

  1. I'd forgotten that alternate meaning of HD that means "recorded by camera from a TV screen".

    Monday, 16-Jan-12 12:36:42 UTC from web
    1. @thelastgherkin If you're recording a HD source that's totally legit HD.

      Monday, 16-Jan-12 12:43:06 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @ceruleanspark It's like those HD glasses that apparently make you see real life in HD.

        Monday, 16-Jan-12 12:44:10 UTC from web
        1. @fallinwinter Man I saw some of those whilst I was in new york. I was so close to buying them but then I realised I'd just be supporting the company responsible and chose not to.

          Monday, 16-Jan-12 12:44:43 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @ceruleanspark @fallinwinter HD Vision Ultras. I've memorised most of that informercial, 'cos it was playing repeatedly when I worked at Superdrug. "Everything just... pops!"

            Monday, 16-Jan-12 12:51:09 UTC from web
            1. @thelastgherkin DO THEY COME IN A CLIP ON VERSION.

              Monday, 16-Jan-12 12:52:31 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @ceruleanspark >implying it's not cool to wear multiple pairs of glasses on your face

                Monday, 16-Jan-12 13:25:23 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada Nice Heartstrings avatar.

                  Monday, 16-Jan-12 13:26:24 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  1. @ceruleanspark @redenchilada :cocks shotgun: we are NOT doing this right now.... ARE WE!?

                    Monday, 16-Jan-12 13:28:42 UTC from web
                  2. @ceruleanspark @redenchilada Here we go again... ^_^ *Grabs Popcorn*

                    Monday, 16-Jan-12 13:29:17 UTC from web
                    1. @fallinwinter I guess not.

                      Monday, 16-Jan-12 13:32:35 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                      1. @ceruleanspark !selectivemoderation

                        Monday, 16-Jan-12 13:33:28 UTC from web
            2. @thelastgherkin I don't know what I question more, the company trying to sell this or the people who think these work.

              Monday, 16-Jan-12 12:58:08 UTC from web