

  1. "You know, for a 419 scammer, you actually have rather respectable English and typing. I'm sure you'll see great (if immoral) success in your future." If only I had the patience to REALLY mess with them...

    Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:16:55 UTC from web
    1. @scribus Trust me, messing with scammers is hilarious. Even better is out-trolling a troll.

      Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:18:57 UTC from web
      1. @xtux345 I'm sure it is, and I would love to, but I just don't have the patience to wade through their horrible attempts at communication. :p

        Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:20:05 UTC from web
        1. @scribus You can also put on a hilarious/confusing accent. It requires a fair amount of patience, but trust me, it's worth it.

          Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:22:06 UTC from web
          1. @xtux345 I though about just copying various letters from H. P. Lovecraft stories and seeing how long they put up with me, but that's a LOT of typing and I'm not that bored (yet).

            Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:25:31 UTC from web
            1. @scribus I've planned on either threatening them about tracking their call and reporting them Anonymous, or just using random clips of Granny Smith muttering.

              Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:26:59 UTC from web
              1. @xtux345 Oh, mine are e-mail. Still, so much potential... I'm reading a really bizarre one right now, it's amazing the things people will do.

                Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:30:54 UTC from web
                1. @scribus Hmmm... link them to Weird Al's "Stop Forwarding that Crap to Me". It'd be quite ironic of you to do so (given the message of the song), but it'd be quite funny to do so.

                  Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:32:27 UTC from web
                  1. @xtux345 I considered MC Frontalot's "Message no. 419," about exactly the scam they were trying to pull. Maybe next time.

                    Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:35:35 UTC from web
                2. @scribus The only fun I get to have with that type is forwarding the e-mail from nigerian princes trying to get their money into the US to the canadians trying to sell cut-rate viagra, and vice-versa.

                  Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:37:34 UTC from web
                  1. @colfax That is also an idea... Much like sending pizza coupons to credit card companies (which I never remember to do when I get those damned offers!).

                    Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:40:30 UTC from web
                    1. @scribus I once send my first ever ISP payment in Monopoly money with a note telling them that's what their service warranted, and if they wanted real money they needed to provide real service.

                      Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:42:36 UTC from web
                      1. @colfax How'd that go for you, you magnificent kiwi?

                        Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:44:18 UTC from web
                        1. @scribus Let's jsut say it eventually ended with the glass in their front door getting broken and the counter inside getting a couple feet snapped off the end...

                          Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:45:35 UTC from web
                          1. @colfax . . . Heavy, Doc.

                            Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:47:29 UTC from web
                            1. @scribus Bear in mind that this was a dial-up ISP (that's all we had back in the day so hush, young'uns) that had the policy of dropping your connection every six hours whether you were idle or not.

                              Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:49:06 UTC from web
                              1. @colfax lol dialup

                                Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:50:23 UTC from web
                              2. @colfax Oh, now that's just... I mean... How do people like that sleep at night?

                                Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:54:37 UTC from web
                                1. @scribus I made sure they didn't, I made sure the owner knew that I knew where he lived, they policy got changed eventually but by that time there were on the verge of going out of business.

                                  Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:56:14 UTC from web
                                  1. @colfax The problem is that people forget they can tell companies to off if they don't like what they're getting. Then the companies pull more crap because they can get away with it. But, that's not ponies.

                                    Saturday, 14-Jan-12 03:01:05 UTC from web
                                    1. @scribus Let's just say that for the longest time I had massive amounts of free time and absolutely no moral compass whatsoever, that, coupled with a working knowledge of explosives, led to many an interesting adventure

                                      Saturday, 14-Jan-12 03:04:00 UTC from web
                                      1. @colfax And you're not sitting in a prison cell right now because...?

                                        Saturday, 14-Jan-12 03:06:10 UTC from web
                                        1. @redenchilada Because I never got caught, and by now the statute of limitations has run out on most of what I did back then.

                                          Saturday, 14-Jan-12 03:07:12 UTC from web
                                      2. @colfax Adventures? Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner!

                                        Saturday, 14-Jan-12 03:08:54 UTC from web
                          2. @colfax You sound like a completely peaceful guy that anyone would enjoy being around at all times.

                            Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:48:56 UTC from web
                            1. @redenchilada I have a very low tolerance for either idiots or bullpapayas, otherwise I'm quite easy to get along with, just don't be stupid and we're fine.

                              Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:50:35 UTC from web
                              1. @colfax I'd be miserable hanging out around you, then. :<

                                Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:51:16 UTC from web
                                1. @redenchilada It's worse when I'm driving, I can make road rage into an artform.

                                  Saturday, 14-Jan-12 02:53:17 UTC from web
    2. @princesstwilight Among other things, aye, but the closest I ever got to missiles was a home-made ballista and flying a remote controlled rocket-powered guitar across Greenwood Lake.

      Saturday, 14-Jan-12 03:08:40 UTC from web
      1. @colfax >"remote-controlled rocket-powered guitar"

        Saturday, 14-Jan-12 03:11:18 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada What?

          Saturday, 14-Jan-12 03:13:46 UTC from web
    3. @abigpony Would have... if that cabin cruiser hadn't gotten in the way.

      Saturday, 14-Jan-12 03:13:37 UTC from web
    4. @abigpony Well yeah, I was trying to steer the damn thing from a mile and a half away, the guy in the boat was right there...

      Saturday, 14-Jan-12 03:15:07 UTC from web
    5. @abigpony Bollocks, it went further than I planned, so as far as I'm concerned it was a success.

      Saturday, 14-Jan-12 03:18:07 UTC from web
    6. @abigpony And you've just gone from mildly amusing to insulting, don't go any further...

      Saturday, 14-Jan-12 03:20:12 UTC from web