

  1. Great news, I managed to convince my cousin to at least check out MLP:FiM :D He said to send him a link to an episode via a PM on Facebook for a to decide the best episode to do it with x.x (not using the opening 2 parter) !convert

    Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:44:24 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @leonkfox LESSON ZERO

      Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:44:53 UTC from web
      1. @zarkanorf One I shall definitley consider!

        Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:48:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @leonkfox Sonic rainboom is a good one...

      Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:45:35 UTC from web
      1. @nlghtmaremoon Nice one ^^ Will take it into account.

        Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:49:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    3. @leonkfox Sonic Rainboom, Winter Wrap Up, Party of One or Fall weather Friends

      Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:46:26 UTC from web
    4. @leonkfox Winter Wrap Up, if he likes singing. Otherwise Sonic Rainboom.

      Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:46:44 UTC from web
      1. @forestrain Sorry, even though I like the episode somewhat, I definitley won't be using Winter Wrap Up ^^; That episode's song almost turned me off the show as it was the first thing I properly saw of it.

        Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:50:51 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @leonkfox Now I have cause to seriously doubt your judgment...

          Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:52:24 UTC from web
          1. @colfax Sorry bro, but I well and truly do not get the fuss behind that song ^^;

            Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:59:55 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        2. @leonkfox *fluttercry*

          Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:52:39 UTC from web
          1. @forestrain Sorry ^^; I know I'm in a severe minority, but I REALLY do not like the Winter Wrap Up song...or most of the songs in general bar for 3, 4 if you count the incredibly short "So Many Wonders"

            Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:59:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @leonkfox HEATHEN

              Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 05:00:33 UTC from web
              1. @yodelerty How dare you call me such things! :O

                Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 05:05:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    5. @abigpony One of my favourites, but I'm not sure ahout that one as of now.

      Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:49:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    6. @leonkfox Try"The Return of Harmony" It'll force him to watch part 2! :D

      Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:50:18 UTC from web
      1. @getacutiemark if not, then Sonic Rainboom all the way!

        Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:51:28 UTC from web
      2. @getacutiemark There wouldn't be any context though if they were show the second season pilot before the first season

        Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:52:26 UTC from web
      3. @getacutiemark I'd prefet to use a more "Normal" episode of the show though, one of the slicsle of life episodes, if you take my meaning.

        Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 05:01:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      4. @getacutiemark *slice

        Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 05:01:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    7. @abigpony >mfw Party of One's abbreviation.

      Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 04:57:00 UTC from web
    8. @abigpony Party of One! A damned good suggestion right there ^^ (at least I think so)

      Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 05:00:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    9. @abigpony Hmm...true :/

      Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 05:04:31 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    10. @abigpony Just posted a full list of the episodes I'm considering linking him to :)

      Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 05:35:46 UTC from MuSTArDroid