

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @chipperlunaro TWILIGHT.

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:05:54 UTC from web
    2. @chipperlunaro TWILIGHT.

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:06:16 UTC from web
    3. @chipperlunaro I wonder who it can be.

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:06:41 UTC from web
    4. @chipperlunaro Scootaloo. Your favorite pony is Scootaloo.

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:07:41 UTC from web
    5. @thatonepony out

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:07:47 UTC from web
    6. @chipperlunaro That works too.

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:08:56 UTC from web
    7. @thatonepony how are you ??????

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:09:04 UTC from web
    8. @chipperlunaro She's a good enough pony. :D

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:10:05 UTC from web
    9. @thatonepony aha my favorit number is 64

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:11:05 UTC from web
    10. @chipperlunaro It's funny because I act completely different in any other community.

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:11:14 UTC from web
    11. @chipperlunaro Frikken ponies, man.

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:13:20 UTC from web
    12. @thatonepony why is that i said sorry for calling you tonepony

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:14:43 UTC from web
    13. @thatonepony eror code : derpymuffns

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:16:33 UTC from web
    14. @chipperlunaro ...I know the name, and I honestly can't remember if I read it or not.

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:18:18 UTC from web
    15. @thatonepony i did that a loooooooooong time ago

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:19:27 UTC from web
    16. @thatonepony Ok, if you won't take a suggestion from a user, take an order from a moderator. Cut it out.

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:21:07 UTC from web
    17. @chipperlunaro usually, when i talk to people, i try to be nice.

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:28:55 UTC from web
    18. @chipperlunaro you were talking about being nice to people

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:30:58 UTC from web
    19. @chipperlunaro i do not look very friendly, but i try to be cool to everypony

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:38:47 UTC from web