I love her!

        Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:56:33 UTC from web
        1. @cherrysundae >:| PONY

          Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:57:32 UTC from web
          1. @yodelerty cluck cluck #

            Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:58:10 UTC from web
            1. @cherrysundae #

              Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:58:53 UTC from web
              1. @yodelerty D:

                Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:00:08 UTC from web
                1. @cherrysundae :D

                  Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:02:23 UTC from web
          2. @yodelerty The Master Awakens

            Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:58:41 UTC from web
            1. @tenmihara And then becomes a silly, silly, evil man. :D

              Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:59:15 UTC from web
              1. @yodelerty Or a silly, evil evil man

                Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:00:02 UTC from web
                1. @tenmihara Or an evil, evil, silly Time Lord!

                  Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:01:54 UTC from web
                  1. @yodelerty Such amazing music in this episode

                    Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:02:53 UTC from web
                    1. @tenmihara I'm going to have to rewatch it then. I don't remember the awesome! D:

                      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:05:21 UTC from web
                      1. @yodelerty Especially the piece that plays right after Yana regenerates into Saxon

                        Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:06:43 UTC from web
                        1. @tenmihara Stop! The timeline is too busy! I don't have time to watch it again and you're making me want to! D:

                          Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:07:58 UTC from web
    10. @abigpony I dunno. She assaulted Spike with cake.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:56:14 UTC from web
    11. @abigpony Look at her, being cheered for her good dancing. Now I have back my pony files, so it's time to get into it and see if I can find some dancing ponies in the sea of pics.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:56:20 UTC from web
    12. @abigpony I've honestly lost track of where this started, and have been replying to each dash without full understanding of the context. Busy RDN is busy...

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:00:02 UTC from web
    13. @abigpony I was wrong.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:01:27 UTC from web
    14. @abigpony Someone should make that about 10x640 and put it across a Geocities page in the late 90s.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:01:33 UTC from web
    15. @abigpony Oh, right. Well, um... I suppose it's not so much that I thought she disliked us, as I just had to wonder considering Hasbro's response (lawl, I'd typed "Hasblo!"). Why employ a spy, then ignore her intel? Someone somewhere has dropped the ball.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:03:29 UTC from web
    16. @abigpony Why, man, why? D:

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:03:43 UTC from web
    17. @thedarkandsinistergreydragon412 Yes. Everything pony-related.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:03:59 UTC from web
    18. @abigpony Not as dance, but it's nice still.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:04:34 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos @abigpony also

        Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:05:28 UTC from web
    19. @abigpony Dark matter applejack? I like it.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:06:13 UTC from web
    20. @abigpony So why don't we get show-accurate toys? I mean, the butterfly

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:06:33 UTC from web
      1. @scribus UGH! Confounded different keyboard... *ahem* I mean, the butterfly-winged Rarity is nice, but then they went and did the other five the same way.

        Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:07:06 UTC from web
    21. @abigpony Greatest picture, but I'm missing what the joke behind Applejack is.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:07:12 UTC from web
      1. @yodelerty Same.

        Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:07:53 UTC from web
    22. @thedarkandsinistergreydragon412 I don't, but that is what makes them hilarious.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:08:08 UTC from web
    23. @abigpony Density, look at the floor.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:08:23 UTC from web
    24. @abigpony Which reminds me, I've considered writing a line of fanfics with the purpose of finding how deliberately bad they can be before nobody finds any enjoyment from them.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:08:46 UTC from web
    25. @abigpony Such a tragedy... All that work, for naught.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:09:28 UTC from web
    26. @abigpony It's not very acurate, though. Dark matter would react with normal matter destroying both. Dark matter applejack would mean Applebuck=end of ponyville.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:11:34 UTC from web
    27. @abigpony Never read any of his, so I don't know.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:14:25 UTC from web
    28. @abigpony But I'm made of science! And meat, too. So tasty.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:16:21 UTC from web
    29. @abigpony but scienc is good!

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:16:29 UTC from web
    30. @abigpony eeyup.bigmac

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:19:09 UTC from web
    31. @abigpony OH GOD I CLICKED IT what is my problem!? D:

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:20:59 UTC from web
    32. @abigpony Well, that was over quickly. A bit too obviously terrible for my liking. XD

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:23:01 UTC from web
    33. @abigpony Okay, okay, I'll give it another shot.

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:24:13 UTC from web
    34. @abigpony Okay, so on take two, there was some serious hilarity there, but most was meta and not quite what I would be going for. So good! There's still a niche for me to fail my way into! :D

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:29:36 UTC from web